Blast Off! Forecast for the 2012 Aries Full Moon

By Kathy Biehl

September 29-30, 2012
8:20 PM PDT/ 11:20 PM EDT / 3:20 AM GMT
7 Aries 22 / 7 Libra 22

Enough of this processing business. It’s time for action.

You’ve gone about as far as you can stand just sitting with all those shifts and twists and eruptions you’ve been mulling over, dreaming about and generally hammering into a concept of reality that makes sense to you.

All the energy that has been building up — frustration, excitement, anger, a whirring that you can’t put a label to — is hitting critical mass.

You — and everyone, and everything — are on the brink of putting aside conscious, rational thought and simply exploding, erupting, jumping from fences and out of stuck places and leaping, boldly, wildly, impulsively.

That’s exactly what Saturday’s Aries Full Moon is inciting. It has the power of dynamite with a short fuse, and it’ll be lit before you realize what’s happened.

This is the moment you take to heart the change imperative of the Uranus/Pluto square. Those agents of uncontrollable and unavoidable change are still locked in the conflict that peaked September 19. This weekend the Sun and the Moon join them in the ring.

Awakening, rebellious Uranus, thrower of lightning bolts, monkey wrenches and bricks, is the last planet the Sun and the Moon contact before facing off with each other. Mind and heart bristle with electricity, nervousness, crazy and unsettling world-tilting possibilities and the call of the wild.

The Moon is especially susceptible to them, with Uranus as her closest companion. Hearts will engage. Emotions will catch fire. Action will follow, with little or no time (or inclination) to check your fuel gauge or the direction you’re facing or the safety on your gun (metaphoric, please). If you’ve been lacking in nerve, boy, howdy, is an injection of it coming.

The resulting outbursts (and the weekend) are going to dynamic, rollicking, boisterous, perhaps maddening, and anything but neat and tidy. The time is past, for the moment, of sitting back, watching and singing “Que Sera, Sera” while you try to talk yourself into the philosophical approach to frustrating developments. Assertive action is finally possible, allowed and called for. We may be simulating lids blowing off pressure cookers.

As the Sun and Moon link up with the Uranus/Pluto square, they are creating a configuration called a t-square (two opposing bodies and one directly between them). Pressure from the Sun, at one end, and the Moon and Uranus, at the other, is funneling into Pluto in Capricorn, who is dredging muck and demons up from the basements of our psyches and performing extensive, fundamental remodeling of our personal and societal structures.

The pressure challenges us to Do Something About Them. A lot of that Something will take the form of ending, for well and good, situations that are teetering, rotting, withering or on life support. Saturn is at the final degree of Libra, in his final days in the sign, finishing a two and a half year review course in relationships — what we believe about them, what we accept in them, what we bring to them, and what we are no longer willing to do or accept.

As a result, some Full Moon leaping will involve breaking free at last from ties that we have not been able to shed. The shackles aren’t all relationship-related, of course. For the past two and a half years Saturn has been challenging each of us to behave with more commitment and responsibility in the Libra house(s) of our chart. We’re finishing up, perhaps even mastering, those lessons now, while simultaneously completing the larger cycle of maturity that launched in 1983, when Saturn last departed Libra for Scorpio.

Some of that Something will take the form of leaping into the new as well. We’re in a distinct moment of gear shift in relationships. New ones are forming as old ones are leaving. The new ones bear the imprint of the Uranus/Pluto change dictates, as well as the hoof marks from leaping rams bounding into them with abandon.

A couple of caveats, as you head into the fray. Orient yourself. Face the direction you want to explore. You are not likely to check your coordinates when the motivation goes off in you. And stretch beforehand; otherwise running or jumping from a standing position could strain a muscle.

As I keep saying….have fun!

© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Falling! Forecast for October 1-7, 2012

How are you doing? Last week was an exciting, exhilarating, illuminating, jolting and sometimes terrifying ride. Tremors and shifts are abating but not going away. They’re pushing us, as the month ends, into a personal metamorphosis as profound as the outer ones that have been erupting all around.

