Forecast for December 2015

December may have you wondering if humankind lives in parallel universes that masquerade as one. Each of them is now undergoing a massive evolutionary surge, furthering agendas and fundamental restructuring that have been years in the works.  In one layer, kindness, creativity and concern for the existence of others underlie and ultimately propel a flurry of activity that will feel like long-desired progress. In the other, demagoguery, zealotry, lies and delusion spur and justify anger, violence and, by year’s end, sacrifice and martyrdom.

The milk of human kindness is on tap as the month begins (at least, in universe number one). Drink up and pass it around. It may buffer the occasional and inevitable bleed-through of unpleasantries from the adjoining realm.

The month launches with lightning bolts tilting our thinking and letting in broader, possibly healthier possibilities.  Desires and interactions slip into into deeper, possessive mode when Venus, ruler of all we value, moves into Scorpio on the 4th, which she’ll pass through for most of the month. Activity flies for the first 10 days, and it’s not all holiday and year-end tasks. It’s also pushing ahead on the ongoing restructuring of our foundations and long-term security, with Mars, ruler of our drive, entering the ring with cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto.

His last time there was the week between Christmas and New Year’s in 2013. Watch for the next stage of developments that cracked open then, only this time we’re more invested emotionally and financially.  The impact puts testosterone, follow-through and a compulsion to connect in high supply. Relationships and agreements play an enormous role. They instigate, push us, blossom, deepen and/or permanently change their nature. Anger and violence abound as well; December 6 and 10 are particularly hot.

Awareness of cost, consequences and practicalities permeates conversation and commutes after the 9th, when cosmic messenger Mercury enters Capricorn. He’ll retrograde in the sign at the beginning of next year, so matters are likely to come back up then from the last weeks of the month. His presence in earth rather than his preferred element of air lends weightiness to the holiday and year-end info flow. Gatherings will be few, small and select, with serious talk and a higher than usual presence of connections that have stood the test of time.

His mature disposition provides grounding as the Sagittarius New Moon squares Chiron on the 11th and encourages putting long-standing wounds and business to rest. The process promises to go easily, riding on sweet and loving vibes coming off the two rulers of love, Venus and Neptune. If you’ll been running low on the milk of human kindness, that’s the time for a refill.

The vibes give way to personal growth (of the pressure-on-carbon-creating-a-diamond variety) and a maturing in heart and financial connections, as well as in that perspective shift we got at the month’s start. An idea is taking possession, perhaps an effect of those lightning bolts, passionate, all-consuming, intense and clarifying. It summons another round of lightning bolts and a flurry of mental jail breaks.

The clatter is still in the air as the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, the longest day of the year and the start of winter.  A warm, expansive and nostalgic glow envelops Christmas Eve and Day. Their trappings are fit for an old-fashioned Hollywood movie, courtesy of the Christmas Full Moon in home-oriented Cancer: sentimentality, memories of the good old days, appreciation (okay, maybe simply awareness of) loved ones, indulging in food, food and more food.

The sweetness comes with signals that life will never be the same. Uranus, the agent of liberating change, is stationing to move forward; even as we exchange gifts and hugs, everyone is pulling up anchor and heading for distinctive adventures and futures. Our own values and desires are guiding our actions. Emphatic, separating conversation may be necessary to spell this out in the year’s final days, but it’s not likely to squelch a lovely holiday vibe. (In the first parallel universe number, that is. The other one looks to be completely unhinged from reason by then.)

The holiday atmosphere gets a boost when Venus enters Sagittarius for a four-week stay on the 30th. She encourages fun, cracking jokes, getting out with other people and exploring (though she may not so privately be convinced that her way of thinking is superior). Even so, this New Year’s Eve is not the stuff of mob scenes. We are ending the year with refocused hearts and minds, inclined to connect with a select few.

Turn off the news and concentrate on shoring up your little nook of the universe. You can’t stop the violence or the crazies, but you can maintain your own sanity and joy and allow that to radiate outward and maybe, just maybe slip into the universe next door.

The last day of the year encourages tenderness, intimacy and profound embracing of personal truth and streamlined but unshakeble priorities. They stay with us and mold our vision as we ring out the old and welcome the new.

