2014 Pisces New Moon

Feb. 28 – March 1, 2014
11:59 PM PST / 2:59 AM EST / 7:59 AM GMT
10 Pisces 39

by Kathy Biehl

Last month’s Aquarius New Moon fired up our internal rockets and pointed them toward a bold, new direction. Now the Pisces New Moon invites making peace with them — and charting a sky’s-the-limit course.

The atmosphere surrounding this Moon resembles a therapeutic bath. It’s gentle, soothing and curative, but also inspiring, invigorating and validating.  All those qualities have an otherworldly feel, too, because Neptune is close by, the ruler of Pisces and bringer of dreams, magic and transcendence. He’s the last planet the Sun and the Moon touch before they come together, and they are still resonating with his diffuse, softening energies when they meet.

In this mix, dreams are huge, indulgently huge, cartoonishly huge. And that’s absolutely how they should be right now. Jupiter, the planet that escalates any action he gets near, is making a tight beneficial angle to the New Moon. He’s filling that bath with optimism, high spirits and the sense that anything’s possible. He’s pumping up the desire to connect, love, nurture and be nurtured. And maybe encouraging justifying taking comfort in food.  Or giving yourself rewards.

The appropriateness of rewards is well worth considering while you’re soaking in the bath, real or metaphoric. Uranus, the ruler of last month’s New Moon, is making a tight growth aspect to the New Moon. How have you evolved in the last month? How are you living in a freer, more true-to-your-self fashion?  Look for evidence of how you are permitting yourself to be yourself, more organically, with less inner arguing, and more self-acceptance.

Easing up on yourself is also part of this Moon’s curative nature. That comes from the proximity of Chiron, the wounded healer, who represents our abiding wound and the challenge to integrate it as we master the physicality of existence. His presence in this New Moon bath has the potential of dissolving attachment to the wound, however we define it. (Likely it has some element of the illusion of being isolated or alone.) Instead of defining ourselves by it, we can simply allow it to be. We can forgive ourselves for having it, and for being human, too. The moment of relief may arrive in the aftermath of the New Moon, since Chiron is the first major body that the Sun and the Moon touch after they separate.

Expect some turbulence. The New Moon is surrounded by a flurry of movement this way and that. It’s in the center of a retrograde sandwich, with four planets changing direction on either side of it.

Mercury ends his month-long retrograde the day before the New Moon, which positions communication, technology and transportation matters to turn around.  Mars, planet of action, goes retrograde the day of the New Moon, and will be taking us back over partnership developments, negotiations and agreements through May 20. The day after the New Moon, Saturn, ruler of structure, retrogrades till July 20 and will deepen some connections while uncovering reason to sever others. The 6th brings the direct station of Jupiter, planet of beneficence and expansion, which has been accentuating family, foundational and structural matters since November.

The immediate effect will feel like fishtailing — when a car or motor boat zooms ahead so quickly that the rear goes briefly out of control and swerves from side to side. Don’t grab the water. Stay immersed.

Sense your connections to others; to all of life, even. Love and forgive yourself; that’ll radiate out and soften and bless all your connections. Acknowledge your recent growth spurt. Dream big, ridiculously big. Make wishes beyond what you would have previously dared.

Those wishes have every potential of seeing action. Your heart is delivering marching orders to your will this weekend, when Venus squares Mars. They’ll be getting along swimmingly by the end of the month…when a few of those wishes just might come true.


RELATIONSHIP TELECLASSES COMING UP! The Astrology of Relationships (2/27 and 3/12) and Relationships 2014 Style (3/6 and 3/19). Details here!

It’s not too late to use my 2014 astro-overview *and* guides for each sign! They are mini-readings with staying power for the entire year. Get your own copies here.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for March 2014

Strap on your bungee cord.  The ground-shifting is starting that will rock us all by April. Every tilt, lurch, lunge and, ultimately, breakthrough delivers us back to the platform where the year began — yet also closer to what you’d like to do with it.

