Forecast for December 2014

Reviewing and wrapping up are part of every December. This year’s process is more far-reaching than the norm. Instead of looking back at just the year, we’re looking at several multi-year cycles that are hitting significant measuring points at once.

We’re nearly done with the intense change imperative that has been disrupting and morphing the status quo since the summer of 2012. And we’re finishing up two years of lessons in how we share, trust and reciprocate (or not).

A lot that happens this December is going to feel era-ending, larger-than-life, profoundly important, maybe fated, and high stakes to an extreme. These characteristics color the entire holiday season, not so much disrupting it as giving it rich, deep textures. Warm and fuzzy moments will still abound, but with a calculating awareness of change and sometimes loss, of what matters most and of how very different life is becoming.

The utter restructuring of our lives is one pervasive issue. By now, you should be acutely aware of what’s at stake for you. Likely you have moved from having it happen to you to actively grappling with it (especially since December, April and this fall). The month brings the next-to-last clash between the two bodies that have been forcing profound structural change since 2012.

Don’t be surprised if your thoughts go back two to three years (and if they don’t, send them there) by the 15th, when Uranus and Pluto, agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, form the sixth of their seven action-demanding aspects. The lightning strikes and seismic shifts coming off this should not be bringing huge new elements into the picture, but pushing into being the revised approaches, structures, goals and relationships that have been stirring below the surface.

Our hearts, values, relationships and above all bank balances factor in. Their ruler Venus is returning to the cold reality of Capricorn on Dec. 11, bringing us full circle from her retrograde that started the year. What we’re seeing, experiencing and birthing now grows out of the the reevaluation and sorting that we all did from last December through January. (Mars in Aquarius, starting on the 4th, adds to our generally detached, matter-of-fact stance.)

All these issues, people and situations get worked over by the change agents as they move toward their clash the 20th, which blasts us with epiphanies and jailbreaks, while inflaming desires that can not be denied. (So much for detachment.) We’re going to want what we want with startling, breath-taking passion, consequences be damned (although in many cases they will actually be allied with higher forces).

Minds, conversations and all manner of vehicles quickly respond. They get a workover early in the month courtesy of the Gemini full moon on the 6th, which spotlights which of them have value and which have run their course (and sets fire to the more expansive and fun ones). Those break apart, shift, evolve and lock in tightly when Mercury, ruler of our information and travel flow, runs the gauntlet of the change agents on Christmas Eve and Day. No “Silent Night” this year; those two days promise important, forceful and ultimately profound communication. Again, don’t be surprised if thoughts and conversations wander back to last year, as well as to two summers ago and earlier.

The remaining wrap-up involves Saturn ending his two-year stay in Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius on Dec. 23. The taskmaster has been in Pluto’s sign for much of the Uranus/Pluto clashing. This has factored issues of shared resources, power, trust, reciprocity and responsibility into the ongoing evolution of our personal and collective infrastructure. With the shift to Sagittarius, we will experience the ramifications of beliefs, laws, broadcast information, and attitudes toward all things foreign. The immediate impact will be heightened awareness of systems of thought, and taking (or experiencing) responsibility for what we believe.

Be forewarned: With that switch happening immediately before Mercury’s scuffle with the change agents on the 24th and 25th, karma will be instant, and there will be no take backs. Your beliefs about certain people and situations (family, probably) are up for utter destruction. Everyone stands to benefit. You don’t want to be thought of as a child, and it may well be time to let your relatives be who they are now, instead of the rigidly constructed characters in your memory.


2012-12-23 12.16.56

Keep focus on the present as the cycles come back around for review. Actively acknowledge them when they pop up, and make a point to acknowledge your growth as well. So much of your inner and outer landscapes has altered over the past three years. An appropriate way to usher this one out would be a burning bowl. Write down what you are bidding adieu, what you are keeping and embracing, and what you are welcoming in. Burn the paper(s) in a large bowl, ceremonially, around midnight as the year shifts.

Whether you do that or not, next year will be different. Easier. More expansive. Possibly even happier. Bless everything in this crazy-making year that played a role.

Learn more in my weekly podcast, full and new moon forecasts (posted a day before) and guide for Fall 2014. In honor of the month’s first weekend, read my St. Nicholas Day memories (including the year he showed up at my door. Seriously. Really.).

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Dec. 1-7, 2014

Stabilizing. Energizing. Burgeoning desire. Then we move into Mr. Spock mode but with hearts on fire. Paradox? Sure. Spread it anyway.

