Astro-Insight for Jan. 28 – Feb. 3, 2013

Face the direction you’d like to go. You’ve still got time for a detached, long-distance view before emotions take over later in February.

Enjoy the vantage point and gaze as far off as you feel inspired. Circumstances will pull your vision close in as needed this week, when the Sun sets off the cosmic red arrow that’s been flashing for the past month.

It’s been expanding your frame of reference, crashing your outmoded technology (raise your hands) and yet stabilizing your balance and footing amid the ongoing change. Clarity is coming about what all this means for you on a very personal level. Watch for moments of awareness of how you have evolved and how you are living more consciously and in sync with your power.

Limits on your power will become clear as well and add to the process of stabilizing, though in a form you may not recognize as such. Or welcome. The form may be a criticism, brake, delay, obstacle or wall that blocks or impedes or limits you (or just plain makes you feel small). No matter how frustrating it feels at the moment, the pause is likely exactly what you need — to breathe, to allow developments to solidify, to feel the ground grow firm beneath your feet. Think of it as looking both ways before crossing the street. So your stride breaks for a moment. Your journey will go on.

A stalled part of it is on the verge of reviving. Jupiter is stationing direct this week and ending the retrograde he’s been in since the beginning of October. Information will gradually begin to flow and options open up affecting matters that have been simmering or slowed since then.

Friday brings an energetic gear shift that foreshadows much of February. Cosmic lovers Mars and Venus, rulers of the masculine and feminine and of our drive and our heart, are both switching signs, during a void of course moon. New energy and modes of expression are coming into our motivations, actions and relationships, and the first place they’re changing is inside you.

Mars in Pisces is the scout planet for the pile-up that will occur in that sign later in February. His move promises an upsurge in emotionally driven behavior, in compassion, in kindness, in gentleness and …. in backhandedness. Straightforward action is going off the books for a bit. Instead, we’ll be indirect and touched by everyone else’s activity. Think of what happens in the ocean, or in a pool. Activity in one area sooner or later affects other areas. Gentle movement ripples out in all directions, while sudden or violent motion is hard to direct and can come back at you.

Venus, in contrast, is moving from cold and calculating Capricorn to detached and intellectual Aquarius. We’ll be less concerned with the bottom-line and long-term security and more inclined to lighten up, make like millennials and hang out in packs. Socializing will come more easily and freely, because every contact will no longer resound with potential ramifications and commitment.

Almost as soon as they change signs, Venus and Mars calibrate, and our hearts and will come into an updated alignment that fits the direction we’re facing. Artistic inspiration and compassion come into the mix as well, as the planets of worldly and higher love, Venus and Neptune, undergo their own alignment.

Sit in the gentle vibes that ensue. They will inspire action next week and grace relationship shifts and breakthroughs to come. Your task for now is a paradox, but one you have the power to reconcile. Take an elevated view of your path and the future to which it appears to be heading — and immerse yourself in an ocean of unconditional love.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

Look At ME!!! 2013 Leo Full Moon

January 26-27, 2013
8:39 PM PST / 11:39 PM EST / 4:39 AM GMT
7 Leo 24 / 7 Aquarius 24

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde

This weekend’s Leo Full Moon spotlights how well we’re shining — and who is paying attention. As we take center stage this time, though, it’s with intense awareness of what’s going on in the wings, not to mention the shadows, closets, basement and other darkened places.

Circumstances have been nudging (in some cases, shoving) you to be wildly, vibrantly unique yourself. Consciously or not, you’ve been lifting brakes that have held your true nature in check. Maybe you’ve been acting with less concern about propriety, or about what other people might think. Maybe other people’s reactions haven’t entered the equation and you’ve simply been allowing yourself freer expression.

Go for broke now. This weekend’s Moon has a strong element of pulling out the stops. With Uranus and Mars hosting the party, daring, surprising, unconventional, and even shocking behavior is called for. Here’s how they’re in charge: The Leo Moon is disposited by the Sun. Since the Sun’s in Aquarius, he’s ruled by Uranus. Since Uranus is in Aries, he’s ruled by Mars, who is in Aquarius and therefore under the command of … Uranus.