Not to mention who you’d like to have on the platform with you, and who you would not. This month tweaks relationships of all kinds. It is calibrating the connection between our hearts and will, between desire and drive, and between two people in many, many, many different circumstances.

The backward journey comes from two planets going retrograde as the month begins:  Mars, the ruler of our drive, in the relationship sign of Libra (on the 1st, through May 20) and structure-oriented Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of our deepest connecting (on the 2nd, through July 20).  Watch for recent relationship developments to resurface (and possibly old ones, too). Some connections may pick up; some may intensify; some may restructure; some may leave for good.

The calibration process begins with a call to action that will not be ignored. This bursts out of the otherwise gentle atmosphere of the therapeutic and optimism-inducing Pisces New Moon, which launches the month with the promise of wishes finding fulfillment. (Read more in my mooncast.)  Ask for what you want. Let your hopes up. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true? Besides, it just might.
But first, there are words that must be said. Calibrating swells into difficult and necessary messages and conversations mid-month, which then led to improved self-confidence and firmly walking our talk. After a round of analytical, discerning thinking (thank the Virgo Full Moon on the 16th), minds drift into a softer, more forgiving mode when Mercury enters Pisces on the 17th.

Sweetness, compassion, loving hearts and, yea verily, even romance blossom thereafter. What you wished for during the month’s first weekend could well come into actual, tangible, solid being over the last weekend. We’re firming up our traveling parties for next month’s adventures and beyond  — just in time for all concerned to be blasted onto their individual (and likely parallel) courses by the Aries New Moon on the 30th.

That doesn’t spell doom for dreams freshly coming true, or the connections that have picked up or intensified this month. This Moon isn’t separating people who can proceed shoulder to shoulder, come whatever may.  Think Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid leaping off that cliff together. Scary. Daring. And landing in new circumstances together.

For more, please listen to my short and sassy weekly podcasts, which start anew each Monday. My written weekly forecasts are on hiatus.  Miss them? It wouldn’t hurt to let me know. (Contact form below.)

RELATIONSHIP TELECLASSES COMING UP! The Astrology of Relationships (2/27 and 3/12) and Relationships 2014 Style (3/6 and 3/19). Details here!

It’s not too late to use my 2014 astro-overview *and* guides for each sign! They are mini-readings with staying power for the entire year. Get your own copies here.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for February 24-March 2, 2014

Winter may still be here for a while, but its quiet is vanishing, and fast. Last week’s introspection time is over.  The year’s relationship emphasis is kicking back into gear. The atmosphere is charged and hyperactive, but not necessarily forward ho! More like every which way, it’ll feel at times.

Core relationship definitions and issues are moving to the front burner, where they will simmer and sometimes boil over for the next 18 months or so. (The nodes of the Moon — points that represent our collective experience and past — are moving for that time into Aries and Libra, the axis that balances individuality with partnering.)

This week, the relationship dance starts with opportunity and builds to decisive action by Sunday.  Watch for an opening Monday to tie down or put form to a connection, as Venus, the goddess of love and all we value, reaches out to Saturn, the ruler of structure and commitment.  This isn’t mandatory, and you will have to step through the opening to gain its benefit.

If you choose to stay off the dance floor, though, you’ll be on it by the weekend.  Demands, propositions or connections result when Venus clashes with her lover Mars, the god of war and ruler of our drive.  Mars is under the goddess’ command, since he is in Libra, a sign she rules, which means desire is dictating the action. Sparking between the cosmic lovers can spawn passion down here on earth; that could translate into frustration or anger as easily as it could more pleasurable fieriness.

Besides, you won’t be the same person on Sunday that you were on Monday. Clean-up work is breaking out — or washing over — a part of your life that started to free up in January.  That was a reaction to or outgrowth of the ground shifting beneath your feet between Christmas and New Year’s.  Now comes another wave of release, of liberation no matter what the cost, and probably of high-pitched drama, too. It’s the byproduct of bigger-is-better Jupiter building to a confrontation Wednesday confrontation with unpredictable, radical Uranus.