May peace an love guide your hearts and lead you into the new year.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some Bon Ami? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, 2015

Minds, possibilities and hearts fly open as an evolutionary drive demands action. It breaks through, breaks resistance, breaks ground, and builds new structures like in a stop-action film from the early 60s. Resistance is … futile.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Nov.  30 – Dec. 6 (6:59 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some pie? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the 2015 Gemini Full Moon

November 25, 2015

2:44 PM PST / 5:44 PM EST / 10:44 PM GMT

3 Gemini 20 / 3 Sagittarius 20

No idea why this didn’t post earlier this week — I did schedule it. Hmmmm.

The real-world impact of ideas comes home to roost at the Gemini Full Moon. It delivers an emotional report card that we can’t hide — which won’t stop some of us from trying. It rewards responsibility. It motivates responses and reactions. And it brings constraints, sanctions and repercussions

Since Gemini is an air sign, you might expect a full moon in it to be more intellectual and detached than emotional. Not this one. It’s laden with heavy energies, finger-wagging, patronizing and aggression. On the plus side (there’s always a plus side), the line-up inspires maturity, wisdom, taking control of your information flow and assuming responsibility for thoughts, words and belief. Behave like a grown-up, and you will reap solid emotional support. Otherwise, it’s cosmic nun with the ruler time (the question being who’s the nun and who’s the target).

Stern, consequence-oriented Saturn and trickster Mercury are ganging up on the Sun and Moon. The two planets are opposite the Moon and on the side of the Sun, waiting for him to cross in the next few days. As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, planet of gab and getting around, is the host of this event. He’s hardly his usual happy-go-lucky, high-flying self, though. Saturn has been putting the brakes on Mercury of late. The effect runs the gamut from feeling hopeless to feeling muzzled or stifled to feeling grounded and stable.

Feeling reactions all, despite the Full Moon occupying an air sign. Messages are landing hard. Developments you’ve worked toward are hitting blocks and frustration. Requirements you’ve let slide have been closing in, demanding attention (or leading to consequences).On the other hand, evidence is popping up of emotional support. Look for words of support, solidarity, acknowledgement of like-mindedness or long-standing appreciation. They do exist now. Don’t just be on the receiving end; send out a few yourself.

Saturn is affecting both sides of Mercury’s personality. The lord of order is reining in the didactic, jingoistic, my-way-or-the-highway tendencies that the winged messenger takes on in Sagittarius, the sign he’s currently traversing. Since Mercury has two faces, though, he’s also assuming Saturn’s authority in some circumstances: saying “no” or “not now;” lecturing; pontificating; causing drivers to make like traffic cops. There’s a flip side to this authority. If you are experiencing constriction and disappointment — feeling boxed in, overwhelmed, suffocating, being driven to tears — first, acknowledge and vent your reaction (in other words, don’t add to the stifling). Then look for a different perspective. Inspect the box, the seams, the walls for any crack or window or way around. The solution may be in how you are looking at the situation.

The relationship links to Saturn and Mercury add to this Moon’s character of ideas piercing — or touching — the heart. The pair is in a shoving match with illusionist Neptune, which is whipping up confusion, delusion, lies, religiosity and issues of compassion, blurred boundaries/borders, martyrdom and sacrifice. (This is exact for Saturn on Thursday and returns in March and the beginning of June next year. )

It’s a tricky game, because Saturn rules structure and form, and Neptune is completely formless. The Saturnian impulse is to contain, but how do you grab a cloud? Or the ocean? Neptune’s input is dissolving structures and rules, so subtly that we don’t see. (Don’t think our social compact isn’t being eaten away; the heat is turning up on the proverbial lobster pot.) Meanwhile the shove has pushed Mercury’s trickster nature over into silver-tongued devil mode, playing fast and loose with the truth.

Under this configuration, the more a lie is broadcast, the more people adopt it as truth. Smoke and mirrors, spin doctors and misdirection are in overdrive. They’re easy to spot in the news. You may be too close in your own life to detect their presence. Trust your gut or guidance. Remember that actions do speak louder than words, and that these days, a lot of actions are deflecting attention from words, and vice versa.