Learn more in my weekly podcast, guide for Fall 2014, forecast for November (extended and flash) and forecast for Saturday’s Gemini Full Moon, which will be posted by Friday. In honor of this weekend, read my St. Nicholas Day memories (including the year he showed up at my door. Seriously. Really.).

Forecast for the week of Dec. 1-7. 6:59 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text and recording © Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Kindle Fire and Windows 8 Phone. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99.  For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly fromAmazon here! For the Windows 8 Phone, go to the Windows 8 App store and search for astroinsight. (Here’s how.)

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Time Lord, Indeed: An Astrological Look at Doctor Who

The astrological underpinnings to cultural phenomena can sometimes be jaw-dropping. Such is the case with the BBC’s long-lived sci fi series Doctor Who. Key aspects of the series and the Doctor himself jump out with dazzling precision from the chart of its premiere (5:16:20 PM November 23, 1963, London).

It’s a perfect expression of the series’ premise, which follows a mysterious time lord on his travels through time and space. Most of the defining elements appear in the chart’s packed sixth house, which describes day to day affairs as well as the role of service.  The line-up delivers a super-sized dose of adventure, exploring, a teaching, mind-expanding streak, journeying far from home base (mentally and physically), an on-the-go “Don’t Fence Me In” imperative.


These characteristics come from four pivotal placements in Sagittarius, starting with the Sun in the very first degree of the sign. This gives the show’s basic personality the rawest, least refined expression of the sign: pushing beyond normal horizons, interacting with the foreign, an educated mindset that can be philosophical, optimistic and yet judgmental, and, speaking more of the show itself, a bent for media.

Mercury, planet of communication and travel, pumps up these traits with intelligence, quick wittedness, the ability to communicate across languages, the get-up-and-go wandering of both the Doctor and the story lines, and, not to forget, the singular vehicle of the T.A.R.D.I.S. Could there be a better expression of the expansive Sagittarian perspective than thew oft-recurring commentary, “It’s bigger on the inside than the outside?”

Fueling these traits to epic proportions is an easy flow between the Sun/Mercury team and the sign’s ruler Jupiter, in impulsive, daring, self-starting Aries. (Interestingly, three of the lead actors not only have the sun in Aries, but conjunct the premiere’s Jupiter:  the 5th, Peter Davison; the 10th, David Tennant; and the 12th, Peter Capaldi.) The combo is an intellectual cousin of Captain Kirk, who uses his mind instead of his fists.

He’s also wired for companionship. A female companion has traveled with the Doctor from the beginning, and, no surprise, the device is in the chart: a tight Venus/Mars conjunction right on top of the doorway to the partnership house. Venus represents not merely a woman, but relationship and values; Mars is both a man and the masculine drive.  This lineup shows a man and a woman adventuring together. It also describes the show’s internal consistency, which has remained despite changes in cast, writers and show runners.

A shroud of mystery, fantasy and dark undercurrents comes from the remaining sixth house planet, Neptune in the middle of Scorpio.  This injects illusion — and the broadcast screen — into the show’s purpose.

Versatility, verbal skills and quick-change artistry are shown by the Gemini ascendant. This sign underscores the flitting nature of the plots, which have darted from one story line to another, rather than clinging to an insistent arc.

More telling, though, is the activity on the angle at the top of the chart. The midheaven shows the  show’s career, reputation and reach out into the world.  This midheaven accurately describes not only characteristics of the show, but its role in the world. The MC is sandwiched by the Moon in Aquarius — progressive, futuristic, bent on the greater good, alien, the Doctor’s distant-to-nonexistent emotional nature — and the time lord Saturn. This bears repeating: The time lord Saturn is on the midheaven of a show about — a Time Lord! The planet also indicates authority and longevity (and the long delay in production that would come in 1989), while the 10th house Moon lends charisma and a quirky, commanding and distant charm to both the character and the show. That Moon placement also shows great public appeal and affection, and a network of fans, ultimately linked by technology.

Dovetailing with that is the series’ mission, shown by the Cancer North Node in the second house of values and earned money. (Interestingly, the sun of the First Doctor, William Hartnell, is on top of the show’s Capricorn South Node, while Third Doctor Jon Pertwee’s Sun conjoins the North Node, Both enjoyed a connection to the project that could be called karmic, the first rooting it in what it would move away from, and the other taking in to the direction that would be its path.)

The Cancer North Node shows a purpose of nurturing and protecting. The Doctor’s adventures frequently have him stepping in to save a society. Creating a family of fans has been an offshoot, and long with that the potential for financial growth and security.

