2017 Pisces Full Moon

Just when the gumption’s arriving to settle down and work, the Pisces Full Moon says, “Maybe not.”

It’s luring us into a time out fit for the past three calendar months, as opposed to what we actually experienced during them. Our rational side is ready to tackle the details and practicalities of life, but our emotions are coming unmoored from them.

It’s a long overdue moment of quiet, giving in and floating on not knowing. That latitude has been absent in the last three months, which brought turbo-charged lunations with the kick and power of warrior god Mars traveling with the Sun. Each moon phase began and ended with a dance of masculine and feminine energies fusing and then opposing each other.

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Forecast for September 4-10, 2017

The Clue Fairy makes the rounds while fires burn, metaphoric and real. They’re still smouldering when the first clean-up crews arrive … and take a break … then get down to work.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for September 4-10, 2017

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September 2017

September promises more of the same, then a shift to something closer to sanity. And then a huge, long-awaited snap …. and sigh of relief. August’s total solar eclipse isn’t through with us yet.

Read more.

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August 2017

Volatile, catalyzing, head-spinning, game-changing: August is a month (or is that: minefield?) of milestones.

They come with revelations, departures, confusion, high-octane passions and a faster than fast pace. Fuel accelerant is pouring into impulses that have been building since December. (Self-actualization is one of them. Specific situations should be easy to spot.)

A drive is blazing that defies extinguishing or containment. Directing it may be possible, though. So is riding it. And it might actually be fun. (At times.)

The influence that kicks off the month builds more slowly and probably with less fanfare than what follows. It will pervade the headlines all the same, if you look for it, and run like a background program whether anyone is paying attention or not.

Foundation Work Continues

Seismic shifts and super-sized evolutionary surges hit foundations, infrastructures and institutions as the month begins and Jupiter squares Pluto. The pressure will mount with the subtlety of a lobster pot for nearly two months, not finding release till Jupiter completes his opposition to norm-shattering Uranus at the end of September.

More immediately noticeable in the first three weeks: Dramatic action and reaction are the general order of things, with warrior god Mars accompanying the Sun till he enters Virgo on the 22nd. This traveling pair is a double-dose of the masculine archetype, firing up courage, assertiveness, aggression, combativeness and anger. Everyone’s got a fix-it gene. No waiting to be asked; everyone’s going after what they want.

Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The month’s first eclipse, a lunar, brings a paradox: simultaneously experiencing defcon 2 level emotions and observing them with the intellectual curiosity of Mr. Spock. Watch for spiked understanding of your own inner workings, particularly in response to developments since February’s lunar eclipse in Leo. Much will take on a different light — a lunar eclipse always brings revelations — amid the clatter of doors slamming and chapters closing.

It’s Time For Another … Mercury Retrograde!

A cosmic invitation to think things over continues throughout the month. We won’t always welcome the suggestion, but declining isn’t much of an option. Communication, technology and travel are a patience-testing ground of snarls, complications, malfunctions and delays once Mercury stations retrograde on the 12th.

The implications may sneak up on us, since the two love and creativity planets, Venus and Neptune, are making beautiful music that day and lulling us all into reverie. We have weeks to wise up to the retrograde, which lasts till September 5.

He’s in one of his home signs, Virgo, which puts a practical spin on everything that unfolds – or misfires. Details are more than the usual tripwire. Annoyances may be … annoyingly … concrete.

On the plus side: the sign of the messenger’s retreat fits in with a retrograde’s potential for reorganizing and tidying matters up. Not to mention that tripping over words and our metaphoric shoe laces may keep us down here on earth while other influences threaten to blast us off it. And we may welcome a breather, even if it comes in the form of a retrograde snafu.

Read more in my guide How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017.

Can’t Stop The Grand Fire Trine

Those other influences come from the fire that dominates the middle of the month, with the Sun, the New Moon (solar eclipse) and Mars running a circuit with Saturn and Uranus. Saturn and Uranus, lords of order and disruption, have been teaming since December. Their unlikely collaboration has been simultaneously bringing form to new growth and shattering structures and conventions. Now ego, heart and will get into the loop, forming the free flow of energy of a grand trine in fire.