Two major influences are overlapping and spawning this week’s atmosphere of relentless processing and adapting. Change agents Uranus and Pluto remain locked in combat (review last week’s forecast for what that’s about), while order-loving Saturn is in the last full week of his tour of duty in relationship-oriented Libra.

These two themes keep the predawn hours hopping all week long. Events, twists, changes and realizations have been coming at you at supersonic speed and continue to make their presence known in your sleep. Downtime isn’t so much rest as it is processing, while you update your internal operating system to match current conditions.

Remember that you can work with this. Ask for a dream to help you understand a situation, or to answer a question, or to show another way of looking at your matter of concern (an especially potent request, by the way). Add two requirements to your request: that you remember it, and that it use imagery that you understand. Look for hints, if not the answer itself, in your early thoughts the next morning, then note what else bubbles up in the next day or two.

Uranus and Pluto are serving as touchstones for our hearts, emotions and psyches, which are coming at the change agents from a variety of vantage points — sometimes comfortably, sometimes not. Increasingly, though, we are growing accustomed to the rifts, epiphanies, endings and new structures that are reshaping our worlds. We are also beginning to get the hang of the new order of life, a phrase that you will encounter again and again in the daily forecasts below.

You can help this along by literally letting go of the past: clearing out drawers, shelves, closets and files. With Uranus and Pluto still in harsh and direct contact, it’s appropriate to take an uncharacteristically ruthless approach. Don’t just purge items that no longer work or fit. Ditch ones that you would not have purchased at this point in your life — especially clothes (even if they’re in good shape), because what you wear is such a visible reflection of you. Get rid of objects that trigger unpleasant memories or associations. They might be just the ticket for a friend, or a neighbor (check out Freecycle), or a charity.

Some of that clearing out will touch on interpersonal connections. No matter where the explosions, eruptions and breakthroughs have been happening for your, this week highlights their impact on your relationships and agreements. Saturn is finishing up the relationship lab that he has been running since July 2010. It’s closing down in early October, not to return for 29 years.

The deadline’s approach is creating an air of urgency to tie up loose ends, put existing associations on renegotiated footing — or to rest — and handle all the related paperwork and legalities. Simultaneously, new matters and connections are ramping up, which will move into fuller form once Saturn slides into Scorpio next month.

Both ends of the spectrum are occupying our thoughts and conversations. Developments will go beyond the level of intellect, though; things are going to finally start happening. Venus and Mars, the archetypal female and male, rulers of our heart and our drive, see a lot of action this week, including a clinch of their own. Their square-off predawn Thursday has the power to stoke frustrated desires past the point of tolerance. The contact is motivating — pushing folks off fences and into action, blasting situations out of stuck places and sending of sparks like the verbal sparring that passed for foreplay in 1930s screwball comedies. If none of this plays out for you as the aspect is building Wednesday, check what (and who) is on your mind Thursday morning.

The change imperative swells again to a fevered pitch by Saturday, when the Aries Full Moon locks into Uranus and Pluto’s link. The line-up creates a dynamic configuration of a t-square, with Pluto in Capricorn bearing the brunt of the pressure. Resistance is futile; evolution is occurring, like it or not.

Odds are, you will. The Moon is right on top of Uranus, the unpredictable, uncontrollable radical (and genius) of the skies. Inner adolescents will be out in force, testing limits and demanding to be given the car keys. The call of the wild will be irresistible; so will the call of the new. Time to put down your pencils and turn in your assignments. Relationship lab is ending. Next up: special projects. And this Full Moon has you leaping from the first to the second. With gusto. More in my mooncast, which will be on the site by Friday.

For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! NEW: You can now get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Clear Your Head: 2012 Virgo New Moon

September 15-16, 2012
7:11 PM PDT/ 10:11 PM EDT / 2:11 AM GMT
23 Virgo 37

Keeping your wits about you is advisable when an earthquake, demolition or high drama is underway. A renewed ability to do that is coming our way with this month’s Virgo New Moon. It’s bringing our minds back into focus and offers discernment, critical thinking, boundaries and awareness of health.