What their clash knocks loose might be cathartic. It definitely has a silver lining; ask if you can’t see it. It’s also prepping you and the ground — watering it, even — for the next round of overhauling and restructuring that’s coming in April.

These aspects alone would make for a standout week, but they are not half of what’s going on.  Friday’s Pisces New Moon has curative, stabilizing properties that could prove extremely beneficial. They hold the promise of stretching your concept of what’s possible in your life, bringing you onto the change bandwagon, and strengthening your trust and knowing. Read more in my mooncast, which will be up by Friday.

The Moon’s impact could feel like you’re in a washing machine with the agitators whirring back and forth. That’s because one retrograde cycle is ending as two other ones begin.

Mercury is wrapping up his month-long retrograde, which means that stalled, confused or snarled communication, technology and travel matters will start clearing up. Relief is not immediate, however. Mercury stations direct on Friday, but does not move noticeably until the beginning of next week. This creates a suspended-in-time sensation, so do continue to research, organize and take information under advisement.

We won’t be simply hanging in slowed time, however. Mercury is handing the retrograde baton to two planets that will keep the water (and probably you) churning until all of them move off their turning point. Mars, the ruler of our energy, motivation and action, stations direct in Libra on Friday. Saturn starts his turnaround in Scorpio the next day.

The double whammy will have us revisiting agreements, relationships and agendas, with special attention to trust, reciprocity and return on investment. Both retrogrades amplify the pressure from the current eclipses to reset and reboot our relationships, from specific ones to expectations and ground rules to the nature and quality of their exchange.

Mars will backtrack until May 20 (that’s nearly three months) from 27 Libra to 9 Libra. His travels will ultimately take him (and us) back to where he prodded so much to the surface between Christmas and the middle of January. Saturn’s annual retrograde, through mid-July, will take him from from 23 Scorpio to 16 Scorpio. He will help us go deeper into some connections, while turning up reason to leave or restructure in others.

Mars’ journey in particular is part of April’s volatile, dynamic weather. Use the early weeks of his retrograde to get ready:  Go back over events since the first of the year, pick up dropped connections, and dare to renegotiate when appropriate. This weekend, your heart will tell you what to address now.

RELATIONSHIP TELECLASSES COMING UP! The Astrology of Relationships (2/27 and 3/12) and Relationships 2014 Style (3/6 and 3/19). Details here!

It’s not too late to use my 2014 astro-overview *and* guides for each sign! They are mini-readings with staying power for the entire year. Get your own copies here.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for February 17-23, 2014

The weather has been forcing much of the world to a standstill lately. Now the skies encourage that energetically as well. Remember last February’s floating, suspended-in-time atmosphere? We’re in for a lite version of that now.

Moan if you like. Scream, even. Sitting and soaking for a while does benefit you though, in several important ways.

First, it offers ample opportunity to explore the cost of many situations in your life, and whether you are getting sufficient value in return. Issues of responsibility and commitment weigh heavily in this mix.  Saturn, the planet of structure, consequences and ramifications, is paused on the degree where he will turn retrograde at the beginning of March. There’s little need (or ability) to take action. Just sit with it all.

Second, this floaty stretch has the healing and soothing properties of soaking in a bath filled with Epsom salts. Pluto, one of the hosts of the long-term restructuring we are undergoing inside and out, is in a protracted opportunity aspect with Chiron, the wounded healer, who challenges us to master physicality. This influence is ongoing, whether we are suspended or not. This week, it is possible to detect what immersion in that water is unraveling in you.

Another way of viewing this influence is as water seeping through recently formed cracks in caverns and tectonic plates that have shifted. The water is reaching ever-deeper places and drenching them with peace, soothing, and healing. Visualize this as you soak in the bath, and see how differently you feel.

Third, we’re all suspended in the sea of life and soaking in each other’s signals, emotions and energies, whether we realize it or not. The Sun is moving into formless, we-are-all-one Pisces on Tuesday and meeting with its ruler, mystical Neptune, in a super-conjunction from Friday through Sunday.

