Election 2008 and Beyond: Your Power As An Individual

Originally published on TheCosmicPath.com on September 15, 2008.
With Pluto now direct for his final two-plus months in Sagittarius, prejudices and religious extremism are finding shrill and insistent voices. I have been besieged multiple times daily by patronizing, sniping, gloating and bullying from one end of the political spectrum, outrage and panic from the other, and an appalling flood of recklessly incorrect information from both sides. Deep and profound terror is surfacing about what may be in store for us. I’ve had some myself, including phenomenally disconcerting surveillance and home invasion dreams when Pluto stationed before going direct on September 8. Predictions abound that nobody would have dreamed up a few years ago:  We’re in for a repeat of the Great Depression; the election will be stolen; the election will be called off and martial law imposed. Maybe. Maybe not. Nothing is written in stone. Multiple possible realities are before us, and we are collectively choosing which one we will experience.With Venus, Mars and Mercury traveling together in Libra – the sign of relationships, harmony and justice – I implore you to strive for a conscious choice based on those values, rather than a subconscious fear frenzy that fuels nightmares into realities.

Remember: Thoughts and words carry energy. If you pour a lot of energy into something, you are underscoring its existence and importance. If you’re constantly fighting against something, you’re empowering it just as much as if you constantly ran around singing its praises – maybe more, actually, because you’re probably more passionate about your dislikes than your likes, and the intensity of passion works as rocket fuel. Start being mindful of what you are thinking and saying about the economy and the election and especially the candidates. Furious, hateful and terrified energy can’t create anything but fury, hate and terror. If nasty energy is coming at you and you meet it on its own terms, you end up validating it, embracing it and becoming one with it. You feel physically and emotionally awful as a result, and you’re participating in the spread of the pathogen. Also, when you argue vehemently against someone’s position, you are handing power to that person and letting him/her define the conversation. And you are dignifying that person and position attention – which is just what they want.

So take control. Shore up your perimeters and reclaim your intactness; it’s the imperative of September’s Pisces Full Moon. If you really can’t stand a candidate, stop talking about him or her so much. If you are furious and feel powerless about a claim, lie, proposal, whatever, transmute your emotion – which is powerful – into something else. Stomp it off; weed your garden; get it out of your body and your energy field. Then, if you still feel compelled to speak out or act, do it from a position of calm, centeredness and integrity. Act; don’t react. Turn your focus, attention and energy toward what you do want. Talk about the candidates and positions you do support. Work for them, rather than against their opponents. (If you can’t muster enthusiasm about anyone on the national level, look for something in a state race. Or a local one.)

Above all, think and speak in terms of the world you want to be living in a few months down the line, rather than the possible one you fear will be imposed on you.  Nurture that vision. Bring it back to mind every time you’re knocked off-center by a news item or e-mail forward or bit of conversation. Make that vision your starting point and your homing point.

What’s going to happen in the election is all up in the air. Astrologers are working themselves into fits trying to make sense of the candidates’ charts and the transits on election day and inauguration day. Predictions are wildly varying. The clouds of Neptune are all over the election. Yes, there could be confusion, fraud, deceit, thievery, another delayed outcome…but Neptune’s other octave could just as easily color everything. And that would be the higher expression, of divine love. Not “love” from the “My God can beat up your God” school of divinity, but the enlightened awareness of and link to the consciousness that flows through and interconnects all beings. Harness that connection and work it. Talk, act, live, envision and vote from a platform of love, not of fear. Do that and you will be fine, no matter how mundane events play out.

The more people do this, the more the individual intentions will amplify each other, and the better off all the participants will be.  It’s as if 1 + 1 will not equal 2 or even 3, but 100. Or 1000.  And the more love is poured into our fractious world just now (or ever), the less food there will be for fear-based scenarios to evolve from possibility to reality.

Please pass this on to every person you know voicing fears about what’s coming – and anyone else who could use a reminder of the power of the individual.

When you’ve achieved one impossible, the other impossibles come together to be with their brother. Sun Ra