Neither Uranus (the cosmic rebel and awakener) nor Mars (god of action) is quiet on his own. When they’re in cahoots like this, it’s as if the cosmos is triple dog daring us.

This challenge will summon inner children, performers and drama queens alike. Some people are going to be playful and have a blast; others are going to act out and demand attention.

As the melee plays out, three key factors are worth noting. One is the maturity level of behavior (and please draw a difference between childlike and childish). One is the concern or lack thereof for other people’s reactions. And one is the extent, quality and source of the reaction.

Engage in behavior for your personal expression and enjoyment and, paradoxically, you will draw an appreciative audience. The size isn’t important; the point is that people “get” you. Notice exactly what that is, too. Pay attention to who is cheering you on and who’s joining in.

Also pay attention to what’s going on throughout your social circles. Who’s having fun, and who’s just being infantile? Hissy fits, petulance, demands for attention and blowing situations way out of proportion are all signals that you may want to redefine some of your alliances.

Just for grins, compare this month with January of 2008, when a lunar eclipse happened within a degree of this month’s Full Moon. How has your expression of yourself changed since then? How has your role changed in group contexts? Aren’t you measurably more comfortable with being yourself — and around people who applaud you for that?

There’s another, darker side to what’s happening. The Sun and the Moon are each bearing down on Saturn, in a dynamic configuration called a t-square. This pressure is what’s directing attention to the shadows, closets, basements and other darkened places. What is going on back there, and how healthy is it for you?

A wealth of questions arise from this. How committed are you and your social groups to each other? Is your community supportive? What return are you getting on your investment of time and energy? What’s the level of trust and intimacy? Has anyone betrayed you or broken trust? Are you betraying yourself or your system of values?

With the people who truly get you, this is a time of deepening and stabilizing the connections. As for the others, a cutting back is in order. Some people might leave (in which case bless them). You might leave the group, a likely outcome if it does not fit in with your refocused vision for your life. You might relegate these people to the far reaches of your personal universe. You might cease contact, or you might overtly end the friendship(s).

The point of all of this is your ability to dance and shine unimpeded. You are in the spotlight, not just during this Full Moon, but for the entirety of your life. You are securing a safe and supportive stage for you to play on. The condition of the wings, backstage areas and dressing rooms are important, too, and so is the makeup and identity of the audience. They’re waiting for you to come out now. Take a bow.

Need a road map for the year? Book a session with me.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Talk To Me: Forecast for Jan. 21-27, 2013

I am hosting Best of the Best on CBS NewSkyRadio this Tuesday the 22nd from 8-9 PM EST – just me, no guests, talking about astrology and taking questions from listeners. Call (248) 545-SOUL (7685) or instant message via the Instant Feedback box located on the home page.

Get out your comfy shoes! This is a week of messages and trips, full of road signs that redirect us to exactly where we meant to be heading.

Mercury is contacting both of the cosmic change agents, as well as the Finger of God aspect that has been pointing the way since the winter solstice. You may be right about where you think you’re going, but this week will rearrange your thinking as to how — and likely upgrade your plans as well.

The cosmic trickster is opening the door to out of the blue, spur-of-the-moment disruptions in thinking and schedules. He’s pumping your perspective with optimism, ushering in greater visions for the future (including higher quality technology) and taking you further than you previously envisioned (and probably quite literally).

Don’t be afraid you might fly too high or far afield. True, you will quickly hit limits, courtesy of the dictates of so-called reality. They may push you off the high wire or zip line, but they also provide a safety net, not to mention a reminder of where the walls are. Whatever you think, learn or explore ultimately leads back to your sure footing and your process of stabilizing in the midst of massive inner and outer restructuring.

One component of the stability comes from a few things finally making sense. Some of the messages and seeming side trips date back awhile, to September, or June, or even late last spring. See? You weren’t crazy. Those rumblings you sensed really were happening. Information early in the week confirms them, and also explains why confirmation didn’t come sooner.