Warrior god Mars is in a cooperative aspect to both Mercury and Saturn, one that equally pumps up assertiveness and motivation, on one end, and aggression and anger on the other. Mars is delivering the courage to speak your heart and — what’s this week about in the US again? — express heartfelt thanks, maybe with a side dish of love and forgiveness. (How about showing aging relatives compassion? Elders and authority figures losing their hold on reality/sanity are part of Saturn squaring Neptune.) He is also encouraging bully pulpits, intimidating speech, interjection of religion into government and furious pronouncements about social, legal and international issues that range from (and in some cases, blend) messianic to crazy to dictatorial. (Hence the rise in  political figures openly inviting and justifying violence against citizens, not to mention arguing for unconstitutional actions.)

As that extreme behavior escalates, this Full Moon will call some speakers to task for the consequences of their ideas — or it could weave them into the collective discussion with a staying power that squelches dissenting viewpoints and erodes the ground rules. Apply that dichotomy to your life and to your Thanksgiving plans, and adapt your behavior accordingly.

The caution from the November outlook holds: Throw out that childhood maxim, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  They certainly could now. With Mercury/Saturn directly opposite the Full Moon, matters that might otherwise be entirely intellectual are mobilizing emotions. Words — and the beliefs they reveal — can wallop. Words can make a heart black and blue. Words can have lasting ramifications. And everyone could be mishearing, misconstruing or misunderstanding, because of the Moon’s ruler Mercury pressing the button long and hard on Neptune’s fog machine.

Forewarned is forearmed. Thanksgiving week is simply going to feel and play out differently than other years, even the recent ones that already broke from old ways. This gives you some latitude to make up your own rules. Declare certain topics off-limits. (Politics, for starters.) Cut back your obligations, social calendar, guest list and even menus to only what is truly important to you.

Focus on the positive, security-building potentials inherent in this Full Moon. (Yes, you may have to dig for them. Effort pays off.) Look for the ideas, words and information sources that feed and support you emotionally — and that nurture your long-term projections. Take responsibility for the thoughts, ideas and words coming out of you, too. Strive for compassion, forgiveness and viewing people through the eyes of love. Speak maturely and from the heart. Clean up your side of the table. The exercise is good for the soul and will help sink your anchor deeply into yourself.


Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some Bon Ami? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the 2015 Scorpio New Moon

November 25, 2015

2:44 PM PST / 5:44 PM EST / 10:44 PM GMT

3 Gemini 20 / 2 Sagittarius 20

The real-world impact of ideas comes home to roost at the Gemini Full Moon. It delivers an emotional report card that we can’t hide — which won’t stop some of us from trying. It rewards responsibility. It motivates responses and reactions. And it brings constraints, sanctions and repercussions

Since Gemini is an air sign, you might expect a full moon in it to be more intellectual and detached than emotional. Not this one. It’s laden with heavy energies, finger-wagging, patronizing and aggression. On the plus side (there’s always a plus side), the line-up inspires maturity, wisdom, taking control of your information flow and assuming responsibility for thoughts, words and belief. Behave like a grown-up, and you will reap solid emotional support. Otherwise, it’s cosmic nun with the ruler time (the question being who’s the nun and who’s the target).

Stern, consequence-oriented Saturn and trickster Mercury are ganging up on the Sun and Moon. The two planets are opposite the Moon and on the side of the Sun, waiting for him to cross in the next few days. As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, planet of gab and getting around, is the host of this event. He’s hardly his usual happy-go-lucky, high-flying self, though. Saturn has been putting the brakes on Mercury of late. The effect runs the gamut from feeling hopeless to feeling muzzled or stifled to feeling grounded and stable.

Feeling reactions all, despite the Full Moon occupying an air sign. Messages are landing hard. Developments you’ve worked toward are hitting blocks and frustration. Requirements you’ve let slide have been closing in, demanding attention (or leading to consequences).On the other hand, evidence is popping up of emotional support. Look for words of support, solidarity, acknowledgement of like-mindedness or long-standing appreciation. They do exist now. Don’t just be on the receiving end; send out a few yourself.