And what of the defining characteristic that later developed, the Doctor’s regenerating? It’s in the chart. Pluto, the ruler of death and rebirth, is in an adjustment aspect to that Saturn on the midheaven. The time lord, and the show, would periodically undergo a transformation that is not linear, such as snake shedding its skin and coming out looking like the same snake, but a radical adjustment. The core is the same, the power of the Time Lord remains, but the shell and parts of the personality have changed.

This is true, once again, of both content and form. The Saturn/Pluto link builds regeneration and magnetism into not merely the character, but the show’s existence and appeal to the public as well.

Do take a look as well at The Daily Madame’s superb summing up of the Doctor and his Sadgeyness, A Time Lord turns 51 (at least): The Astrology of Ultra Sag, Doctor Who.

Here’s the first theme (which has itself undergone revision after revision):

And all of the Doctors’ regenerations:


© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Nov. 24 – 30, 2014

Learn more in my weekly podcast, guide for Fall 2014, forecast for November (extended and flash) and forecast for the Sagittarius new moon. Been feeling/noticing despair? Read how to Stay Bright Amid the Darkness.

Forecast for the week of Nov. 17-23. 6:18 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text and recording © Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Kindle Fire and Windows 8 Phone. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99.  For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly fromAmazon here! For the Windows 8 Phone, go to the Windows 8 App store and search for astroinsight. (Here’s how.)

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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2014 Sagittarius New Moon

November 22, 2014
4:32 AM PST / 7;32 AM EST / 12:32 PM GMT
0 Sagittarius 07

Get ready to energize. Our outlook on life, relationships and money get a boost from this month’s Sagittarius New Moon. It offers a raw blast of adventure, optimism and expanded perspective.

Like last month’s Scorpio New Moon, this month’s is just barely minutes within the sign, which gives an unrefined and primal quality to its expression.  Sag is enthusiastic, curious, freedom-loving and high-spirited, often prone to find the positive and the humor in anything. The ruler of the sign and this moon is Jupiter, a beneficent, expansive, fun-loving influence, which ups the stakes of any action it nears.  Add to this Venus’s recent entry into the sign, and all these qualities are set to super-charge the atmosphere.

A fundamental fieriness, warmth and appetite for life is resurging. Tap into it. Life force and vitality are coming back, and along with it the ability to laugh at life and yourself. Sag is highly gregarious, and Venus in that sign encourages socializing, fun for its own sake and raucous good times.

Because of her proximity to the New Moon, relationships continue to be a central factor. Money does too, especially as a symbol of worth and appreciation. Who shares your values? Who values you? Who resonates with your particular brand of joy for living?

People have been parting ways lately, and you might in for another round of seeing some connections in a different light.  A factor is at work that could just as easily romanticize relationships as increase delusion and deception to the point of getting your attention. The cause is a harsh aspect between Neptune (the cosmic fog machine, as well as the font of compassion and transcendence) and the teamwork of the New Moon and Venus. Since Venus and Neptune are the two rulers of love, worldly and spiritual, use the impact as a signal to respond with compassionate to the people in your life — and any who depart now.

Eyes on the ones who stay, please. Celebrate the abiding connections. Share fun and adventure, too. Sharing amplifies them. It’s like the difference between watching a funny movie by yourself at home and seeing it in a theater filled with people. When it’s shared, laughter spreads like wildfire and can lead to a cathartic experience.

After a grueling fall, we could all use the opportunity to blow off steam and recharge. No more isolating. No more quietly contemplating the turmoil and course corrections of the past six to seven weeks (or taking refuge in a fetal position atop your bed).  Talk and philosophize about them, yes; look for higher meaning, yes; but mope about your lot, no.

Pity parties are at an end. It’s time for happy hour.  You know the saying about looking at life as a glass half full? It can be full to the brim if you let it. Full and overflowing with champagne, or your celebration beverage of choice.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

Forecast for Nov. 17 – 23, 2014

Clear your mind, open your heart, and take a chance or three. Life force is rekindling in all of us. Let your flame grow and add to the sparks around you. it’s starting to feel like … holidays! In a good way!

Learn more in my weekly podcast, guide for Fall 2014, forecast for November and forecast for the Sagittarius new moon, which will be posted by Friday under Astro-Insight. Been feeling/noticing despair? Read how to Stay Bright Amid the Darkness.