The week culminates in the Leo Full Moon (Friday in the Western Hemisphere, Saturday in the Eastern), which always spotlights how well we shine within a group context. It’s time for inner children and drama queens to come out and play. Ignore them at your peril; their behavior could be more unpredictable and attention-getting than the norm for this Moon. For more, read my mooncast, which should be posted on the site by Friday.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

I WANT: Forecast for Jan. 14 – 20, 2013

What do you want? Really want? Seriously now: in the privacy of your mind and heart, when you think no one can see, what is it you want, crave, long to possess with every fiber of your being?

That’s the focus of the week, desire: raw, insistent, compelling, magnetic, terrifying, life-changing and yet organic, natural, calming and, ultimately, stabilizing. It’s not a maybe-someday contemplation topic, but a force that is demanding demonstrable, tangible reliable developments.

Your heart’s journey has taken on a distinctively here-and-now quality since Venus entered Capricorn (and all its respect for formalities and long-term security) last Tuesday. The planet of relationships, money and creativity has entered the battle of the cosmic change agents, the multi-year process that is destabilizing and remaking the very foundations of our existence.

This week’s leg of the journey begins with us all still tingling from the shake-ups and blowing the carbon out that happened over the weekend, when Venus roughed it up with Uranus, bringer of unpredictable, sudden and liberating change. Lightning flashed; viewpoints flipped; a rash of breaking up/out/through/loose ensued.

Before she hits the other end of the change imperative, we get therapy. A lovely healing, calming, forgiving dose comes on Tuesday, when she links to Chiron, the wounded healer, who calls for fulling embracing the physicality of being human, pain and all. Ease up on yourself and on others. Look for points of connection instead of flaws or injuries or differences.

Desire is still steering, though. That hits critical mass on Wednesday (or should I say: Wantday), with the Sun and Jupiter inflating everyone’s sense of entitlement and Venus taking a closed-doors meeting with Pluto, agent of unavoidable, life-altering, terrifying and thrilling change. Their conjunction is tempering, streamlining, purifying and cathartic, simultaneously life-enhancing and lethal. Our hearts are undergoing a tectonic plate shift, and our inner and outer terrain will not be the same.

On a symbolic level, the feminine is on a rampage, and she will fight the order that has deigned to hold her back, which promises news of women’s rights, health care, rape outrage and more. On a mundane level, this conjunction could see the departure from power — or life — of prominent women who have wielded extraordinary power or awakened extraordinary fear.

As with a geological lurch, the new structures (and the departures) are not springing out of thin air, but responding to pressures that have been building for a long, long time. We’ve been sensing them — in dreams, in recurring urges, in weird noises from the basement that disturb the night, in the “Jaws” theme playing in the background. They’re taking form; they’re taking hold. Some aren’t pretty; some aren’t acceptable in public; some are outright forbidden. Conscious thought plays a role later (Friday, actually); for now we’re answering a call that has nothing whatsoever to do with logic or reason.

The outer world is changing shape to match our desires, values and priorities, which have been overhauled and how in the past three or four years. We’re admitting that we want, crave, need, absolutely have to have, no more denying — and therefore we’re allowing in — situations, connections, upgrades in love and money, empowering tools and objects and other life-path paving stones. We’re also admitting — or being shown, or being ripped away from — what we don’t want, don’t need, can’t make work, or now recognize as stifling, diseased, broken, pathological, deadly, dying and dead.

As enormous and messy as this is, it’s a welcome chaos. We can live with it; we can work with it; we can even enjoy it. Besides, the rubble doesn’t pose much interference, because stabilizing is inherent to this massive reconstruction.

Circumstances quickly offer a way to firm the newly settling foundations, with Venus sextiling order-loving Saturn Thursday. A new level of self-knowledge and certainty arrives Friday, when Mercury meets up with the Sun at the pinnacle of Capricorn. The next day, the pair leave the mundane for the intellectual, future-oriented air of Aquarius and begin their own approach to Uranus. This week’s focus, commitments and deaths point us in a direction to which we’ll soon be leaping.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Heaven on Earth: The 2013 Capricorn New Moon

January 11, 2013
11:44 AM PST / 2:44 PM EST / 7:44 PM GMT
21 Capricorn 45

It’s time to make things real. Spiritual connections, goals and desires are coming down to earth. Deep-rooted clearings and transformations are coming to the surface. And all are taking physical form in the here and now.