Saturn is affecting both sides of Mercury’s personality. The lord of order is reining in the didactic, jingoistic, my-way-or-the-highway tendencies that the winged messenger takes on in Sagittarius, the sign he’s currently traversing. Since Mercury has two faces, though, he’s also assuming Saturn’s authority in some circumstances: saying “no” or “not now;” lecturing; pontificating; causing drivers to make like traffic cops. There’s a flip side to this authority. If you are experiencing constriction and disappointment — feeling boxed in, overwhelmed, suffocating, being driven to tears — first, acknowledge and vent your reaction (in other words, don’t add to the stifling). Then look for a different perspective. Inspect the box, the seams, the walls for any crack or window or way around. The solution may be in how you are looking at the situation.

The relationship links to Saturn and Mercury add to this Moon’s character of ideas piercing — or touching — the heart. The pair is in a shoving match with illusionist Neptune, which is whipping up confusion, delusion, lies, religiosity and issues of compassion, blurred boundaries/borders, martyrdom and sacrifice. (This is exact for Saturn on Thursday and returns in March and the beginning of June next year. )

It’s a tricky game, because Saturn rules structure and form, and Neptune is completely formless. The Saturnian impulse is to contain, but how do you grab a cloud? Or the ocean? Neptune’s input is dissolving structures and rules, so subtly that we don’t see. (Don’t think our social compact isn’t being eaten away; the heat is turning up on the proverbial lobster pot.) Meanwhile the shove has pushed Mercury’s trickster nature over into silver-tongued devil mode, playing fast and loose with the truth.

Under this configuration, the more a lie is broadcast, the more people adopt it as truth. Smoke and mirrors, spin doctors and misdirection are in overdrive. They’re easy to spot in the news. You may be too close in your own life to detect their presence. Trust your gut or guidance. Remember that actions do speak louder than words, and that these days, a lot of actions are deflecting attention from words, and vice versa.

Warrior god Mars is in a cooperative aspect to both Mercury and Saturn, one that equally pumps up assertiveness and motivation, on one end, and aggression and anger on the other. Mars is delivering the courage to speak your heart and — what’s this week about in the US again? — express heartfelt thanks, maybe with a side dish of love and forgiveness. (How about showing aging relatives compassion? Elders and authority figures losing their hold on reality/sanity are part of Saturn squaring Neptune.) He is also encouraging bully pulpits, intimidating speech, interjection of religion into government and furious pronouncements about social, legal and international issues that range from (and in some cases, blend) messianic to crazy to dictatorial. (Hence the rise in  political figures openly inviting and justifying violence against citizens, not to mention arguing for unconstitutional actions.)

As that extreme behavior escalates, this Full Moon will call some speakers to task for the consequences of their ideas — or it could weave them into the collective discussion with a staying power that squelches dissenting viewpoints and erodes the ground rules. Apply that dichotomy to your life and to your Thanksgiving plans, and adapt your behavior accordingly.

The caution from the November outlook holds: Throw out that childhood maxim, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  They certainly could now. With Mercury/Saturn directly opposite the Full Moon, matters that might otherwise be entirely intellectual are mobilizing emotions. Words — and the beliefs they reveal — can wallop. Words can make a heart black and blue. Words can have lasting ramifications. And everyone could be mishearing, misconstruing or misunderstanding, because of the Moon’s ruler Mercury pressing the button long and hard on Neptune’s fog machine.

Forewarned is forearmed. Thanksgiving week is simply going to feel and play out differently than other years, even the recent ones that already broke from old ways. This gives you some latitude to make up your own rules. Declare certain topics off-limits. (Politics, for starters.) Cut back your obligations, social calendar, guest list and even menus to only what is truly important to you.

Focus on the positive, security-building potentials inherent in this Full Moon. (Yes, you may have to dig for them. Effort pays off.) Look for the ideas, words and information sources that feed and support you emotionally — and that nurture your long-term projections. Take responsibility for the thoughts, ideas and words coming out of you, too. Strive for compassion, forgiveness and viewing people through the eyes of love. Speak maturely and from the heart. Clean up your side of the table. The exercise is good for the soul and will help sink your anchor deeply into yourself.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe a slice of pie? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Guess Who’s Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner? Forecast for Nov. 23-29, 2015

We’re seeking solid ground amid clouds of confusion,  deception and repression. While beliefs and traditions dissolve into we don’t know what anymore. The ramifications of ideas and chatter are joining Thanksgiving celebrations. Put your anchor in yourself. Voila! Your feet find solid ground.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Nov.  23-29  (8:12 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe a slice of pie? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Where Do We Go From *That*?