Total Eclipse of the Sun

These linkages would be incendiary on their own. They take on super nova impact from coinciding with a total solar eclipse at the end of Leo, on August 21. A solar eclipse blots out people and situations, never to return, and hits the reset button. This time, with the added kick from Mars, our systems come back on line with a breathtaking, propulsive force, shooting us forward as if we’ve hit a power up in a racing game.

The Mars-powered solar eclipse is igniting the self-actualization imperative of the Saturn/Uranus trine. The explosion is blowing up conventions, norms, beliefs. shoulds, and situations built on them — commitments and teachings that have restrained you from living your own life and expressing your own being.

It won’t be all fun and games. At all. Some people will not accurately recognize these rumblings and will respond by acting out. With retrograde Mercury spawning misunderstandings and misstatements (and, alright, lies), it’ll be easy to react without confronting peaceably and unraveling the snarl.

Patience will be in short supply. Tempers will flare. Anger will have the effect of eating cases of Popeye’s spinach. Be mindful of who and what are in your line of fire.

Venus in Fur (Leo)

The rebooting plays out long beyond August. It may be easier to chew on what is transpiring after the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd. A wave of noticeable shake-ups, break-ups and breakthroughs follows when Venus, ruler of our desires, approaches maximum nesting mode and slams the agent of unpredictable change, Uranus, on August 24.

She makes a quick change herself, taking on the flair and drama and grandeur of Leo on the 25th. It’s out of the kitchen (except, perhaps, for showy parties) and into the world, in search of attention, sun and fun. However the eclipses and grand trine are playing out, our hearts are beginning to get on board.

The month ends with potential for optimism and locking in some benefits from the hubbub. The 27th brings an opportunity to stabilize, via a cooperative link between beneficent Jupiter and structure-loving Saturn.

Messenger god Mercury jumps back into the fire of Leo on the 30th and criss-crosses the solar eclipse degree until mid-September. High-energy exchanges are a given. Ideas may move from intriguing concept to burning personal quest. The combustible atmosphere continues. These fires aren’t going out any time soon.

Learn what this means for you (and the United States) in my talk The Great American Eclipse — and You! Live at 4 PM EDT, Friday, Aug. 4 and afterwards on demand.

Harness the eclipses energies in Embracing the Eclipse: A Meditation for Personal Growth, live at 4 PH EDT, Friday, Aug. 19 and afterwards on demand.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for June 4-11, 2017

Mouths and hearts are back in working order, at last, as Mercury and Venus go home. Good thing; the reach won’t be too far to pull out big-kid pants, requisite attire for Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for June 5-11, 2017.

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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2017 Sagittarius Full Moon

June 9, 2017
6:10 AM PDT / 9:10 AM EDT / 2:10 PM GMT
18 Gemini 53 / 18 Sagittarius 53


The emotional power of words dominates this month’s Sagittarius Full Moon. This intellectual sign and its verbally adept opposite, Gemini, aren’t ordinarily associated with the realm of feelings. But that’s where this Moon is sending us all.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me,” many of us learned in childhood. Wrong. Thoughts, statements, beliefs and ideologies alike pack a wallop, and their real-world ramifications and consequences are palpable now.

They’re inescapable, too. The Moon is closing in on Saturn, which brings his insistence on rules, order and adulting into the mix.

Under his watchful eyes (and ruler poised to rap a wrist), we can’t run from what’s coming up now. His presence is reining in Sagittarius’ “don’t fence me in” proclivities.
It’s making emotions weighty, constraining and even depressing. Requiring that we take responsibility for what we say and espouse — and demonstrating how that can oppress and hold us down.

Some of that may be looming cartoonishly large, with bigger-is-better Jupiter — the ruler of the Sagittarius Moon — amping up both ends of the Full Moon. His command post being in Libra, some of it is coming through other people, so pay attention to the role they play. (This includes anything to which you expose yourself, such as Facebook, Twitter, specific news outlets, friends who are always going on about the same dramas, etc., etc.)

Jupiter also holds optimism and the silver lining, which can lead to grander, more beneficial possibilities from processing this Full Moon. (Hold that thought.)

