Forecast for August 1 – 7, 2016

The last month of summer — already?!? — and what’s this? Energy? Get up and go? Spunk? Yep. Also a clear lens on your heart. And the gumption to get out of the pool/beach/sofar and Make Things Happen. Watch out, world.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for August 1 – 7, 2016  (6:18 minutes).

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for August 2016: Shifting Sands

August is the bridge between the weird, unsteerable stasis and discomfort of the past two months and the paradox of stabilizing and reboot coming this fall. It’s a wobbly bridge, to be sure,  swaying and shifting like a trick floor in a funhouse. Still, the movement is ultimately productive, instead of just getting in the way, or annoying.

Hearts and minds are assimilating, adjusting and adapting, working over so much that’s surfaced and striving to process the developments into something that makes sense. The exercise largely succeeds. Just as a sensation of balance descends, though, our attention flies back over territory we thought we’d covered.

No worries. The exercise, like the rest of the month, is valuable prep for what lies ahead.

The first half of the month delivers the oomph to send us on our way. The journey begins with Mars, ruler of our drive and actions, entering boisterous Sagittarius and energizing the Leo New Moon on the 2nd.

He’s been trawling the murky depths of Scorpio since spring, dredging up weighty, uncomfortable and unpleasant business that’s refused to go back in the closet. His entry into Sagittarius has us making like colts breaking out of a corral in search of movement, maneuverability, adventure and free-range contact with the outdoors.

Bemoaning and tending to wounds and nasty situations are out. Putting philosophies into action (or fighting for/over them), cracking jokes and generally having a good time are in. Moods improve;  motivation returns; optimism mounts.

Marching orders come from the heart as well.  It zips through three distinct styles of desires and relating. For the first four days, they’re maximum Leo, vibrant, extravagant and attention-seeking. Sober sensibility takes over from the 5th through the 29th, when Venus cools down in pragmatic, improvement-oriented, boundary-focused Virgo.

The appeal of thinking and talking things over has a shelf-life, though, and then movement and follow through are in order. It’s through this clear-headed lens that she demands action from Mars on the 6th. (Minds are screaming, “Move it!” too.) By the 17th, itches will be scratched and appetites  will be pursued, when the goddess of earthly desire and money collaborates with her primal, feral, force-of-nature counterpart Pluto.

Objective assessment hits immediately, with the Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 18th. A firm reality check follows. Mars has a law and order meeting on the 24th with Saturn, enforcer of rules. The ramifications of recent high-energy actions crystalize. Questions arise (and likely resolve) about responsibility and wisdom. Don’t be surprised if Venus’ orders have sent Mars down the path to structure and commitment. Don’t be surprised, either, if he trots back into the corral and shuts the gate after himself.

The aftermath kicks up cosmic fog and glitter, with equal potential for confusion, illusion and romance, when Mars squares Neptune on the 26th. Who cares about reality, for the moment? Venus joins boundless Jupiter in a super-conjunction (by degree and declination) on the 27th. Hearts are viewing the glass not only as half full, but also fillable, and requesting more, please. Lots.

A meeting of hearts and minds leads to sighs of relief all around, as Venus meets Mercury and goes home to Libra, aka Relationship Central, on the 29th (bringing the heart’s third mode of expression). She’s still glowing from her date two days earlier with Jupiter, who’s heading over in September for his first visit in 12 years. In advance of her house guest (and the emphasis and expansion he promises), social interactions relax into niceties, prettily crafted sentiments, and an awareness of the game of give and take.

On Jupiter’s end, there’s tidying up to be done before he leaves Virgo. Mercury stations retrograde in that sign on the 30th and will not go direct until September 22, after Jupiter has left for Libra. The messenger god’s backtracking provides the opportunity to go over not merely his recent weeks in Virgo, but also the months and developments since last October, when Jupiter began traveling the degrees of this retrograde.

Snafus, breakdowns and garbling that occur now point to areas that have room for improvement and would benefit from attention before Jupiter completes his clean-up tour of Virgo. Look at this time as a chance to pick up dropped threads, learn missed information and address confusion and misunderstandings that have spun off Jupiter’s hard aspects to Neptune and his cosmic fog machine. What comes in September and beyond will be ever so much more solid, if you do.

For pointers, read my guide How to Survive the 2016 Mercury Retrogrades.

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2016 Leo New Moon

August 2, 2016
1:44 PM PDT / 4:44 PM EDT / 8:44 PM GMT
10 Leo 57

“I have the warmth of the sun within me at night.” — Brian Wilson & Mike Love, from the Beach Boys’ song “Warmth of the Sun”

Dawn always follows night. The sun always rises. Even if it’s obscured by clouds, even if you can’t see it, it is always in the sky, every morning. And that reliability, bundled with light and warmth, is the promise and gift of the Leo New Moon.

No matter what you’ve been through recently, your inner spark has not gone out. It’s coming back to life now under the Leo Moon. The New Moon is reviving you, fanning your flame and inviting you to get out of bed and come out and play. It’s recharging vitality, urges for self-expression, generosity of spirit and appetites for attention.