With Mercury, ruler of this Moon and of our mental processes, in proximity to the event, it’s giving our minds a boost and a tune-up, which will help you perceive much in your life more clearly.

You may actually get a racing sensation, as if your mind is in overdrive. That’s because the Sun and Moon are still in an easy link to Jupiter, who makes anything he contacts mushroom and zoom. He’s also greasing the flow of certain, well, sensible topics.

Practicalities are natural topics of thought and discussion. Analyzing, even over-thinking, is second nature, for the nonce. Reality checks are both advisable and welcome. Sobriety is appealing. So are well-drawn boundaries, sturdy fences and behaviors that support your well-being, like eating broccoli, keeping a regular bedtime and, perish forfend, stepping away from the computer or TV and getting some exercise.

Those inclinations are also coming from good old feet-on-the-ground Saturn. He’s in the picture, too, in a growth aspect to the New Moon, as he inches toward the end of his tour of duty in relationship-oriented Libra. This ups the incentive to clean up those loose ends (you know what I’m talking about), tackle the details of winding down and clearing out everything that is not going with you into the next phase of your life.

That same connection to Saturn also encourages choices that are healthy for you — in your thinking, in your words, in how you treat and feed your body, in your relationships, in the simplest and all-pervasive details of your daily life. That nudge is going to prove highly useful. Listen to it.

It’s one of the gifts of this New Moon, which is a perfectly timed assist to the changes and endings that are reshaping our worlds inside and out. This event occurs on the brink of the next clash of the titans, the Uranus/Pluto square on September 19, as well as the autumn equinox on the 22nd. The energies of the New Moon are linked to the radical transformation underway from the square, which are in turn fused to the chart for the equinox. In other words: What’s going on now affects the entire fall season.

A glimpse is possible of what that will bring. The New Moon is making a cooperative link to the North Node of destiny, a contact that offers an unemotional and piercingly perceptive preview of where all our current developments are heading. Worry and paranoia are possible side effects. If you slide into them, pay attention, and tune up your thinking by harnessing Jupiter’s optimism and asking: How does this benefit me?

Wrap your mind around the Uranian/Plutonian changes and the endings that are part of Saturn wrapping up his time in Libra. Consider consequences and ramifications. Face what you know you have to do. Use your own health as a measuring stick, too.

It’s time to sort the wheat from the chaff. Keep in mind: Some of that wheat is for you. Don’t give it all away, or put it into circumstances that are beyond nourishing. Use some for your own well-being.

And make a point in the coming days, no matter what happens, to head for the highest point of elevation. Climb on top of the rubble around you if you have to. Look far out into the distance and into the future. The entire path may still not be in view, but you can see a destination — and some of the steps that will take you there.

© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Something’s About to Give: Forecast for September 10-19, 2012

Another round of radical, fundamental change is on its way. This week, we’re actively working with it. Embracing it, even.

The week begins and ends with aspects by the Moon to Uranus and Pluto, the two bodies gearing up for a fight, and whose protracted combat is shaking and reshaping landscapes inside and out. The combatants are still moving into place for their September 19 appointment (see <a href="“>last week’s forecast). We’re not at their mercy by any means, as the aspects bookending the week will demonstrate. In fact, lots of people are nor merely figuring out the personal ramifications of this clash, but reaping substantial benefits from it.

The benefits are coming in dazzling forms, better than a mortal mind could have imagined. Circumstances are falling into place that could not have been consciously engineered and that profoundly enhance the quality of existence, now and into the future.

My most dramatic example is the most recent. It happened for a friend who’s had a couple of bizarre and dispiriting years looking for permanent work, with jobs he’d accepted evaporating as if an unseen protector had pushed him away. Last week an interview popped up for a position with job duties so unique and specialized that Someone Up There could have cribbed them from his resume. The job was his within hours. My friend reports the other side shared his amazement at finding each other.

This is playing out all over the spectrum of life, involving everything from landing a dream car with financial ease, to unlocking and unraveling years, maybe lifetimes, of crippling emotional patterns, to relationships developing that are beyond what you ever dared dream possible, to receiving and accepting (that’s a key component) angelic levels of money, practical assistance and loving care during illness.