Some of what’s escalating may not be as it seems, either. And some may be the result of faulty, delusional or confused thinking, conclusions or beliefs. They are swirling in the air from the t-square the Full Moon is making to illusionist Neptune, keeper of the cosmic fog machine. The pressure is dumping out into the self-improvement lab of Virgo, which is empty but ruled by Mercury, as is the Gemini Sun. Our minds — and reason — may be part of the way out.

Questions for sorting through the mix include: Where did I get this? (The answers may lead to reevaluating the role that certain people or information streams play in your life.) Does it belong to me? Do I believe it? Is it true? How does it make me feel? Is it dampening or imprisoning me?

How does it fit with my integrity/ethical code/moral compass? Am I committed to my integrity/ethical code/moral compass? Am I taking responsibility for my words and beliefs? For their repercussions?

The outer planets all have a role in responding to the answers and dealing with the emotions and proclamations flying under this Full Moon. (Spoiler alert: “My way or the highway” will be in heavy rotation. If it hits you, refer back to the suggested questions.)

Jupiter is upping your data flow, shooting extreme positivity into your thoughts and making the unhelpful or faulty ones so ridiculously huge that you can’t avoid them. He’s also putting relationships and agreements into the spotlight, raising the questions: How does this benefit me? How could it benefit me more? (A call to action for those who are putting more into a connection than they’re getting back.)

Saturn encourages taking emotional reactions seriously (forget any belittling “you can’t take a tease” commentary anyone dishes out), as well as taking responsibility for what you think, say, believe and live by. Uranus is zapping him with liberating insights, flashes of genius and the daring to step into self-actualization — which could blast channels out of your media diet that hold you back.

Neptune’s not just clouding issues. His mists are also injecting guidance, compassion and gentleness with yourself and with others.

Pluto, in the clean-up role, holds the tools for purging garbage thoughts, ingrained beliefs and info streams, not to mention mental junk food and tribal patterns. Adjustments are required to pull that off (he’s in an exact inconjunct to the Sun), but we have emotionally evolved to the point that’s possible (he’s in an exist semi-sextile to the Moon).

And if you find events in the world at large hitting you emotionally, they could be feedback from this Moon as well — and worth a similar examination. Sagittarius rules systems of thought, and Saturn can represent the government. The political is personal and vice versa these days, and especially under this Full Moon.



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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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June 2017

June promises a wild and wooly ride in an ever-changing environment. Don’t like the weather? Just wait. It’ll switch soon enough.

The atmosphere, conversation, alliances, agendas and tactics are all in for fluctuations (to put it charitably) that could spin a person’s head around.

Fortunately, flexibility is at your disposal as well. This is a month to make like a reed and sway in the wind. And the skies give you the roots to keep your heart and desires firmly planted.

The month begins with a self-actualizing send-off between Venus, ruler of all we value, and the lords of order and chaos, Saturn and Uranus. That pair has been fueling the year’s dominant and most paradoxical themes: simultaneously bringing form to individual, passionate impulses, and breaking apart norms and systems of thought.

The trine between Venus and Saturn on June 1 links to those individual, passionate impulses and attaches a grounding cord to our hearts and desires. Commitment (including acceptance of contours) flows easily and naturally, stabilizing relationships, money and creativity.

Breakthroughs follow when Venus meets liberating Uranus on the 3rd. Their contact explosively, dramatically ends whatever may remain from her recent retrograde and blasts us further along radical, personal trajectories.

From this point through the rest of the month, our anchors are firmly within ourselves. Your heart and your moral compass are aligned, freed from certain (but not all — you’re still human) debris. They are your guidance system, so press them into service.

The winds shift almost immediately. Mars, ruler of our drive, enters Cancer on June 4 and directs our energies for the rest of the month into home, family, nurturing and tribal issues. Watch for an upsurge in clucking, nesting, cooking and fighting for matters you care about (And taking things personally. And maybe pouting, too).

The noise level ramps up when Mercury comes home to Gemini on June 6.  During his brief stay — 15 days only! — minds and mouths fly, and so do our feet, as we’re inclined to get up from devices and run around a bit, too.

There’s still a bit of laziness in the air, though, and a pervasive “Show me!” attitude instead of a willingness to accept words. Chalk that up to Venus going home to Taurus, also on the 6th, and sending social and financial dealings into earthy, sensual, prove-it mode.