Well, we certainly plunged through a gateway Friday. I’d certainly been feeling and seeing physical-level anxiety all week — were you? Suddenly a reason for it was all over the news, a reason apart from whatever personal wounds and demons were already stirring in each of us.

One moment I was meeting a friend for a drink. The next we were learning that enjoying that unsuspecting people had just been gunned down for enjoying that same freedom. My view of the world changed in an instant. As we checked our cellphones for updates, 1930s pre-war Europe kept coming to mind. Watching eye-witness accounts on BBC World News late that night, I wondered if I would ever feel safe again.

Yes. You read that from the person who always sees grounds for optimism.

Then the response fell into my head. I told my friends it’s time to dance on the beach like Zorba the Greek. He met disaster by celebrating life. (Madonna urged a similar response in a concert the next night.) And that’s what I intend to do.

I’ve been saying for years that the outer world will look like it’s falling apart at the same time that many of us are entering the best periods of our lives. As we focus on keeping our individual corners of the universe clean, calm and, let’s hope, happy, maybe our experiences will radiate outward and help society regroup and rebuild. (If you know Emotional Freedom Technique, this tapping script will help you move from fear and helplessness toward calm and compassion.)

So what now?

Now comes clarity. (Including about who you are and what’s most important to you most likely.) And gotta-have-it desires pressuring for change with a force that could create diamonds. After which the philosopher-fool struts in. and tosses off wisdom disguised as joking.

More in my Astro-Insight podcast for Nov.  16 – 22  (7:50 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some chocolate? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Nov. 16 – 22, 2015

Show of hands: Who got chomped on last week? Now comes clarity. And gotta-have-it desires pressuring for change with a force that could create diamonds. After which the philosopher-fool struts in. and tosses off wisdom disguised as joking.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Nov.  16 – 22  (7:50 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some chocolate? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the 2015 Scorpio New Moon

November 11, 2015
9:47 AM PST / 12:47 PM EST / 5:47 PM GMT
19 Scorpio 00

“What Lies Beneath” is the theme of the next four weeks. The Scorpio New Moon sets us on a journey into dark, hidden places full of undercurrents, subtext, secrets and enormous treasures. It promises simplifying answers and profound truths, with danger, monsters and psychological demons along the way.

Communication is a huge part of this journey. Cosmic messenger Mercury is the last body the Sun and Moon cross before meeting and remains alongside them for the New Moon.his presence colors this phase with important travels of the mind and body. This stands to make conversations, messages, nonverbal signals and even normal getting around intense and revealing, conveying meaningful data, building intimacy, triggering massive realizations and clearing out debris.

Pay attention to vibes, hunches, tingling in your gut or very cells.  Every part of our beings is both transmitting and receiving info for now. Everyone is experiencing heightened ESP.  Trust yours. Pay more attention to that, and to nonverbal communication, than to any words you hear or read.

The phenomenon of widespread telepathy has the potential for immersing us in the experience — and awareness — of connectedness. An open flow from the New Moon and Mercury to Chiron is stirring longstanding wounds, and potentially soothing them as well. (Some possibilities: feeling different, isolated or abandoned; being martyr to other people’s problems, pains, burdens.) The flow has the effect of dunking into a solvent that eats away tarnish and grime. The flow is also dissolving separation, opening us to the plights, emotions and energies of others. Some of that is downright nasty these days. If you can reframe over-the-edge behavior (for examples, look at the political news around the country) as childhood terrors on high alert, that may steer you toward understanding. And as for the garden variety trials and tribulations around you, see if you don’t witness and experience an unlocking of gentleness, compassion and letting people off the hook. Including yourself.

Much of the exploration during this Moon phase involves huge shifts that began sinking in (or broke apart) in October. Scorpio’s ruler Pluto has just come off the first of three boosts from optimistic, expansive Jupiter.  (The other two are coming in March and June.) This time that beneficent god had assists from Venus, ruler of all that we value, and Mars, ruler of our drive. October’s developments identified relationships, financial arrangements and creative possibilities that have the promise of — and inspire us to work toward — long-term growth and stability. (Sone of that identifying was by elimination, you may have noticed.) Watch for information to come out of the woodwork involving, explaining and fertilizing all of these.

