How Deep Is Your Love (For Yourself): Scorpio New Moon

October 26, 2011
12:57 PM PDT / 3:57 PM EDT / 7:57 PM GMT
3 Scorpio 03

Going deep is always part of the Scorpio New Moon. This year’s takes us into even deeper waters than usual.

Emotions, perceptions, intuitions and fears are heightened right now — all the sensations that come without tangible evidence or reason. Call it X-ray vision, sonar, hunches or feelings; everyone’s got an extra dose of sensitivity at their disposal.

Pay attention to it. Go with immediate reactions, before your brain kicks in and edits, censors or rationalizes. Honor the tingling of your physical radar — a tightening in your stomach or solar plexus, nervousness and uneasiness, headaches out of the blue, even excitement and exhilaration. (Radar doesn’t only pick up warnings!) Ground yourself, sit quietly and see where your attention goes. Its stops aren’t likely to be trifles or coincidences.

We’ve got fearlessness to the nth power now, too. This is an optimal time to investigate matters that can be scaring or intimidating. (Discuss joint finances with your spouse; stand up to a creditor or someone you view as more powerful; look into that surgery or will you’ve been putting off.) To dive into the subconscious, or into union with another person. To plunge through the dark and murky aspects of situations and expose truth. To confront mortality, move through loss and grief and connect with the dead. To apply a scalpel to your psyche, your surroundings, your relationships or your life and boldly cut away diseased, withering or dead areas.

Hardly the makings of an Elmo and Disney princess Halloween, are they? Watch the costumes. They’ll reflect that the holiday is more dark, macabre and potentially real than usual this year.

Read the rest of my moon report here.

How Dark Is Your Moon? Forecast for Oct 24-30

We are on the dark side of the moon, and it’s a doozy — fitting for the Scorpio new moon that follows on Wednesday. Seen the drama? Felt it? Issues that we’re sick and tired of grappling with have roared back up. Life and death terrors are cresting and rampaging. Monsters that we’ve batted down are refusing to stay in the closet, or buried in our psyches.

One friend saw her personal demons walk into a party before her eyes this weekend. Two clients called me crying so uncontrollably that they were incoherent. (Both invoked the possibility of dying, no coincidence, one with fear, one with relief.) Me, I buried myself in inner work to an extent and with an intensity that would have taken a month in our earlier experiences of time…and still degenerated this morning into screaming myself hoarse at a drain that will not plug.

Sounds stupid, right? It’s a reflection of the current energy, though. This flaw is keeping the sink from holding water for the 15 minutes needed to clean the blades for the purifiers that pull mold from the air of my storm-damaged house. (Astro pop quiz: how many Scorpio or Pluto references can you spot in that one sentence?) It doesn’t matter how carefully I place the stopper, or what else I use or stack to block the drain; the sink empties.

It’s another metaphor for this week. Keeping things in is futile. The drain is open and it is going to empty. Scream; fight; kick; scream some more; cry. None of that is going to affect the drain.

What’s behind the intensity is Scorpio moving into dominance of the sky. Jupiter, which escalates any influence it touches, is in cahoots with Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, overseer of the underworld and the subconscious, our most irrational desires and longings, and the whole gamut of skin-shedding, garden-pruning, Phoenix-into-the-ashes-and-out-again death and rebirth processes. Both of these guys will be in direct contact with the new moon, which will imprint this sky’s-the-limit, deep-cleaning vibe into the moon cycle.

Game for more? Read my extended weekly forecast and listen to my podcast. I’ve got resources for 2012-2013 up now, too. They’re in this weekend’s blog post and also on my site.

Q&A about 2011-2013

I am offering a review and Q&A session by conference call as a follow-up to my mp3 talk “It’s All In Your Mind: The Potential of the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses of 2010-2013.” The call will give you the opportunity to discuss the talk with me after you have listened to and processed the information.

The call will start Sunday, November 6 at 7 PM ET and last about an hour. The cost is $15. Sign up here.

Email me questions in advance to increase the likelihood that I will have time to answer them.

About the talk: It explores how we will be rebooting our information flow from now through 2013: where and how we get it, what we do with it, and especially how we let it shape our theories, beliefs and rules about our lives and our world. I discuss this process and what it means for us individually and collectively. I also give specific and practical strategies for using the eclipse potential to navigate the challenging aspects of the next two years.

If you don’t have the talk, you can order it here.

Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life: The Gem/Sag Eclipse Potential

Mp3s are now available of my talk “It’s All In Your Mind: The Potential of the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses of 2010-2013.” It discusses how we will be resetting/rebooting our information flow during the ongoing, radical change of the next few years, and gives specific strategies for navigating it well. Info included on what the eclipses are stirring up for each sign, as well as the bigger astrological context of pressuring and healing influences. Order at

Itchy & Scratchy: Forecast for Oct. 17-23

The last few weeks have brought stabilizing, grounding and, for some, the sense of imposed stillness. That’s all changing now, as the skies needle us into twitching and shifting and getting off dead center.

Yep, it’s already time to move on. No period of stasis can last. It’s in the natural order of things for stability and calm to slip into something more dynamic. Remember that when you feel an electric buzz, or impulse, or discharge this week. They’re not merely disrupting your complacency; they’re also doing their job.

Read the rest of my extended weekly forecast here. And listen to my podcast (under five minutes!) here.

THIS WEEK ONLY: Special rates of $120 for 60 minutes, $100 for 45 minutes for astrology consultations booked, prepaid and concluded by 5 PM EDT on Sun., Oct. 23. Email me to make an appointment. Dally at your own risk; openings are limited!

Up on a Tightwire: Forecast For Week of Oct. 10

Grounding cords continue to sink down and lock in this week. As they’re settling into place, they get a good shake to test and show us how secure they are.

What sets the shaking in motion are relationships, and the process will sort them, too. Some will fall away. Some will recede. And some will deepen and grow as hearts and minds link with forces far greater than individual consciousness.

Expect more important developments, offers and communications, more getting comfortable and secure with ourselves, more giant steps in compassion and intuitive accuracy, and lots more comings and goings in our social lives and connections.

More in my:

Calm Within the Storm: Forecast for the Week of Oct. 3, 2011

Life continues to be chaotic, yet balance is increasingly easier to maintain or regain. That’s not coming from external factors, though they may be reflecting it. This week, stability is an inside job.

The week brings three more meetings with Saturn, overseer of order, structure, commitment and responsibility. Mercury, who rules how our minds and bodies move about, has appointments with Saturn by declination and by degree. Clarity, seriousness and purposefulness all permeate our thinking, our info gathering and our running around.

Our personalities and approach to our lives are in for a growth spurt in seriousness and personal responsibility as well. The Sun joins up with Saturn by declination on Friday, presaging their conjunction coming next week on the 13th. A cosmic alarm clock is going off, and this one is minus a snooze button.

Relationships enjoy a special, softened, enlightened glow as the weekend approaches, thanks to the two planets of love connecting on Friday. This link does not have partners clutching at and potentially suffocating each other. Instead, it fosters plenty of breathing room and admiration for each person’s individuality, with Venus and Neptune being in the late degrees of the air signs Libra and Aquarius. It’s the sort of vibration that inspires supporting your mate/partner/friend/special person to be his or her best possible self.

For my full take on the week, read my extended forecast and listen to my five-minute podcast.

P.S. In recognition of the recent epidemic of upheavals, I am offering special “we’re in this together” reading rates.