Forecast for March 2-8, 2015

Wild cards are flying. Keys are turning. Tempers are rising. So are temperatures. Anything can happen, in the sultry wink of an eye.

Learn more in my podcast for the week of March 2-8, forecast for March, 2015 astro-overview mp3 set and 2015 guides for each sign.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for more than six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Enormous Changes At the Last Minute: Astrology Forecast for March 2015

Never mind the calendar and the weather. The most active time of the year has arrived.  March puts us through a gauntlet of flaring passions, fire bombs, eruptions, earthquakes, departures, and shape shifts that stabilize surprisingly quickly. And most of the action kicks in well before the first day of spring.

Little is coming out of nowhere. Developments are breaking into being that have been building below the surface, or starting and stalling, or taunting us from the periphery or elsewhere. The trigger comes from three big influences happening in quick succession. Their combined effect escalates the action, rearranges the playing field (and the players) and shoots us in a direction for years to come.

Cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto have their final smack down mid-month, wrapping up the foundational restructuring they have been demanding for the past three years. See if you don’t dive into their last clash head on, consciously or not.  Gumption, daring and a gambler’s confidence are yours, whether you’ve been biding your time, whether you’ve been dillydallying or fence-sitting, and whether the final showdown catches you unawares.  (By the way, if you warmed up to changing conditions last fall but were unable to move forward, the time is ripe to tackle them.)

March 1-10
The beginning of the month fortifies us for the final clash.  Messages and realizations abound that set the stage for our approach. As Mercury, ruler of our information flow, finally leaves the turf he traveled during his recent retrograde, perspectives clarify to make sense of much that happened (or didn’t happen) in January and February.

The month’s first 10 days ignite life force, desire, ambition and other fierce impulses as expansive Jupiter links to Uranus and the cosmic lovers Venus, goddess of love, and Mars, god of war.  These meetings have the effect of throwing flame accelerant on the Uranian end of the equation, escalating unpredictability, volatility, rebelliousness, radical shifts in perspective, and strikes for freedom and individuality, come what may. (You might sense a connection to the fires of last October, when this link most recently occurred.)

Amid such excitement, the Virgo Full Moon on the 5th is unlikely to draw much attention. It offers as a gentle grounding force, reminding us to exercise discernment, maintain healthy boundaries and take our vitamins. We are not likely to heed its cautions, not when we have felt held back for so long and sense so much finally coming to life.

The brakes are lifting on desires, too. Venus and Mars are in hunter mode and going for broke. Nothing’s getting in their way, either. Jupiter is egging them on, Uranus is unlocking inhibitions (as if this pair in Aries had many in the first place), and Pluto is making cravings nigh on impossible to resist. With that outer planet triple whammy, subtlety and caution go out the window and I WANT takes over.

March 12-17
While the fires are still crackling, Mercury enters Pisces (on the 12th), where logical thought gives way to knowing, blending and grokking. Intuitive, instinctive navigation is the only way to go now, especially with Saturn beginning a nearly six-month retrograde on the 14th. His about-face promptly stirs trouble with Mercury, highlighting the year’s theme of answering for the words and beliefs that run through our minds and out of our mouths. “Nos” and walls you encounter may not be the final answer. Pushing through won’t work at this point, though; turn on your inner GPS and bide your time.

As Mercury and Saturn square off, on the 16th, so do Uranus and Pluto, for the seventh and final time. They are unleashing one final tectonic plate shift, which puts the playing field in the condition that will remain for the foreseeable future (and stabilize beyond what you can currently imagine, in the fall).

See if you don’t dive into this final clash head on, full of daring and gumption and come-what-may bravado. Your life has radically altered since June 2012, when the first square took place. (The rest happened in September 2012, May and November 2013, and April and December 2014.)  Foundations have cracked open. Connections and agreements have shattered. Rule books have changed. Your own priorities and programming have evolved. Odds are by last fall you stopped resisting or fighting the changing conditions and moved to facing and even dealing with them.  What happens now is full of surprises. The person you will likely surprise most is yourself.

The urge for solid ground and firm footing comes quickly. Venus, ruler of how we relate and what we desire, moves into her home base of Taurus on March 17th and encourages sinking all the hubbub into tangible, sensory and bankable currency.  Chocolate, wine, fresh flowers and gentle caresses are not luxuries, but necessary comforts.  Attention is still split, though, with part of it still fixed on going after desires, rather than having them delivered to us. That’s because Venus’ lover Mars will not join her in Taurus until the end of the month; he continues questing on his beloved battlefield until the 31st.

March 20: The Year’s First Eclipse on the First Day of Spring
While shockwaves are spreading from Uranus and Pluto’s final smack down,  the year’s first eclipse occurs on the first day of spring, 13 hours before the Sun enters Aries. March’s new moon takes place at the last degree of the zodiac, 29 Pisces. This is an extraordinarily sensitive location. It is called the degree of ultimate sorrow, because it embodies the culmination of everything carried by all of existence. It is also, effectively, the first degree of the zodiac, the critical Aries point, which is the most instigating, propelling and dynamic degree affecting the collective experience.

