Forecast for April 3 – 9, 2017

Slow down; you move too fast. Maybe you won’t end up feelin’ groovy (who does these days, anyway?) – but you’ll drink more deeply of existence. May as well because:  Mercury retrograde.

FB LIve Asto Chat noon EST, Fri., April 6

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for April 2 – 9, 2017  (5:28 minutes).

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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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April 2017

Push-pull is the theme of the month. The key’s in the ignition, the foot’s on the gas pedal and yet one force after another invites lingering, checking the mirrors, and shifting into reverse.

Sounds like a retrograde at work, right? Actually, several. This month has five:  two that directly affect (and often meddle with) daily life, and three that rework larger issues at a deep level.

Amid them we’ll be fine-tuning actions and agendas, tending to structures and commitments, and   gaining the benefit of an epiphany or three.

The combined influences encourage picking up loose ends and information (which will prove useful come summer), as well as enjoying the physicality of this experience we call life.

Picking daisies, smelling the roses (or the coffee), eating dessert first — whatever adage you choose or live, it won’t prevent you from realizing by month’s end you’ve made progress, somehow.

No doubt but that spring is underway, with five planets in fire at various points in the month, but still … we’re looking at the ground and behind us, more than scampering off into the future.

Venus Gets a Retrograde
Last month’s journey of revisiting desires and values continues for at least the first half of the month, with Venus remaining retrograde through April 15. She’s still coaxing out old flames, friends, projects and financial issues and inviting us to compare them — and current counterparts — to what our hearts truly want at this point.

That process takes on ethereal tones as she slides back into the gentle, exalted waters of Pisces on April 2 and downshifts from impulsive adventurer to mystic dreamer mode. Visitations could be more in spirit than in person and likely come with or inspire helpings of forgiveness and compassion.

Yet ghosts aren’t enough now. We want proof we can touch, taste and take to the bank, and we’re willing to wait (a bit) while it materializes. The atmosphere, and also communication, are decidedly earthbound, practical and languid, with cosmic messenger Mercury lounging till April 20th inside the doorway to Taurus, the first and slowest of the earth signs.

Mars, ruler of our drive, is also in Taurean slo-mo for the same length of time, a combo that wants physical evidence and experience of the heavenly visions Venus is spinning in Pisces.

Mercury Gets a Retrograde
Watch for the sensation of time stopping when Mercury starts his second retrograde of the year on April 9. This one lasts until May 3 and has two definite phases.

It’s all about love, money, and getting our due until the 20th, when self-awareness locks in and Mercury scoots back into Aries. Thoughts, talk and getting around turn fiery, impulsive, impatient and aggressive — a recipe for hotheaded confusion and misdirection, during Mercury retrograde.

The usual precautions apply:  Allow extra time. Doublecheck details. Avoid making assumptions. Ask lots of questions. Put off major agreements. Instead, use the added oomph to clean up old business, fast. (Read more in How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017,

Outer Planet Get Retrogrades, Too
Saturn and Pluto begin their annual retrogrades this month, on the 6th and 20th respectively. (The month’s fifth retrograde belongs to Jupiter, which has been backtracking through relationship and agreement turf since the beginning of February). Saturn is reworking issues of responsibility in beliefs, politics (yup), the media and foreign affairs through August, while Pluto Roto-Rooters infrastructures, institutions and foundations though late September.

Banner Days
Bold action moves mountains on the 5th, when Mars trines Pluto. (Or maybe just:  less is more.) Compression births form (think:  labor contractions) on the 8th , when Venus squares Saturn and the Sun squares Pluto. The Libra Full Moon on the 11th directs attention to the see-saw of relationships. Maybe yours blossom; maybe you see, unmistakably, where they’re out of balance.

Lightning bolts shatter perceptions of yourself (perhaps self-imposed, perhaps adopted) during the Sun’s super-conjunction with Uranus April 12-14. Assimilation leads to your new normal and  greater love of self on the 17th, when the Sun trines structure-loving Saturn and joins Neptune, lord of transcendence.

The “slow down; you move too fast” vibe gets louder when the Sun beings his annual tour of  Taurus on the 19th. We’ll see how satisfying that is emotionally at the Taurus New Moon on the 25th — but not until after fidgetiness sets in. Action hero Mars enters Gemini on the 21st and unleashes yakfests and multi-tasking through early June.