A common thread is being tenaciously, uncompromisingly, unyieldingly true to yourself, and the outer world rearranging to match and support that. Yes, the rearranging has taken a while, but it is happening now.

Turmoil does remain widespread, of course. An air of inevitability and inescapability is cloaking everything, welcome and not so welcome. With Saturn in the final weeks of the relationship lab he’s been running for two years, inescapable deadlines are looming and pressuring folks into addressing all manner of issues, clean-up work and loose ends before the bell rings at the beginning of October.

Raise your hand if an outside force recently delivered the incentive for you to deal with a matter you’ve been putting off, and you dealt with it. As for the rest of you — you have been hit with incentive, right? It isn’t going anywhere (except maybe more into your face).

But you know this. If you’ve recently dealt with a lingering issue, you’ve already experienced well-being blossoming in the space you’ve cleared or rearranged. If you’re in the camp that’s still dallying, you know, in your heart of hearts, that the situation can not go on much longer.

But you also know that the situation you’re dodging is on the brink of changing, along with so many other aspects of our lives. The problem is, no one knows with certainty exactly what is around the bend (or, to keep my previous imagery going, what will happen with the fighters finally go at each other.)

It can be unnerving to sense something coming and be unable to either speed it along or step out of the way. Even the magically positive developments coming into view can be unnerving. On the one hand, we don’t dare believe that they’re real (oh, but they are); on the other, because they will upend our comfortable way of life and lob it into distant memory.

Reframe: You can control where you place your feet, who you spend your time with and how you respond emotionally and energetically, no matter how chaotic and powerful the universal forces may be just now. You control what goes on inside of you. And you may control, or at least steer, a lot more.

This week, look for signs of how the current processes benefit you. They do, somehow, even if you are in physical agony, even if you are reeling from a relationship break-up, even if you are not sure where the money’s coming from to pay the bills. And likely none of these scenarios fit you. For many many people, life is going extraordinarily well, better than ever before in their lives, magically even.

Find your solid ground. (Hint: it’s not on the outside.) Stand fast and use that as your platform for all the instability and uncertainty and giddy possibilities (or are they probabilities?) and situations that are changing, irrevocably, before your eyes. You’ll likely know what to do, and when you don’t, higher guidance will Pursue some changes of your own, too. You know you’ve got projects and agendas and new perspectives in the works. (This is, by the way, a fertile time for therapy.)

And purge, too. Going through your belongings and getting rid of ones you don’t use vents some of Pluto’s transformational energy. The tactic is a great tonic when he’s active; harness it now to lighten your load.

While you’re at it, stake your claim to enjoying your time on this planet, too. Venus is happily in Leo now, where she loves to shine and strut and indulge in attention and the finer things in life. Splurge a little; it’s good for your soul. Let your heart fires burn madly, too. Share them, and warm yourself on the fires burning around you. The next match between Uranus and Pluto doesn’t have to be scary. It can actually be fun. All together now: it will actually be fun.

Saturday’s Virgo New Moon delivers clarity of mind, We do get an assist as the Uranus/Pluto square is crescendoing to a fevered pitch: Saturday’s Virgo New Moon and the clarity of mind it delivers. Spock-like objectivity is on tap with the Moon conjunct her ruler Mercury (just as the Pisces Full Moon was conjunct her ruler Neptune). Because of the helpful link Mercury is making to the North Node of destiny, we’ll also get an unemotional glimpse of where all these developments are heading. Gather information. Read more in my mooncast, which will be posted by Friday.

For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! NEW: You can now get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

Get to know me and how I work in a two-part interview for the blog In Kara’s World. Part 1 is about astrology and my approach; Part 2 shows me in action interpreting the chart of host Kara Peterson (who is my co-star in an indie film in post-production, Bag Boy Lover Boy.)

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you!

Astro-Outlook for September 2012

Get ready to rock and roll! Or, for some, lock and load….sigh.

September is an intense, high-stakes month. Dominoes are starting to fall and knock over ones further down the line. Rumblings are turning into earth-splitting quakes. Stalled situations are lunging forward and erupting into new forms. Faltering situations are swaying and collapsing. And yet … we’re having a good time.