As the three-year process of the Uranus/Pluto square sets our new platform into place, this New Moon catapults us far onto it. Issues of boundaries, compassion and interconnectedness color the spring, which officially starts at 6:46 EDT, and last at least until September’s Virgo solar eclipse.

More housecleaning is part of the deal. A solar eclipse always sends situations and people out the door. It is like the lights going out at the end of an act on stage, scene changes occurring in the blackout, and the lights gradually coming on to reveal who and what is now on stage. Martyrdom, sacrifice and carrying other people’s burdens drive many of the set changes, particularly decisions not to engage in any of that any longer. Star Trek’s prime directive is a pertinent guideline: not to interfere in a species’ right to self-determination.

March 22-31
The first days of spring provide a gentle lead-out from the tumult of the first half of the month. They make it easy to embrace empowering truths, connect our hearts to higher guidance and express true love (as opposed to romance) down here on earth. With Mercury meeting Chiron, words have a healing power that can soothe and rectify longstanding wounds, especially involving inner dialogue we’ve used to harm ourselves.

Personal stabilizing builds by the 25th, whether outer conditions are calming or not.  Desires are mushrooming, too. Everyone is asking for more, and you may reach further than is your norm. Don’t worry that you’ve been implanted with an entitlement gene. What you’re wanting — even demanding — isn’t trivial or frivolous, but deeply meaningful and compelling, as the money and desire planets Venus and Pluto open the channel of a trine on the 30th.

Mercury’s shift to high-energy, fearless Aries encourages directly asking for what you want. Our words continue to hop as our drive starts to settle down. Mars enters Taurus on the 31st and inclines us to slow down, examine what is before us,  and proceed deliberately. After the month’s excitement, we’ll be ready for some slow time. Not to mention a snack and a nap.

Learn more in my 2015 astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!) and  2015 guides for each sign.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for Feb. 23 – March 1, 2015

You know the trailers theaters screen before movies? That’s what we’re getting this week:  one long sequence of Coming Attractions. Some premiere next month; some are playing all year long.

Learn more in my podcast for the week of Feb. 23 – March 1, 2015 astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!),  2015 guides for each sign and forecast for February. The March forecast will be posted by March 2.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the February 2015 Aquarius New Moon

29 Leo 59 / 29 Aquarius 59
3:47 PM PST / 6:47 PM EST / 11:47 PM GMT

February’s New Moon starts the approach to the awakenings that will take us into spring. The event is as quirky and distinctive as the sign it occupies. Like January’s, this Moon is in Aquarius, but with a vastly different textures. It is like a diving board that propels us into objectivity, then drops us into boundless emotion and interconnectedness.

This Aquarius New Moon is at the last minute of the last degree of the sign, so far along that it may as well be Pisces. In fact, the Sun and the Moon both slide into Pisces only minutes after meeting.  Their movement spotlights friendships, dreams and wishes while also immersing us in retreat, self-reflection and an inescapable awareness that more change is on the way. The quick transition is propelling and confusing, dousing cool intellect with empathy and sensitivity, tossing detachment like a life preserver to keep us afloat on the vast sea of life.

The blending is a paradox. It’s a gift, too, that allows connecting and communing without losing the self. Hang on to the ability to distance and the self awareness that brings. Your sanity may, at times, depend on them. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is blowing his cosmic fog machine into the New Moon. The clouds he’s sending off soften the air and blur our perceptions. Are we in another dimension? A movie? A fairy tale? A dream? Is someone lying to us? Are we lying to ourselves?

These questions are neither idle nor fleeting. They will be with us throughout the year, as Saturn, the lord of order, rules and structures, clashes with Neptune, the ruler of transcendence, illusion and delusion. The build up of this clash is part of the configuration of this New Moon. The clash forces the question of what is real and what is an illusion — particularly in our beliefs and view of the world — and challenges us to build a bridge between what goes on in our heads and what occurs in outer, tangible reality.

The configuration reverberates with another big, defining event that’s growing:  the final square between cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto, which has been dismantling and reshaping the foundations on which we have built our lives.  Halfway between Uranus and Pluto, the Moon rumbles with shockwaves that precede their final tectonic plate shifts in March.

It’s going to be disorienting. Times out are a prudent response. Take quiet dream; soak in the tub; nap; linger in bed. Breaking out of your everyday may open floodgates to higher guidance, inspiration and telepathic communication.

Thankfully, a sweetness and gentleness pervades social interactions. That’s due to the current harmony between the cosmic couple Venus and Mars, rulers of our desires and drives to fulfill them. As this Moon takes place, they are together, at the end of Pisces, encouraging love, compassion, tenderness and making room for others (and maybe excuses and sacrifices for them, too). That softness quickly gives way to fiery, independent, devil-may-care impulses, as Mars and then Venus enter Aries and hook up directly in the days right after the New Moon. Their conjunction, the first of three this year, fuses masculine and feminine (or active and receptive) energies in hunter/warrior mode. This fireball of passion, drive and daring pounces first and asks questions later, if at all. Just when we’re floating comfortably with blessed companions, jet packs are engaging right and left, churning up the waters and carrying people off.