At month’s end, desires resume go-get-’em mode, when Venus jumps back into the fire of Aries. Her return, on the 28th, coincides with the lightning strike of Mercury joining Uranus in Aries. The meet-up delivers startling information and sudden shifts in thinking and perspective. Some might further a-has that erupted at the duo’s first conjunction in Aries on March 26. More’s coming when the pair joins once again at May’s Scorpio Full Moon.




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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2017 Aries New Moon

March 27, 2017

7:11 AM PDT / 10:11 AM EDT / 2:11 PM GMT

7 Aries 37

by Kathy Biehl

And we’re off! Call it kundalini, life force, spring fever or waking up. The Aries New Moon, the first moon of spring, is unleashing primal instincts and propelling us into the season.

It’s time to get up and get out. Take initiative; take risks. Gamble and gambol. Leap impulsively, confidently, assertively, brazenly.

Everyone’s got free-agent status right now, emboldening them to act in their own interests, alone, and stand up to — or preemptively attack — obstacles, opposition or competition.

We’re all young rams, bursting with energy, testing our footing, prowess and horns, and answering a natural call: Just do it.

Yet this year’s Aries New Moon is not all charging and leaping and pouncing and adventuring. It also encourages staying put now and again and savoring – much like Star Trek’s Captain Kirk pausing a mission and indulging in a romantic interlude.

So the thrill of the chase isn’t the only imperative. Enjoying the catch is as well. And maybe having a snack.

The textures come from the interplay of Aries’ ruler, Mars, and his cosmic love Venus. Venus rules what we want (generally love, money, beauty, creativity). Mars rules how we go after what we want. Those two impulses, desire and drive, are not merely in synch right now; they are inextricably interwoven.

Venus and Mars are currently enjoying a balance of power and working in unusual harmony. Each is in a sign ruled by the other:  Venus is in Mars’ base, Aries, while Mars is in Venus’ spring  home, Taurus. This relationship, called mutual reception, means that any influence on one of them also resonates with and affects the other. Neither is operating in a vacuum, but as part of a unit.

Our hearts are emboldened, fierce and on the prowl, while the rest of our being wants more than the hunt. It wants to sink into the aftermath, in physical, sensory experience. Mars in Taurus is in no hurry to rush away, either.

It’s a seeming contradiction: The desire for immediate gratification is bound up with a methodology that is slow, steady, step-by-step and fixed on the moment instead of running off after the next big thrill. Watch the tension build. And excitement. And possibly pay-off.

Heightening this bond is Venus’ conjunction with the New Moon. She has been in backtracking mode since March 4, taking us on a journey of investigating and rediscovering relationships, money issues and creative projects from the past and current time.

Her retrograde has taken her over the degree currently occupied by the Sun and the Moon. Each of them has recently stopped by her and picked up input about her retrograde journey, which is now coming with them into their own meeting. As a result, the impulses growing out of this New Moon are tinged with the awareness of what the Venus retrograde has shown us so far. We have information about what we don’t want anymore, and what we’d like more of, please, and what we want (more likely, need) to redo.

This Moon’s energies could generate some sexy moments. It’s certainly injecting a streak of earthiness and practicality into hearts and desires.  Rambunctiousness for its own sake isn’t the point.  We want something we can actually have and physically experience.

Quality, not quantity is the likely result. Mars is moving into an easy flow with Pluto, which leads to paring back, focusing and intensifying.  Relationships especially have the potential to go deep, thanks to another open current Mars is enjoying, with Juno, the protector of marriage.

As the next four weeks unfold, notice the impulses coursing through. Let them lead where they may. And watch for invitations to stop and smell the roses. Feel the warming spring air. Run your hands across plants, trees and other living things. Sink into your body, into the earth, into the physicality of existence, on this plane.

Join my FB Live Astrochat about the Aries New Moon on Friday, March 24 at noon EST at the OMTimes Magazine FB page.


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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for Mar. 6 – 12, 2017

Desires past & present get a “show me” response. Then a good long think. And maybe a pruning. BONUS SONG OF THE WEEK:  “The Way We Were.”

Into to Astrology talk 8 PM EST Thur., March 9

FB LIve Asto Chat noon EST, Fri., March 10

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Mar. 6 – 12, 2017  (9:12 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some brandy for eggnog? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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