Developments have a long tail indeed. The Capricorn area of your chart has been under renovation for five years, since Pluto entered that sign at the end of January 2008. In the past year, one section of that has been worked over by the cosmic equivalent of depth charges and meat tenderizers. A significant chapter begins now; significant birthings and coming into being begin now.

Structure, form and formalizing are watchwords for this process. The Moon is ruled by Saturn, keeper of order and rulers, and minder of long-term ramifications. He’s in a cooperative aspect to the trio of planets joining the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn: Venus, ruler of love, money and creativity; Pluto, lord of death and regeneration; and Mercury ruler of communication and transportation.

Trivial this is not! This line-up calls for raw honesty, especially with the self, for connecting and committing to situations of profound and lasting value, and for cutting loose from the diversionary, the diseased, the outmoded. Intense and deep conversations are probable; so are intense and deep connections. (Champagne in the fridge, anyone?)

It is definitely a time to dump baggage. Purging is a terrific way to embrace these energies. Clean your closets. Give away usable items you don’t want to someone they’d benefit. (Big Brothers/Big Sisters, women’s shelters, and Freecycle come to mind.) Purge like mad. Make a point to look in dark, hidden places (basements, under sinks, storage units, the backs of closets). You’re clearing ground for emerging growth. Get the ickies out of the way!

This Moon phase is firmly connected to relationships and money. Venus and Pluto are the rulers of desire (conscious vs. cellular) and of money (ordinary amounts vs. enormous wealth). The conscious, worldly end of those two spectrums gets an otherworldly boost the day before the New Moon, when Venus makes a door-opening aspect to Neptune, ruler of dreams, transcendence and outright escapism.

Magical, heaven-sent opportunities present themselves; romance, universal love and, I’m going to use that word again, magic color our world. This stance of heart-softening pervades the New Moon and the month growing out from it.

So does the anticipation of two less gentle, more insistent, more exciting events: Venus’ clash with awakening Uranus this weekend, and her private meeting next week with transformative Pluto. Her travels imbue our hearts and values with higher love and guidance, knocks situations into movement and impels intense explorations of intimacy and awareness of the power and extent of our desires. Fears and compulsions are part of the mix, too, but the desire end has a magnetism that will pull us in regardless.

The bottom line (always a factor with Capricorn): What we’re drawn to now has lasting impact, if not lasting form. Developments are profound, tangible, real-world, the physical manifestation of rumblings that have been sounding since last summer. Choices and commitments we make now are no rabbit holes or momentary diversions. At a minimum, they are monumental stepping stones to the future and security we are building. Many are far more than that; many will be with us for the long haul.

Launch the new year with insight!. Book a session with me.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

And We’re Off! Forecast For Jan. 7-13, 2013

And we’re off!

This is the point in a journey when you check the gas gauge, look at the time and compare the road signs to the map to make certain you’re on target. Maybe you’ll change the route for a quicker or more entertaining one; maybe you’ll switch to a more cost-effective mode of travel. Maybe you’ll let a passenger out, or invite one in. The one certainty is that you will not trundle along unthinkingly or, more accurately, unfeelingly. Your heart is steering the trip, and it’s issuing requirements.

This stage of the journey shows the effects of Venus and Mars, rulers of all we value and the way we go after it, making significant contacts to the influences that are fomenting and stabilizing evolution. The forward-ho! rush we’ve been on since New Year’s Eve hits a wall Monday, when Saturn says “no” to Mars. The development is a metaphoric wall from which you can push off, fueled by the irritation, frustration and probable pissed-offness that erupts in you.

