Forecast for the 2017 Taurus New Moon

2017 Taurus New Moon
April 26, 2017
5:16 AM PDT / 8:16 AM EDT / 1:16 GMT
6 Taurus 27

Buds are blossoming. Critters are stirring. What’s coming into being for you? That’s the focus and the growth potential of the Taurus New Moon.

This Moon, in the first, most primal earth sign of the zodiac, invites attention to the physical circumstances of your life. A thought or a look is not enough. It’s time to cultivate, immerse, experience, enjoy, touch, taste and savor — and set up the conditions that will bring you more.

A newly honed awareness is at work of what it is you actually want.  Have you noticed that your  preferences aren’t what they were? That certain foods or activities have lost their appeal, while others have to come to the fore? That your sense of your own worth has shifted into something more … worthy?

All that and more have become clearer over the past month-plus as the Taurus Moon’s ruler, Venus, sprinkled your path, social media, thoughts and likely dreams with memories, teachable moments and realizations; with trinkets, fool’s gold and recognition of nuggets you already possess.

Your tastes are refined, your appetite whetted. Now comes a Moon for seeking satisfaction.

Go easy on intangibles and far-off, maybe-someday bucket list items, if you use this lunation to make wishes or set intentions. (Though this New Moon does offer a portal to inspiration, magic and miracles, via a wide applying sextile to Neptune — you just have to not only be open to them, but also actively reach for and grab any that show up.)

This New Moon is more suited to the here and now — emphasis on the here, with a bit of slack on the now.

Instant gratification isn’t part of the process, though grazing and nibbling are likely along the way. Any Taurus Moon is a leisurely affair. This one sees ruler Venus in no rush at all.

The goddess of love, money and earthly delights is making a slow getaway from her six week retrograde (the occasion for the above-mentioned sprinkling). She’s floating at the end of Pisces, in the last degrees of the zodiac, and still quivering from recent exact links to Chiron, keeper of abiding wounds, and Saturn, ruler of order, time and adulting.

As she moseys out of Pisces for most of the rest of the month, she’ll continue having words with Saturn, who will say “no” and “not yet” and, when we orient ourselves sufficiently responsibly, “yes.” Watch for the carousel of emotions that colored Easter/Passover weekend — weepiness, weariness, acceptance, relief, resolution, balm and back to vague sorrow — to cycle back through and tenderize the ground we’re cultivating.

Watered by emotions, with slow and steady nurturing, the plantings of this New Moon have the potential to grow into tangible support and satisfaction. It has an air of fatedness, of supposed-to-be, with the New Moon making a wide trine to the Virgo North Node of destiny.  That contact is a benediction of sorts for the 18-month journey through Virgo the node is wrapping up, and the coming flourishing is what we’ve been working toward.

And some of that could end up feeling like heaven on earth. With Venus in the waters of higher love, and their ruler Neptune offering assistance, divine or ecstatic experiences are certainly possible down here on terra firm.

That may take the form of a thunderclap moment (finding God in a sunset, say, or freshly picked berries). It might also pervade and elevate modest, ordinary aspects of life. You can invite that in, actually, if you consciously view matter as spiritual energy that has come down to this plane and taken on physical form. Even money and resources. Especially money and resources.

Which goes for your body as well. Treat it as your temple and by all means, stay in it. It’s the vehicle for exploring and experiencing the growth coming from the Taurus New Moon. As they used to say, “Here is where it’s at.”

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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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