Still, it’s unlikely we’ll be running around carefree. This Moon is delivering oomph with a worldly-wise perspective.  We’re returning to the game of life, but touched by everything we’ve seen and undergone.

Something deep, serious and profoundly mature is resonating within all of us. Strut your stuff; shine your light; show off — and watch for flickering awareness of responsibility, ramifications and consequences.

Inner children are basking and frolicking in the sun, no longer innocents, with a sensibility, canniness and survival instinct way beyond their years. Royalty is not immune to this phenomenon, either, not even self-anointed, pretenders, bees and drama queens.

Get-up-and-go is coupling with caution, or wisdom, or control, or all of the above. The combo comes from the easy flow of a trine between the New Moon, action hero Mars and Saturn the über-adult, enforcer of rules, order and structure.

Mars has just cleared a several month diving expedition in the dankest, scariest and potentially treasure-filled waters of Scorpio, which dredged up all manner of unpleasantness, unfinished business and psycho-beasties that refused to go back into hiding. His high energy nature is far more comfortable in fire. His entry into Sagittarius is uncorking relief, exhilaration and the impulse to roam fast, far and free, in both body and mind.

That maneuverability has limits, though, because he’s on a collision course with Saturn, the planet making the tightest major aspect (within a degree) to the New Moon. Saturn is bestowing old-soul wisdom on our inner children. It’s reining in the flamboyant, self-aggrandizing potentials of the Leo Moon, as well as the rambunctious potential of a masculine drive encountering open space.

Saturn is operating as a throttle or governor, keeping us from going out of control, hogging center stage, or dancing with such self-absorbed abandon that we step on people in our ambit.

There’s another aspect besides responsible action:  committing to ourselves, to expressing our voice, and to embracing and enjoying life. This Leo New Moon encourages keeping your spirit bright no matter what you have endured or witnessed.

Insert a platitude about light shining brighter against the darkness, if that helps grasp what’s on offer. As much as possible, though, focus on the light. Focus on the sun. Focus on the fire inside your being. Allow the flames to grow and spread and send their warmth to the world around you. Bravely. Enthusiastically. And responsibly.

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2016 Capricorn Full Moon

July 19, 2016

3:56 PM PDT / 6:56 PM EDT / 10:56 PM GMT

27 Cancer 40 / 27 Capricorn 40

by Kathy Biehl

The Capricorn Full Moon invites looking at the ground beneath your feet and where it’s leading.  Remember that? You haven’t seen much of it this year, what with the fog and dust and general wooziness that’s beset us all. It’s clamoring for attention now, though.

You’ve been regaining awareness of it over the past couple of weeks, which have felt like coming out of a daze, or a dream. The Cancer New Moon brought you to with a good, long soak in emotional needs and impulses, mostly your own. The effect is still with you. They have sensitized you, awakened your inner child and molded the way you are viewing and experiencing the fundamentals in your life.

Aren’t you more attuned to what feels safe and secure, what nourishes you, and what does not?  Recently this focus has been on immediate nurturing (and wishing someone would deliver it). The Full Moon shifts the questions to how to provide for and safeguard sustenance for the long haul.

Now that the fog is clearing, what exactly is beneath your feet? What’s it made of? How stable and supportive are your foundations and the structures in your life? More importantly, how do they feel? Solid? Rickety? Warm and fuzzy? Cold? Do they have staying power? Even if the answer is yes, this is a time to consider whether you really want them.

The same questions are coming up about your goals, as well as all the work you’re putting out. Are you seeing solid results from the efforts you’ve been expending? Are they leading anywhere? Anywhere you want to go?

Answering the questions may put you through a cold calculation. This is “Santa Baby” territory, which prefers long term value to fleeting pleasures.

You might not entirely trust your assessments. The Capricorn Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is still squaring transcendent Neptune, and with the ruler of form clashing with the ruler of all that is formless, cosmic fog does cloud perceptions.

Still, honor your emotions; trust your instinctive reactions. They are on fire within the fog. Messenger Mercury and love goddess Venus are beaming supportive high energy to Saturn. Risks and impulses to leap will take you to solid destinations. Maybe structure and commitment, maybe a wall…but solid nonetheless.

And much as you might prefer to be the baby, this is the time to be the adult in the room. Or at least to look around and see if any adults are present.

This Moon has enormous incentive for you to step up and be the adult. To take responsibility for your long-term security. To protect and provide for your inner child, and make up for the shortfalls it (and you) have experienced throughout your life.  And very possibly, to recognize allies who have stood the test of time — or are up to standing by you for the long haul.

An elixir of nurturing, motivation and healing is coursing through the skies, because of the open current, or grand trine, from the Cancer Sun to Mars in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces. (The latter two bodies are pouring cooperation directly into the Capricorn Moon as well.) The mix fosters bold, fearless, loving resolve and follow through, whether that’s baring our heart to another or cutting a connection for the good of all concerned.