So more paradoxes await. This New Moon outfits us with objectivity and shoves us in the brink; cloaks us in fog and compels us to rethink how we define reality; softens our hearts to our fellow men (and maybe a special someone) and then lights a fire in our hearts and elsewhere that spurs us to action.  Alright, that last pairing may not be a paradox. It may be an organic progression, not to mention the venting, at last, of pressures that have been building and building.

How we act and react is positioning us for the gauntlet of change we’re entering.  Life force is beginning to flare in all of us. Spring may technically be weeks away, but new growth is already  bursting out all around.

Learn more in my astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!),  2015 guides for each sign and Mercury retrograde guide at OM Times.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Feb. 16-22, 2015

This week is one weird and wonderful wad o’ paradoxes. Friendship and tidy emotional distance, laced with inescapable emotional sensitivity and interconnectedness. Gentle clouds that lull us to sleep and dreams, then life force roaring up like we haven’t felt all winter. Early signs of spring, that is….

Learn more in my podcast for the week of Feb. 16-22, 2015 astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!),  2015 guides for each sign and forecast for February.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for Feb. 9-15, 2015

Rounds of emotional processing during Valentine’s week? While Mercury stations direct and takes his time moving forward? The love doctor prescribes taking care of yourself, first. We’ll have more lightning bolts than arrows, though some of those may fall, too.

Learn more in my podcast for the week of Feb. 9-151, 2015 astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!),  2015 guides for each sign and forecast for February.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the 2015 Leo Full Moon

February 3, 2015

14 Leo 47 / 14 Aquarius 47

3:08 PM PST / 6:08 PM EST / 11:08 GMT

In the depth of winter, the Leo Full Moon directs attention to our inner fires. It’s always prone to drama, flair and aggrandized emotions, but this year’s model is more exciting and larger than life than usual.  This one comes with the cosmic equivalent of tossing accelerant and couple of sticks of dynamite into the flames.

The mix is motivating, energizing and, ultimately, life-affirming. Even if the week’s events are not exceptional (which is unlikely), your inner experience will be. Energies are coming to the surfacing that have been sparking for some time, and they are signs of developments to come next month. Consider what happens this week as starting to come back to life in the midst of the winter doldrums and the Piscean fog that is enveloping us.

Watch for themes in the hubbub: How brightly and how far does your light shine? Are you holding it back, or do you fan and revel in it? Who notices? Who finds warmth in it? Who appreciates, validates and/or fuels it?

The last questions especially are rampant and controlling. Your light has a force that demands expression now. If people don’t get you, don’t value you or, worse, lessen your fire, it is nigh on impossible for the connection to stay in place. Dampers are blowing off, open and apart. Situations or agreements that don’t sufficiently honor you are being stressed to the point of eruption. If they somehow survive the week, they’re being primed for the next and likely round of disruption in March.

The opposite is happening with audiences that do get, applaud and fuel you. Some simmering attractions are bursting into flame and awareness. Inner children are finding their playmates. Hearts are recognizing their matches, in both senses of the word.

It’s all part of the long-term, large-scale rearranging of our playing fields. The Moon locks into the tension between the cosmic change agents Uranus (unpredictable,  volatile and liberating) and Pluto (unavoidable, primal and restructuring). These two titans have been reworking the foundations of our existence for the past three years. They are building to the last of seven tectonic-plate-shifting clashes, which will be exact on March 17.

Uranus in Aries — source of the above-mentioned dynamite — is making a helpful link to the Aquarian Sun (which he rules) and Leo Moon. The effect encourages individuation, self-actualization, courage and daring, in a flash, without warning, and likely without remorse. This teamwork unlocks your perspective on yourself, kills tolerance for being ignored and inflames the desire for (and sense of entitlement to) attention and applause. If you have been hankering for a jail break, this Moon could make it happen.

Consider this, though:  if you are irritated with someone for not giving the attention you want, trace that dissatisfaction back into yourself.  Why are you looking for outside validation? Could your displeasure have anything to do with your not adequately valuing yourself?

All these traits and possibilities are being pumped up exponentially by Jupiter, retrograding into a direct flow to Uranus. The link becomes exact in March (note the theme yet?) and is already close enough for his bountiful properties to be fanning the flames now.

The Aquarius Sun and Leo Moon are also directly contacting Pluto and his metamorphic powers. The Sun is in a growth aspect, inviting us to purge primal fears, alter our structures and foundations to honor our personal truth and align our will with a greater one. The Moon is making an adjustment aspect to Pluto, requiring us to adapt emotionally to our changed conditions and reshape emotional attachments to, again, honor our personal truth.

Simply put, our hearts and sense of self are catching up with change, heading for arenas where they can freely shine and leaving ones where they can’t, with developments to come in March.

More simply put, we’re living the defining quote from the 80s film “Dirty Dancing.” “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.” — Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze).


Learn more in my astro-overview mp3 set (NEW!),  2015 guides for each sign and Mercury retrograde guide at OM Times.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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