How we feel about what we’ve been hearing — and how well that meshes with our moral compass — come to a head at the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 9. The noise-to-signal ratio is high then, especially regarding relationships, agreements and reciprocity. With Saturn at the party, this Moon has a built-in brake, which pulls in that moral compass, accentuates the weight of responsibilities and brings the walls in closer if we’ve played fast and loose with either.

Hard truths (and flurries of beasties that prefer being out of sight) follow, when Mercury squares Pluto on the 15th. The air lightens within five days, when opportunities fly to regain sparkle and lightness, to shift perspective and to pull genius-level ideas out of the air.

Home exerts a magnetic pull on the solstice (June 21 this year), when both the Sun and Mercury slide into Cancer and then fuse in emotional self-awareness. The day’s chart  colors the entire season with  a sweet jumble of sit-close-so-I-know-you’re-there emotional sustenance, flowing spiritual love and inspired creativity, and deepening, dependable intimacy.

The mix bodes well for staycationing, furthering interests of family (blood, chosen, tribal), and flourishing in relationships, creativity and tangible resources — if only unsettling music weren’t playing in the distance.

It’s surging by the Cancer New Moon on June 23, which squeezes relationship ground rules into new forms, or else. The imperative comes from aggressive Mars and Pluto pressuring Jupiter in Libra. Money, love and resources are at the root of it all, thanks to Venus in Taurus (in simpatico aspect with Mars and Pluto and in charge of Jupiter’s sign).

Desires become only more insistent, magnetic and obsessive as she completes a trine to Pluto on June 24. Reason has no power in the presence of a tractor beam.

That doesn’t rule out a backwash, however. The music grows louder (recognize the “Jaws” theme yet?) in the month’s final week. First emotional agendas, then all manner of communications, escalate wildly, only to open to grace and compassion. And maybe some confusion.

By the 28th, our walk and talk merge in the waters of emotion — which could be tender and loving, or the stuff of a pity party. The disconcerting music’s still playing at month’s end. And the off switch is not in reach. May as well stare into the abyss and become more conscious of what lurks in it.


Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for May 15-21, 2017

Behold the dance of order & chaos. Shattering norms. Firebombing rule(r)s. Suppressing insurgents. Harnessing lighting. Controlling firepower. And maybe: spontaneous human combustion.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for May 15-21, 2017http://empowermentunlimited.net/forecast-for-may-15-21-2017/.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe some brandy for eggnog? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2017 Taurus New Moon

2017 Taurus New Moon
April 26, 2017
5:16 AM PDT / 8:16 AM EDT / 1:16 GMT
6 Taurus 27

Buds are blossoming. Critters are stirring. What’s coming into being for you? That’s the focus and the growth potential of the Taurus New Moon.

This Moon, in the first, most primal earth sign of the zodiac, invites attention to the physical circumstances of your life. A thought or a look is not enough. It’s time to cultivate, immerse, experience, enjoy, touch, taste and savor — and set up the conditions that will bring you more.

A newly honed awareness is at work of what it is you actually want.  Have you noticed that your  preferences aren’t what they were? That certain foods or activities have lost their appeal, while others have to come to the fore? That your sense of your own worth has shifted into something more … worthy?

All that and more have become clearer over the past month-plus as the Taurus Moon’s ruler, Venus, sprinkled your path, social media, thoughts and likely dreams with memories, teachable moments and realizations; with trinkets, fool’s gold and recognition of nuggets you already possess.

Your tastes are refined, your appetite whetted. Now comes a Moon for seeking satisfaction.

Go easy on intangibles and far-off, maybe-someday bucket list items, if you use this lunation to make wishes or set intentions. (Though this New Moon does offer a portal to inspiration, magic and miracles, via a wide applying sextile to Neptune — you just have to not only be open to them, but also actively reach for and grab any that show up.)

This New Moon is more suited to the here and now — emphasis on the here, with a bit of slack on the now.

Instant gratification isn’t part of the process, though grazing and nibbling are likely along the way. Any Taurus Moon is a leisurely affair. This one sees ruler Venus in no rush at all.