This combination is hardly conducive to either brisk forward movement or logical thought, especially not with Mercury still retrograde. It is, however, ideal for telepathy, empathy and giving the helm over to something greater than your conscious mind —  reverie, great art, a muse, guidance, compassion, magic, even bliss.

Work this. When a situation turns weird, when confusion crops up, when developments simply stop, hand the reins over. Be still. Get in an actual tub, if possible. Soak and simply be, and see what bubbles up. Life will turn hectic again soon enough. Think of now as spa time.

Read more in my extended weekly forecast.

RELATIONSHIP TELECLASSES COMING UP! The Astrology of Relationships (2/27) and Relationships 2014 Style (3/6). Details here!

My 2014 astro-overview *and* guides for each sign are now available on mp3! They are mini-readings with staying power for the entire year. Get your own copies here.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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2014 Leo Full Moon

February 14, 2014
3:53 PM PDT / 7:53 PM EDT  11:53 PM GMT
26 Leo 12 / 26 Aquarius 12

Any Leo Full Moon fires up a desire for attention. This one comes with an impulse to give and share it, too. The combination promises a lively, even fun atmosphere that could make Valentine’s Day enjoyable, whether you have special plans or not.

You are, as always, the starting point. How much of your unique are you letting out into the world? Likely that’s more than you used to reveal. The Aquarius New Moon at the end of last month was a catalyst for bursting free of restraints, external and self-imposed, and letting your true colors fly.

Now comes a status report. How far is your light shining? How does that make you feel? How is your environment responding. Who gets you?  Who’s applauding? Who’s playing along? Who would you like to invite to join you? How much further would you like any or all of this to go?

Watch for a flurry of activity around and in response to all these questions. The Full Moon has the cooperation of Mars, the god of action, in Libra, the sign of relationships. Their teamwork is pushing people out of their shells and into contact, conversations, each other’s presence, each other’s arms…you get the picture.

This spells romantic developments for some, but the point and impact is more and longer lasting than the validation of a card or gift or evening out. This Full Moon is ablaze with outreach missions, bridge-building, taking a deep breath and approaching another person with abandon and daring.

We’re putting teams and partnerships together. Many of us are forging a primary relationship on new terms, ones that arise from and support the essence of the two individuals, instead of following some learned or imposed construct. Even people who somehow manage to be physically alone at this time stand to be in for a flurry of socializing, on both the receiving and giving end.

Adding to the urgency is stress to and from Saturn, ruler of structures, obligations and limits. He’s insisting on responsible behavior, commitment and reciprocity. The atmosphere may be warm and fun, but it carries an undercurrent of ramifications, consequences and the need to take people and developments seriously. (No trifling now!)

Saturn’s preferences color (and force) the action. Walls or demands you encounter now are signals to examine the situation’s cost, as well as potential for generating an appropriate return on the investment of your time, money, attention, energy, heart. Every major development now brings the gift of recognizing, acknowledging and claiming value, and divesting situations that lack it.

So strut. Shine. Take a bow. Look around for who’s watching, applauding and reaching out — and who is not. Invite the simpatico one(s) onto the stage with you…or climb onto theirs…or head for a different one, together.

For Valentine’s Day, why not give the gift of insight? My 2014 user’s guide is only $27 for one sign, $45 for two. Lasts longer than a box of chocolates, too! Order here.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

heartFeb14POST feb10

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for February 10-16, 2014

Gears are moving this week, retrograde or no retrograde. We’re encountering personal limits, turning attention to relationships and talking up a storm.  The Leo Full Moon fuses a desire to shine with the urge to connect, conveniently timed for Valentine’s Day. Get ready to speak your mind and have fun in the process.

The week’s start has the potential for stabilizing as it acquaints us with walls, boundaries and responsibilities. Some may be unwelcome, but they do have the benefit of showing what is real and solid, or on the way to becoming so.  The Sun and Venus are both contacting structure-oriented Saturn, challenging us to take personal responsibility while encouraging settling into relationships and agreements. We stand to mature nicely, and so do important connections. “Bloom where you’re planted” may be more than a saying; it describes a process you’re likely experiencing inside yourself and in certain key connections as well.