With Mars making its third pass since spring over the final degrees of Scorpio, the healing coming off the action is penetrating to the max, extending to deep, scary, scarred places we have kept hidden, even from ourselves.

The lineup also favors connections with a therapeutic impact on our core and abiding wounds. They are in line with the approach of Imago therapy, pioneered by Harville Hendrix: that we work out childhood issues in our closest adult relationships, and can experience healing when a partner provides the special flavor of love and understanding we didn’t receive from a parent.

If you sense a relationship has this potential, brave and gentle candor may pay off in profound and lasting value. Or it may reveal that your sense was misplaced. Either outcome ultimately furthers and strengthens your emotional bottom line.

Whatever the nature of this Moon’s status report, action is likely to follow. We’re running situations and goals through the filter of the heart and evaluating whether they make us feel good, safe or secure — or worth the effort. Then responding.

Watch for a flurry of airing and removing anything that might threaten foundations or structures (rot, decay, debris, termite damage, phobias, assorted crazy talk).  Watch yourself sort through your life with a steely eye. You’re watching out for your inner child, as well as for your future.

Readers call Astro-Insight: “Ridiculously accurate.” “On the nose.” “The best in the business bar none.” Agree? Help keep it going! Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for July 18 – 24, 2016

Time for a reality check. And cost/benefit analysis with highly personal benchmarks. Inner children are nudging their hosts to act like adults already. Impulsive, risky communication pays off in certainty. Forget drawing hearts in the sand. You want a diamond, a deed, a paved path to the future. Or at least, certainty.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for July 18 – 24, 2016  (6:12 minutes).

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2016 Cancer New Moon

July 4, 2016
4:00 AM PDT / 7 AM EDT / 11 AM GMT
12 Cancer 53

by Kathy Biehl

July’s Cancer New Moon is drawing us all into the water. It’s luring us with the promise of comfort, an escape to days gone by, a safe haven for wallowing and pouting, and maybe just a warm and soothing bath.

The Moon is in her home base, stirring primal emotions, impulses and needs. They (and we) could all benefit from some TLC just now, after the weird, confounding ride that dominated the month of June. Give the adult in you a time out and treat your inner child to gentle nurturing and reassurance. This Moon has the formula to deliver just that.

Cancer is all about home, family (genetic, ancestral, chosen, tribal), emotional and financial security, and feeling so safe that you could sleep in the back seat of a moving car. The sign ranks traditions, nesting, and clucking over loved ones high on the hierarchy of values. Mommy issues reign supreme (including arguing over who gets to be the baby), and food is the currency of love. (Well, maybe guilt is the coin.)

The topic of exactly who’s in that protected sphere of family is a topic all over the current news, nationally and internationally. This Moon highlights the issue in the US by falling on the day celebrated as the birthday of that Cancer nation. The personal impact will have you seeking shelter in your own home base and/or gravitating to people you love or who feel kindred.

This Moon’s waters have the power not merely to soothe, nourish and unleash a wellspring of emotion, but also to connect hearts and souls in ways that unhook us from normal reality. Watch for nonrational experiences of relatedness (telepathy on overdrive, and fusing both emotions and thoughts), as well as zany creative inspiration pouring out in floods. They’re all coming through the open channel of energy linking cosmic messenger Mercury and the New Moon to Neptune, ruler of illusion and transcendence. A power is on tap like the one that drove Robin Williams’ rapid-fire vocal play. Some moments may well take on the feeling of a baptism or other holy rite.

Down at the shallow end of the pool, delusion, self-pity or us against them protectionism may occasion behavior fit for toddlers. Splash back at your risk; there’s plenty of healthier, stabler areas elsewhere. These waters are overflowing with full-spectrum love, from the highest we-are-family level to connecting with one special one, deeply, intensely and fearlessly, with no intent (and perhaps likelihood) of take-backs. The Mercury/Moon/Neptune link is only one reason for this. Another is the hook-up between the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars. The feminine is in hearth goddess mode, while the masculine is exploring his sensitive side. (Cue Christine Lavin’s song “Sensitive New Age Guy.”) Hearts are hungry for sweet, tender connection, and our drive is primed to make that happen. With Mars now direct after a long retrograde in Scorpio, he’s ready for bold, nigh on fearless (and probably permanent) movement on matters that have been simmering.

Embrace the time out. Soak in it. Head for water, blast your favorite music and sing along, knock back some cold ones and enjoy the company you choose to keep. The sojourn will be good for your soul. And who knows: your inner child may well find the safety, love and sense of belonging it so desperately craves within the adult it inhabits. And maybe in someone outside of you, too.

Readers call Astro-Insight: “Ridiculously accurate.” “On the nose.” “The best in the business bar none.” Agree? Help keep it going! Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for July 5 – 10, 2016

And now, for an emotional respite. Or interlude. Or R&R. Your inner child could use some TLC; by all means, indulge. The time out leads to disclosures, shape-shiftings, playing fields morphing.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for July 5 – 10, 2016  (6:26 minutes). And by booking a Why Is Life So Weird Now? reading.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some chocolate? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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