The goddess of love, money and earthly delights is making a slow getaway from her six week retrograde (the occasion for the above-mentioned sprinkling). She’s floating at the end of Pisces, in the last degrees of the zodiac, and still quivering from recent exact links to Chiron, keeper of abiding wounds, and Saturn, ruler of order, time and adulting.

As she moseys out of Pisces for most of the rest of the month, she’ll continue having words with Saturn, who will say “no” and “not yet” and, when we orient ourselves sufficiently responsibly, “yes.” Watch for the carousel of emotions that colored Easter/Passover weekend — weepiness, weariness, acceptance, relief, resolution, balm and back to vague sorrow — to cycle back through and tenderize the ground we’re cultivating.

Watered by emotions, with slow and steady nurturing, the plantings of this New Moon have the potential to grow into tangible support and satisfaction. It has an air of fatedness, of supposed-to-be, with the New Moon making a wide trine to the Virgo North Node of destiny.  That contact is a benediction of sorts for the 18-month journey through Virgo the node is wrapping up, and the coming flourishing is what we’ve been working toward.

And some of that could end up feeling like heaven on earth. With Venus in the waters of higher love, and their ruler Neptune offering assistance, divine or ecstatic experiences are certainly possible down here on terra firm.

That may take the form of a thunderclap moment (finding God in a sunset, say, or freshly picked berries). It might also pervade and elevate modest, ordinary aspects of life. You can invite that in, actually, if you consciously view matter as spiritual energy that has come down to this plane and taken on physical form. Even money and resources. Especially money and resources.

Which goes for your body as well. Treat it as your temple and by all means, stay in it. It’s the vehicle for exploring and experiencing the growth coming from the Taurus New Moon. As they used to say, “Here is where it’s at.”

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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March 2017: Two Steps Forward, One Look Back (Or More)

You’re in for a workout in March. We all are. The wind’s at our back, pushing us onward and hurrying the pace. Then other forces join in,  some jerking our heads backward, another sinking us deeper into our bodies.

How to respond? Scurry ahead? Turn around? Flee to the past? Throw a tantrum? Stuff your face?

Yep. To all.

March’s complex celestial clockwork splays our attention across multiple overlapping timelines. Some are identifiable and pop up for everyone. Others are customized for you, only you. All are infused into the equinox chart, which means time-hopping is an ongoing factor for all of spring.

The Role of Dec. 2013
Watch for echos all month long from late December 2013 (or its immediate aftermath).  Fundamental, tectonic shifts erupted then that reshaped your psyche, and likely relationships and family structure. Whatever grew out of those shifts is up for dramatic expansion now, as Jupiter forms an excruciatingly slow-building t-square with cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto.

The first stage, peaking March 2, pits mushrooming relationship and fairness concerns against an explosive impulse for personal freedom. By March 30, relationship issues push for deep, lasting and powerful systemic changes — none of which would be possible without the world tilts of late 2013.

The process provides a good, long look at tensions in specific situations and agreements, then births their next big phase.  Be on the lookout for this playing out in political news. New horizons in power grabs — or crackdowns —  are possible by the end of this dance.

Curious to learn more? Read why December is relevant now. http://www.astrologyhub.com/evolutions-echoes-how-astrology-illuminates-cycles-of-change/

Old Flames & Financial Matters
While developments from late 2013 are blossoming and expanding, our attention is also being lured backwards. And sometimes yanked. The instigator is Venus, ruler of love, money, beauty, creativity — basically, everything we mortals value. Her domain is coming up for revisiting during her retrograde from March 4 to April 15.

Some of what’s surfacing involves current involvements and agreements, which you may review,  reconsider and possibly reignite.  Some of it is downright ghostly. Don’t be surprised if old loves and friends show up in dreams, social media or conversation — or in direct contact.

Old financial matters also have a way of returning during a Venus retrograde. Shelved creative projects or outlets could easily come back to life now as well.

Because Venus is in huntress mode, aka Aries, revisitings and visitations alike come impulsively and with high energy, if not passion.  Or tempers. They invite spontaneity, risk-taking and hair trigger reactions.  You could throw caution to the wind and do Lord knows what. You could just as likely put out smoldering fires and extinguish whatever tiny sparks might have remained.