The heart focus comes in when Venus moves into Capricorn on Tuesday. The love goddess is at her most calculating and practical in this sign, where she waves off sentiment and sweet nothings for sure things and the bottom line. “Santa Baby” captures her druthers: tangible, bankable displays of affection, real estate, stock, long-term commitment with a pre-nup and an investment account. (“Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” is another theme song for her.)

For the rest of the month, we’ll all be casting a cool, realistic eye at our relationships, bank accounts, goals and evolutionary path — but with a remarkable twist. The first glances will be through a soft, even loving lens. Amazingly, Venus is making her move at 11:11 EST — passing through a doorway coded for relationship, and for twin flames at that.

No matter what time zone you’re in, her first major aspect activates a yearning for bringing soul unions into physical being. When Venus sextiles Neptune on Thursday, their contact beckons us onto a bridge between earthly and higher love. She (and by extension some of us) will succumb to sweet magic and the wonder of spirit made manifest. Make the effort to view everything in the best possible light. You’ll feel good, others will feel good and likely some other good will come of it, too. At a minimum, you’re watering soil and priming it with the nutrient of love.

Friday’s Capricorn New Moon boosts the emphasis on the earth plane — experience, value, ramifications, long term security, what’s happening and growing in the here and now on terra firma. Niceties and fluff are not in anyone’s sights; instead we’re hyperaware of substance and the material. This Moon may awaken the resolutions and goal-setting that are generally in the air at New Year’s, but which have been strangely lacking this time. For more on the New Moon, read my forecast, which should be posted on the site by Thursday.

The first order of business under the New Moon is running the ongoing r/evolution by our hearts. On Friday, Venus takes the Neptunian feel-good injection with her as she sets off the awakening, volatile end of the Uranus/Pluto square that is reshaping our world inside and out. How do you feel about the destabilizing and restructuring you’ve been experiencing since last June? How are your long-term goals and security structures faring? What’s up for more change?

These are not theoretical inquiries. Something’s got to give. Something’s been stirring in your heart and breaks loose today in a flash. Venus and Uranus are demanding action, and an epidemic of sudden moves is the result.

Your view of an object of desire could shatter or, at the other extreme a lightning bolt could awaken you the fact that the answer to your prayers is standing right next to you. Your desire — or your value system — or both — could cause you to take impulsive daring action, or make a break for freedom from a situation that has no future. The immediate action may be swift and without warning. The situation is likely not to be out of the blue, however, but probably has a connection to rumblings as far back as late spring or early summer.

So: lots of shake-ups, lots of excitement. They all lead the way to Venus’ meeting next week with Pluto, the unavoidable and regenerative end of the ongoing change imperative. This first phase is akin to a wrecking ball slamming into a building. Next week, an implosion will finish off the demolition. What’s being cleared are outmoded structures, faltering foundations, limitations and restrictions. In other words, don’t panic.

We’ll have lots of time to acclimate. This week sees the return of day-eating void-of-course Moons — technically the time between the Moon’s last major aspect in a sign and entering the next sign, and energetically those formless, floating stretches when no one answers the phone or email and nothing seems to come to fruition, no matter how much you push. This week it’s almost easier to say when the Moon isn’t void than when it is. The voids are:

6:32 AM EST Monday through 3:29 AM Tuesday
9:29 PM EST Tuesday through 3:55 AM Thursday (ALL DAY WEDNESDAY)
2:44 PM EST Friday through 4:02 AM Saturday
3:37 AM EST Sunday into Monday

Use these stretches to contemplate, to watch what floats by and not attach, and to take actions that by their nature you will do again anyway. Clean, organize, cook, do laundry, balance your checkbook, and allow yourself — and the rest of the world — to be. Simply be.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Forecast for Dec. 31, 2012 – Jan. 6, 2013

2012 goes out with a bang that propels us though the first week of 2013.

Though it has a component of the unforeseeable, the last aspect of the year is completely in keeping with the evolutionary impulses that have rocked and reshaped our world. It invites and actually motivates us to get on board with them and run headlong into the bold new direction they have been pushing us.

