Carbon Under Pressure: The Cancer Solar Eclipse

I’ve been equating the buildup to the July 1 Cancer solar eclipse with the pressure that turns blobs of carbon into diamonds. That’s what we are right now. Some of us are blubbering blobs. Some of us are damned uncomfortable blobs. Some of us are animals acting so strangely that our people are calling the vet. But we’re all carbon being pressed into a no-going-back transformation.

It’s easy to say we’ll be bright and sparkly when we get to the other side. Thing is, that “other side” is a long ways off. So for now, trace the pressure into yourself. Don’t numb or run from the discomfort. Sit with it. Consider why it’s there. What needs to change. What is changing.

My full article on the eclipse discusses this process at length and includes pointers to my articles about all the eclipses since July 2009 in the Cancer/Capricorn cycle that’s peaking now. Read it here.

Want more understanding of what this means for all of us? Join my teletalk on Thursday, July 14 at 8:30 PM EDT called Out of the Rebirth Canal: After the Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses, Now What? $20/person. More info and registration here.

Extreme Multi-Tasking: Forecast for Week of June 20

It’s been exhausting, hasn’t it? Pace yourself. The intensity isn’t dying back just yet. Instead, it’s changing its tune.

We have to multi-task this week. Mars, the planet of action, is moving into Gemini, the sign of every-which-way-but-sitting-still. Our minds, conversations and plans will be spoking out impulsively and splaying our beings across reality.

Not to mention that we are on the bridge between eclipse cycles. The up-and-coming cycle, on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, has spawned most of the dramas that have been consuming us for the past few weeks. While those dramas are still very much alive, the final stage of the outgoing cycle is ramping up. The build-up to July’s Cancer solar eclipse is impelling us to finalize all those changes in our personal foundation we’ve been pondering for the past two years.

More in my podcast and written forecast

Clean the Filter: This Week & The Sag Full Moon

As revelations and news of endings bombard you this week, here’s one tactic well worth adopting: Unplug. Stop passing the gossip. Step out of the torrent of information that flows through technology non-stop. Log out of Facebook and Twitter. Leave the computer. Don’t answer calls and texts as they come in; don’t even look at them immediately. Shut off the barrage. Let the flow drain out of you. Just be. Then listen. What’s that you hear? Could it be — your thoughts? Your voice? Your guidance?

More to ponder in my:

Forecast for the week of June 13
Podcast for the week of June 13
Forecast for the June 15 Sagittarius Full Moon lunar eclipse

Now, go away!

Horoscopes for June

This is a month to remember. A solar eclipse in Gemini (1st) and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (15th) spotlight what goes into our minds and what we do with the data flow. They begin in earnest the rebooting of our relationship to our information sources that will be going on for the next three years.

Mercury enters Gemini (2nd) and ups the yak factor, which is already high before he gets there. Jupiter enters earth-bound Taurus (4th) for a 12 month stay, and we slowly get serious about what we are creating down here on earth and in our lives. (Read about my Jupiter in Taurus guides here.) Neptune goes retrograde. Saturn goes direct (12th). Mars enters Gemini (20th) and talk goes into even higher gear. No one can sit still.

The month culminates in the build-up to the final volley in the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle, wrapping up two years of addressing and restructuring core issues of home, family and career, with side orders of personal identity and relationship dynamics. Seek out quiet time and empty yourself. Circumstances won’t offer that too often.

Sign by sign forecasts here.

Forecast for Week of June 6

We’re in between eclipses. Not just between two eclipses, but also between two eclipse cycles. It’s an uncomfortable place to be. Unconscious impulses are controlling a lot of behavior. People you’d just as soon never see again are popping up and stirring unpleasant memories. Deaths and other era-ending events are occurring. No one seems to have enough money. You have to go into seclusion to steer clear of gossip and panic talk and foul moods, and even then they have a way of finding you.

And yet…

… underneath the universal freaking out, the sense is dawning that life is starting to get better, no matter how chaotic it may look now. Don’t you feel irrationally hopeful about the not-so-distant future? Doesn’t some part of you suspect that your situation will be markedly improved come July and August?

That’s not magical thinking (well…not entirely.) Focus on those thoughts, and on the silver linings, please. The chaos is, in fact, part of the process, clearing out garbage and baggage so that the reasons for optimism have room to grow.

More in my weekly forecast.

And in my weekly podcast.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Today Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, begins a one-year journey through Taurus, the earthiest of the signs. Slow and reliable growth is on the way for all of us! (How? Think back 12, 24, 36 years for ideas of the themes that will spiral back around.)

My sign-by-sign Jupiter in Taurus guides will help you see and work with the opportunities he’s bringing. Read more here.