Every bit of the past you encounter is an opportunity to resolve unfinished business (even if you thought it was done already) and to learn about yourself and what your heart values now, as opposed to then. Whether you take up with an old love or indulge in nothing more than memories, the lasting importance is what you learn about your own heart. Likely you’ll retrieve a part of yourself, or realize you’ve grown so much you would never get involved now with a person or situation like that.

You can instigate a lot of this journey yourself. Hunt down lingering business that affects your heart and finances and actively deal with it. Check in on people you used to be involved with. See where your heart lies uneasily in current involvements and address the discomfort.

Be bold. Speak up. Take chances. Declare your emotions (love, even) and see what follows. And have fun.

One caution:  don’t jump into any new relationship, job or deal that presents itself now, or splurge on a high-dollar item. New investments during a Venus retrograde have a way of turning out to not be worth what you thought. (Do. Not. Marry. Do. Not.) As the saying goes, all that glitters is not gold.

The fieriness surges when Mercury enters Aries on the 13th. The vagueness, confusion and unwitting telepathy of February dries up, and communication turns self-starting, spontaneous, impulsive, combustive, assertive, even reckless.

As hurried and impetuous as the second half of the month is, treat Venus’ backpedaling as part of  an ongoing investigation. Mercury will be heading to his own retrograde next month as Venus wraps hers up. Know that some of the investigation will extend into Mercury’s retreat, which will take him from Venus’ Taurus home back into Aries.

Meanwhile, Back in the Here and Now
As timelines begin to pile up on you, grounding cords conveniently lock into place. Developments that have been percolating stabilize and take form around March 5, when the ruler of our drive, Mars, completes an easy, open current with Saturn, lord of structure, order and commitment. If you’ve been itching for a situation to firm up, it may well then.

After that, how we go after what we want downshifts into the slow, practical and concrete. Mars, the ruler of our drive, leaves the fire of Aries on March 9 for the raw earthiness of Taurus, which he visits through April 20. His presence there not only keeps us in our bodies, but also encourages using and enjoying them. Food, drink and other sensual experiences have a marked gravitational pull, for you alone and à deux.

It’s an irresistibly sexy time. No point in fighting it. Not likely you’ll want to. Sheer physicality will stabilize you and momentarily slow time as developments mushroom and ghosts swirl around.

That gravitational pull toward physicality may be particularly strong at the Virgo Full Moon of the 12th. That Moon may also, however, encourage us to analyze and exercise discernment. Tension results….what to do with it, what to do…

The Equinox Chart
All of this has a life span that outlasts the month of March. The spring equinox, on March 20, when the Sun makes its annual entry into Aries, takes place in the midst of this head-rattling, escalating, impulsive, desire-driven, take-it-to-the-bank, life-changing blend of energies.  Because they are in place at the equinox, they will resonate to some degree throughout the entire spring —  with one twist.

The equinox chart imposes a measure of order on that unruly blend, through the stabilizing, limiting and constraining influence of the Moon tightly conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. (It’s an uneasy peace, however, since that pair is in direct contact with rabble-rouser Uranus.) We may crave and seek structure; it may be slipped onto us. Integrity, ethics, beliefs or politics may play a role. If you’re looking for footing, the sure place is in your perspective on life.

And We’re Off
Stabilizing doesn’t mean slowing down, though. Aries gets two more blasts as the month winds down. Desire hits the gotta-have-it point when the Sun meets Venus on March 25. The gumption to go for it follows at the Aries New Moon on March 28. Raw life force is breaking out everywhere you look, and in you as well. If you’ve been lacking in nerve, you’ll find plenty coursing through you.

The month ends with communication settling into a practical, calmer, step-by-step mode, as Mercury enters Taurus on March 31. Running around takes on a slower pace as well.

Energies remain high, but we’re more likely to chew on an impulse before leaping on it. Besides, relationships are undergoing monumental systemic changes, building on the expansive tensions that started the month. There’s a lot to take in, process and communicate. You’ve got the time. Trust it.

Join my FB Live Astrochats about the Scorpio Full Moon on Friday, March 10 and the Aries New Moon on Friday, March 24, both at noon EST at the OMTimes Magazine FB page.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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