Read more…

People Get Ready: Forecast for September 3-9, 2012

This should be the point in the year when my column starts off with the obligatory back-to-school references. Not this time.

The movie has reached the scene just before the big fight. The antagonists have signaled that they are about to go after each other, and everything that happens next is heading toward inevitable confrontation.

They might be in a boxing ring, or a bar, or a square, or a dark urban alley, or on a sidewalk, or in the quickly emptying main street of a Western town. The opponents have each other’s eye as they remove their jackets, check their weapons (and/or flex their muscles) and start circling into position. Supporters on each side are helping with preparations and talking smack, while the fainthearted and others who don’t care to be pulled into what’s about to go down scurry away, run for cover or find a safe place for watching at a distance.

The showdown isn’t till the 19th, but it dominates the time before then. Which includes, of course, this week.

What’s occupying us is largely the buildup from Uranus and Pluto, the agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, moving into the second of the seven clashes they will have between this year and 2015. They are ripping open (or down) structures and infrastructures, springing prison locks, imploding previously solid ground (real and metaphoric) and unleashing no end of beasties from psyches and closets, as if someone opened Pandora’s box, or ripped the fabric of time to allow leakage from, oh, five decades ago.

The areas of life in play aren’t news; they’re the ones that hit a monumental pivot point around June 24 (and have been worked over since the summer of 2009). The tension is worse before the actual impact; pressure is escalating this week and will mount even more in the next.

This week, surprisingly, has an actual softness to it, or at least the potential for it. Let’s-get-physical Chiron has a cooperative link to Pluto and his legion of psycho-demons, which offers resolution, balm and possibly even peace of/for/in the radical, relentless upheavals affecting you. It’s the equivalent of a flashlight shining under the bed and showing that the monsters you feared are only dust bunnies. Or grokking how everything in your life led to this moment, and you would not be you without the pain and wounds that have shaped you — then shifting focus from the pain and wounds to the strengths and power you have developed from them.

Fearless and resolve are on tap in this process, because go-getter Mars is enjoying the same level of cooperation with Pluto. This offers incentive to dive deep and pull ickies and treasures to the surface. With Mars and Chiron in cahoots, perceptions have a laser-focus, an X-ray quality and an eerie accuracy and timing. Secrets aren’t going to survive this pair. Actions will be guided by a powerful knowing (even if you aren’t aware that’s what’s going on.)

All of this is preparation for the big event. You are definitely preparing the fight arena, and preparing yourself, for the impact that’s coming. Consider the possibility, while you help set up the tableau, that you may be playing the role of one of the contenders moving into the place, for someone in your life.

As the scenery moves about, Venus leaves Cancer on Thursday for the fire and sparkle of Leo. So what if a fight is brewing; we want to have FUN! And dress well for the part, too. Venus loves the attention, finery and glamour of Leo, and her look-at-me tendencies in this sign are getting an immediate assist from Jupiter. If she faces a choice between two tiaras, he’s going to tell her to purchase both. Or to charm someone into giving them to her.

So strut, flaunt, parade, change your outfit every couple of hours to suit the occasion and your ever-changing mood. Allow passion and drama and — what’s that? — a temper to shoot out of you. You are human. You are alive. And you are entitled to enjoy being on this planet, even if the ground is rumbling and an epidemic of nervous breakdowns is all around. You don’t have to fall into a crack, or buy into the paranoia. And if you should trip, do it in style. Stunning shoes and a long-stemmed cigarette holder (even if empty) may help.

You thinking I’m kidding?

General note for the week: Once again, the predawn hours are hopping almost every night. Keeping writing materials by your bed the whole week is your best bet for capturing the nuggets surfacing in your sleep.

For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! NEW: You can now get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

Get to know me and how I work in a two-part interview for the blog In Kara’s World. Part 1 is about astrology and my approach; Part 2 shows me in action interpreting the chart of host Kara Peterson (who is my co-star in an indie film in post-production, Bag Boy Lover Boy.)

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a PayPal donation to Thank you!