Forecast for the week of Nov. 17-23. 6:18 minutes. Please do not forward w/o copyright notice intact, which is: Text and recording © Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Listen to my podcast on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Kindle Fire and Windows 8 Phone. For Apple devices. get the free app Podcast Box, then search for the Astro-Insight app (it’s under Religion & Spirituality) and purchase it for $1.99.  For Android and Kindle Fire, buy it directly fromAmazon here! For the Windows 8 Phone, go to the Windows 8 App store and search for astroinsight. (Here’s how.)

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Nov. 10-19, 2014

Halloween may have passed, but spookiness abides. Shape-shifting. Manifesting. Stabilizing. Then going deep, deep deep.

Learn more in my podcast for this week (7:15 minutes), Fall 2014 astro-talk, and forecast for November and the Taurus Full Moon. Been feeling/noticing despair? Read how to Stay Bright Amid the Darkness.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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How Does Your Garden Grow? 2014 Taurus Full Moon

November 6, 2014
2:22 PM PST / 5:22 PM EST / 10:22 PM GMT
14 Taurus 25 / 14 Scorpio 25

by Kathy Biehl

Manifestation is the theme of this month’s Full Moon in Taurus. Don’t expect to stare in a shop window and will a piece of jewelry to appear around your neck, as misleadingly popularized by “The Secret.” No simple, wishful thinking is at work now. Instead, what’s coming into being is a direct outgrowth of how you have been responding to the change imperative that has been destabilizing and restructuring your life.

Earth plane, mundane developments are very much in play now. Ruled by Venus in her most sensual form, Taurus is the first of the earth signs, the most fully and immovably affixed to immersion in the physical.

The experience of the senses is paramount:  the taste and texture of food; the sensation of fabrics against the skin and bare feet in the dirt; the aroma of flowers, grass and rain; the comfort of cash in the bank. While this can and sometimes does express as laziness and hedonism, the sign also holds the potential of the other extreme:  spirit coming down into physical form.

Look for both in the developments that are blossoming now.  Heaven on earth is not merely a cliche. It is actually occurring, in simple forms that we humans can understand, if we will only open to it.

This Full Moon is at the middle of the Taurus/Scorpio axis of resources, values and sharing. The event’s hostess, Venus, has just passed the Sun and is still in the thick of the action, bringing money, value system and relationship issues to the fore. What is in your garden? What is blossoming?

The new growth has several key characteristics, no matter how the details are taking shape in your life. First, it has an overlay of healing (thanks to Venus trining Chiron), either bringing a new expression of compassion and love, if you have come to peace with a long-standing wound in your being, or from exposing such a wound to light and, potentially, balm.

Second, the growth is occurring in areas that have been drawing and demanding attention since June of 2012, when cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto first set off the tectonic plate shifts that have been restructuring foundations in our lives. While with reflection you may be able to connect dots from then to now, more recent times sowed the seeds of this month’s harvest.  Think back to the week between last Christmas and New Year’s, and then to this past April. What is the story line from then to now?

The Full Moon is at the same degree where the cardinal cross took place last April. The spring’s cardinal configuration provided the initiating force. This Full Moon, in fixed signs, focuses on staying power.  Seedlings are on the brink of shooting up fiercely, or of being uprooted.

The triggers are already building and go off in the next week .Mars, planet of action, meets Pluto, lord of death and rebirth, on November 10, forcing new structures into being (and uprooting the dying). The god of war then pressures volatile, rebellious Uranus on the 12th, blowing away husks and debris and setting off quick changes in both directions.

Breathe. Don’t freak. Don’t anticipate. Don’t fall into Chicken-Little thinking. You already know what is in play. The particulars may surprise you (unpredictability is always a factor, when Uranus is involved), but the nature of the game is clear, and so is the location of the playing field.

Hang on to the harvest metaphor.  This Full Moon lights up what you have sown. Reap it and consider whether you want more. Does the growth nourish you? Does it reward your investment of time, energy, emotion, money? Embrace it and commit, and put no more effort into anything that deserves negative answers to those last questions.

Our only option  is treating this harvest seriously and responsibly. That’s the requirement of Venus’ meeting with Saturn on the 12th (the same day, take note, that Mars tangles with Uranus). Relationships and agreements will turn on a dime into arrangements with staying power, or hit walls, limitations and separations that are likely insurmountable.

Go for the sweet, the nourishing and sustainable. If any portion of your harvest proves bitter, that’s a clue that it can not keep you, or itself, going. Mulch it, let it rot, walk away from it, but do not expect it to blossom and please you. The goddess is in the details. Heed her messages.


I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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