It’s time for consciously breaking with old paradigms and patterns, taking daring, unconventional, individualistic tacts and pouncing on opportunities to live more freely and in keeping with your true self. The chance to do this may present itself well before the first hors d’oeuvres tray is passed around Monday.

Even if it doesn’t, the drive to pull it off will be escalating all the same. It’s the rocket fuel that shoots us into New Year’s. Serve Hoppin’ John or plain ol’ black-eyed peas if you like, but throw in a side of spinach, too, as sympathetic magic to invoke Popeye’s super power.

The drive scurries us along till Friday, when it kicks into high gear, possibly a higher one than you normally use. Developments zoom over the weekend; if this doesn’t translate into actual outer events and messages, it will certainly affect your thoughts and motivations. You’re setting the tone for the year. Within this first week it will be clear how different, bold and daring your approach — and your experience — are going to be.

Bravado and gumption abound, so help yourself and have fun. Shoot high and reach for outrageously; both’ll be easy. The vibe encourages small efforts to blossom into bigger projects than intended, or produce far more than expected.

Your ability to turn thoughts into action is hitting a new level of effectiveness, too. For one thing, you are not at cross-purposes with or sabotaging yourself (always a plus). For another, you’re witnessing a surge of what’s called manifesting. Take care with the words and phrases that loiter in your mind; they’re creating your mental filter and also inviting in concrete expression of them. Play this week with the concept that everything you’re thinking, saying and projecting is setting up the year.

Dream big; dream bigger; dream outrageously, even, and especially, if you think something is ridiculously out of the question. (No involving other people’s names; that’ll put the kibosh on your intentions but good.) Try this Abraham-Hicks technique: saying “Wouldn’t it be fun if” and following it with all manner of wild and happy-making wishes. Whether they come about isn’t the point. Stretching your concept of what’s possible is, and that is a gloriously appropriate exercise for launching this year.

Even so, your dreams and druthers aren’t apt to be trivial. Communication and thoughts are zeroing in on what’s most important to you. It’s clear what needs to be left behind, or has already departed. Information comes that supports the stabilizing that’s been going on since last week. (A refresher on that is in last week’s forecast.) By the end of the weekend, you have broader targets, a clearer view of where you are and a revised and strengthened will to continue on that evolutionary path.

Here’s the underlying astrology:

Messenger god Mercury moves into Capricorn on Monday. This not only moves thinking, information and communication into the realm of the concrete and practical, but it also sends our communication and transportation systems down a gauntlet of major contacts to the cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto. We’re in for mental fine-tuning, breakdown of worn out technology and vehicles (sorry), and lots of information about ongoing imperative for evolutionary change.

The aspect that propels us from one year to the next is a cooperative link between Mars, planet of action, and Uranus, the awakener, the rebel, the proponent of alternate viewpoints and lobber of lightning bolts, bricks and Molotov cocktails. These two are in each other’s houses, or in mutual reception, which ramps up the call to rebellion that they embody.

Their link sets off the long-standing, evolution-demanding clash that Uranus is having with Pluto, the other cosmic change agent (of the unavoidable and life,-death-and rebirth variety). The aspect also opens a release valve for the pressure that bore down on Uranus during last Friday’s Full Moon. We won’t be resisting change; we’ll be lunging for it the instant the starting gun goes off, Monday.

That impulse swells and swells when Mars hits Jupiter (theme song: “More, More, More”) on Wednesday. Thursday, monkey wrenches, lightning bolts and startling news rain down when Mercury slams into Uranus and changes in plans and thinking ensue.

On Sunday, he and Mercury do-so-si with each other and Pluto. Mercury also has a spin with Saturn, whom Mars is preparing to confront at the beginning of next week. Some of the day’s news may be sobering. Some may dispatch parts of your life to the past or drive home how much you have changed. Some may challenge you to put on your big-girl/big-boy pants on; some may make you actually want to do that.

No matter what the content, messages and realizations have the potential for grounding and stabilizing you and your sense of safety and security, and for inspiring responsibility and commitment. Not coincidentally, Sunday is the holy day known as Epiphany (Twelfth Night). Welcome it in.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.