Communication and getting around continue to require attention, as their ruler Mercury continues his retrograde and scoots from Pisces back into Aquarius.  Last week’s standstills and pervasive question marks are giving way a more detached air and the sense that you’ve been over some of this ground before, and recently at that.

That revisiting brings evidence that Mercury retrograde doesn’t always deserve the bad rap we give him. Keep your ears pricked and mind open, especially when you trick, stumble or fall onto a loose end from the past. What you learn, hear or think now leads to greater self-awareness, which flows directly into ease in expressing yourself. More pointers are in my article How to Handle a Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury’s journey puts him at the center of the Leo Full Moon on Valentine’s Day.  Though that holiday has no astrological significance whatsoever, this year it has celestial help that could make the day upbeat and fun. Mercury’s presence adds streaks of observing, friendliness and chattiness while all our inner children come out and play (or make scenes). Energy runs high, and so does the compulsion to share, with Mercury and the Sun moving towards easy links with Mars, planet of push. Invitations, conversations, negotiations and all-around connecting abound.  Read more in my mooncast, which will be posted by Thursday.

For Valentine’s Day, why not give the gift of insight? My 2014 user’s guide is only $27 for one sign, $45 for two. Lasts longer than a box of chocolates, too! Order here.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

Use this form to contact me:

Forecast for February 3-9, 2014

The “Forward, ho!” blast of last week’s Aquarius New Moon continues to energize these wintery days. As our plans and possibilities heat up, the skies are giving us cause and opportunity to investigate, research and rethink.

“But wait!” you say, being the careful reader that you are. “That sounds like a retrograde!” Why, yes, it does. “Didn’t one just end?” Why, yes, it did. “Oh, no!” Oh, yes. “How can this be????”

Here’s how:  Every planet goes retrograde periodically, some more frequently than others.We feel the effects most immediately and dramatically when an inner planet goes retrograde. This year has back-to-back retrogrades of the three planets closest to the earth. (Please don’t scream.) The upshot: even as we move ahead — and we are moving forward, some of us at breakneck speed — the first third of the year provides ample and insistent opportunity to retrace our thinking and our steps. Welcome and work with this turn of events (like the weather, you can’t do keep it from happening). It will help you make course corrections as you go along, so that developments and accomplishments will be solid and tested when they lock into place.

We have just come out of a six-week retrograde of the planet Venus, which rules matters dear to our hearts and bank accounts. Since right before Christmas, we have been in a process of reconsidering and reevaluating the worth of relationships, belongings, financial matters and value systems, with an eye toward whether they are likely to stay with us for the long haul. This stretch also brought automotive, technology and communication breakdowns fit for a Mercury retrograde. The reason was Venus’ proximity to Pluto, lord of death, rebirth and inevitable change, which targeted critical, foundational tools that were not in sufficiently reliable shape to support us long term.

This week brings the first retrograde of the year for Mercury, which rules where and how we get  information, what we do with it and how we get around. He begins this backtracking on Thursday, in Pisces, a sign that processes information symbolically, visually and amorphously, rather than in words and logic. After a week, he will return to the intellectual and logical mode of Aquarius for the rest of the month. (He stations direct on the 28th.)

His journey gives us the opportunity first to reconsider how we feel about recent messages, information, decisions and plans (this week) and then to gather more data. People and situations from the past will be resurfacing, too. As you encounter them, refer back to last month’s reevaluation process to discern whether each visitor is a messenger, a returning companion or a ghost.

As for the retrograde following Mercury’s, it belongs to Mars, ruler of our drive and actions, who will take us back over partnership issues when March rolls around. No need to worry about that yet (or ever, actually). For now, look at this leg of the journey as having a pronounced research mission component.

For tips and more information, read my article How to Handle a Mercury Retrograde.

For a fuller discussion, please read my extended weekly forecast at my site EmpowermentUnlimited.net. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast.

My 2014 astro-overview *and* guides for each sign are now available on mp3! Get your own copies here.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for six years without missing a single installment. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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