Actively work with this Moon’s energies. Research those developments, learn more about the people involved (and what’s in their undercurrents), and explore their potential for reciprocity, trustworthiness and delivering a return on investment that is meaningful to you. With the power of Scorpio, you may not have to work hard at all. Simply direct your antenna or radar or thoughts to an issue and see what floats up.

The potential is off the charts to learn much:  What the stakes really are. Who you can and can’t trust. What your own fears are. What to cut out. Where to put fertilizer and what substances to use for that. Think of the process as a landscaper doing an assessment of the condition of the grounds, before the perennials sprout and blossom again.

At times the process may be considerably less pleasant, more like watching sausage or laws being made. You might see things you wish you could unsee. Remind yourself that we are all human. Then choose who and what you allow to remain. This New Moon comes with opportunities to make situations you care about firm and real. With a caution, though: Objects may not be where they appear. Or what. Confusion and deception are clouding the air, our thoughts and many of the words flying around. Saturn, the ruler of structure, is increasing the output of Neptune’s cosmic fog machine.

Words will not get you through this:  not reassurances or promises or directions. What will? Trusting your gut, your hunches, your knowing. Trusting your dreams and inner guidance. (To turn on or tune up your Internal Guidance System, order my visualization mp3.) Heeding danger signals. Asking to be shown the truth (be sure you really want to know, though). Harnessing the probing, tenacious, fearless perceptivity that is Scorpio’s power. And using that power for everyone’s highest good.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some Bon Ami? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Nov. 9 -15, 2015

Sonar is ON. Dive; confront; talk; make nice. As smiles flash and dazzle, what’s that music in the distance?  “Oh the shark has…pretty teeth, dear…and he keeps them…pearly white…”

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Nov.  9 – 15  (5:57 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some Hershey’s Minis? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for November 2015

Enough with the falling apart and endings. November sees us making action plans and alliances, then moving forward on them. All the revamped structures and foundations that have been taking shape are ready for further development. We won’t be working on them alone.

Relationships are the centerpiece of the month, even for you loners. The month launches with an analytical, practical union between the feminine and the masculine, which is occurring within each of us as well as in certain connections. The impetus is Venus and Mars making their third conjunction of the year on November 2. This is not the stuff of hot and heavy passion, unlike their trysts in February (in impulsive Aries) and August (in high drama Leo).  Instead, the effect is intellectual and detached to an extreme:  Where do we want to go, and how do we get there?  Desires we have thought quite a bit about are meeting the wherewithal to make them happen, in incremental steps, and with flexibility in how to go about them.

The combination supports planning, team work and division of labor, much of which will grow out of and likely build on structural changes that shaped up last month. It’s not all work gloves and project management, though. Loving overtones are beaming down as we shoulder tasks, and especially as we tackle them shoulder to shoulder. We are well disposed toward each other, and probably toward a particular other, all month long. After linking desire and ambition (and sealing many a meeting of the minds — and hearts), Venus and Mars scoot out of the work zone and into her second home, Relationship Central aka Libra.  She goes home on the 8th; he follows on the 12th; and the two travel in close company for the remainder of the month and then some.

So good luck hiding out in your cave. Odds are you won’t want to, though. You’re likely to seek out company, and it will certainly be looking for you. Attractive developments, opportunities and individuals will be providing incentive to come out and play and, of course, work. That vibe of practical, purposeful, productive activity isn’t going away. It persists as our collective path moves to issues of service vs. sacrifice, signaled by the North Node of the Moon shifting into Virgo, just before Mars’ move, for the next 18 months.

We’ll be thinking and talking up a storm about what all this means, although not always with words. Mercury, the guy in charge of the yapping, scurries through three distinct communication modes this month. He’s still in the playbook of winning friends and influencing people, in the phrasing-conscious sign of Libra as the month starts.

Telepathy, inferences, subtext and undercurrents dominate from Nov. 2 – 20th, when he scuba dives through Scorpio. His underwater adventures will prompt meaningful conversation with the power to build intimacy even in the midst of mundane tasks. (Think: sharing your deepest self while scrubbing the tub and toilet.) They will also stir truths, secrets and baggage, both welcome and not so. Some will come to the surface; some you will try to keep down below — but don’t be surprised if they manage to churn the water with hints that they are present. All these impulses and possibilities take on tenacity and emotional intensity at the Scorpio New Moon, on Nov. 11th.

Thought and talk go from the deep to flying high from the 20th on, when Mercury travels through Sagittarius. Conversation turns lighter, optimistic, inclined to reach out (instead of within) for answers and information — ultimately.  Finding the humor in situations returns — ultimately. The first days could be slow-going, though. Watch for didactic, jingoistic, my-way-or-the-highway tendencies as Mercury finds his flight commandeered by Saturn, lord of structure, responsibility and the status quo. Saturn’s brakes on Mercury call for maturity, research and producing solid information, rather than pulling statements out of the …air, let’s call it. Jokes will turn serious, which they, in fact, often are. Fibs and fudging will be found out; consequences will be imposed. Speak and think wisely, even if playing the clown.

The effect is anything but a party atmosphere. It’s more like oral exams or thesis defense. Mercury and Saturn require taking responsibility for words, thoughts and beliefs — and point out if (or where) there is a disconnect. (That theme will mushroom in March, when Saturn and bigger-is-better Jupiter mix it up with Neptune’s fog machine.)

While Mercury and Saturn are putting limits on our communication streams — and our getting around, too; be on the lookout for road closures, traffic jams and other travel impediments (airline computer systems going down, perhaps?) (again?) — those action plans and alliances from the start of the month will be going into higher gear. Pressure will peak between the 20th and the 23rd, when relationships, money and our heart’s desires demand a place in the structures and foundations that are growing out of the upheaval of the past few years. We will have no choice but to move ahead with a vengeance.

During those days, a dynamic configuration called a t-square will be pitting Venus (ruler of the aforesaid relationships, money and heart’s desires) in her relationship home of Libra against Uranus, cosmic agent of volatile change, in impulsive, go-it-alone Aries, with each bearing down on Pluto, cosmic agent of unavoidable change, in structure and status-quo loving Capricorn. The upshot:  Resistance is futile. Evolution is inevitable. More liberation from decaying systems is coming. More breaking out of situations that do not allow being yourself is coming. More morphing of relationship structures is coming. More irresistible, magnetic, nutso-bordering-on-stalkerish “gotta have it” impulses are coming.No, not another round of death and destruction. Everything is purposeful and forwarding moving. It’s all part of the action plan, and part of the alliances, teams and partnerships working with us.

None of it is comfortable, and it will be hanging in the air as we round the bend to the first big year-end holiday tradition, Thanksgiving. This one is a tradition-breaker. A game changer. Or perhaps merely living proof that the tradition has already been broken; the game has already changed.

Still, it will be prudent to go into the holiday wise to what’s in the air. Ride into it knowing in your heart of hearts — in your very cells — that certain dynamics have to change. Heed the Mercury/Saturn insistence on constraining conversations. That pair’s impact will be most noticeable at the Gemini Full Moon on the 25th, the day before Thanksgiving. Throw out that childhood maxim, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  They certainly could now. With that Mercury/Saturn link directly opposite the Full Moon, matters that might otherwise be entirely intellectual will mobilize emotions. Words — and the beliefs they reveal — could wallop. Words could make a heart black and blue. Words could have lasting ramifications. And everyone could be mishearing, misconstruing or misunderstanding, because of the Moon’s ruler Mercury pressing the button long and hard on Neptune’s fog machine.

Forewarned is forearmed. Thanksgiving week is simply going to feel and play out differently than other years, even the recent ones that already broke from old ways. This gives you some latitude to make up your own rules. Declare certain topics off-limits. (Politics, for starters.) Cut back your obligations, social calendar, guest list and even menus to only what is truly important to you. Return to the questions from earlier in the month:  Where do you want to go, and how do you get there? Use them to frame your activities, and watch the week simplify.

Don’t believe it? Have faith — in yourself — and just do it. By the end of the weekend, you stand to feel remarkably in control of yourself. And maybe, just maybe, your schedule as well. Not to mention your life.

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© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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