2017 Pisces Full Moon

Just when the gumption’s arriving to settle down and work, the Pisces Full Moon says, “Maybe not.”

It’s luring us into a time out fit for the past three calendar months, as opposed to what we actually experienced during them. Our rational side is ready to tackle the details and practicalities of life, but our emotions are coming unmoored from them.

It’s a long overdue moment of quiet, giving in and floating on not knowing. That latitude has been absent in the last three months, which brought turbo-charged lunations with the kick and power of warrior god Mars traveling with the Sun. Each moon phase began and ended with a dance of masculine and feminine energies fusing and then opposing each other.

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September 2017

September promises more of the same, then a shift to something closer to sanity. And then a huge, long-awaited snap …. and sigh of relief. August’s total solar eclipse isn’t through with us yet.

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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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2017 Leo Solar Eclipse

August 21, 2017
11:30 AM PDT / 2:30 PM EDT / 6:30 PM GMT
28 Leo 52

The main astrological event of the year is here: the much ballyhooed Leo lunar eclipse. The hype is justified. This new moon is ushering in high drama and breathtaking, rapid-fire, game-changers.

A new moon launches a phase. A solar eclipse brings dramatic force to that launch and extends its reach for months, sometimes longer. It’s akin to rebooting an operating system to install an update. The system goes down. The screen goes black. When the system comes back online, it’s in revised form, running differently and likely faster. Some previous components are gone; some remain. Some work differently. And some are new, even unexpected.

Most solar eclipses have the force of a new moon on steroids. This one’s coming with amphetamines and a couple of cases of Popeye’s spinach as well.

We’ve been warming up for it. It is this year’s second New Moon in Leo, the warm-hearted, flamboyant, attention-seeking domain of royalty, children and drama queens alike.

July’s was at the first degree of the sign, acting like a tap-tap-tap on the gas pedal, fueling us to let more and more of our true selves come out and play. August’s is at the very last degree of the sign, at maximum Leo, if you will, inflaming all its qualities to largest possible expression.

Warrior god Mars is not only upping the action, but also shoving us right into it. He’s igniting drive, motivation, passion and gumption, irritation, tempers, tantrums, fury and outright attacks.

He’s shoving all of us, individually and as a group, in a direction that smacks of destiny, the path of the North Node in Leo, occupying in the scant space between Mars and the New Moon. The North Node is last point the Sun and the Moon cross before fusing. Its mission for us is seared into the eclipse: to take the place in the collective that allows fullest expression of ourselves.

You may feel cosmic hands against your shoulders, propelling you to action. Regardless, you will  find yourself getting moving, zooming as if you hit a power-up in a racing game, or catapulting through time/space as if shot out of a cannon.

There’s little room for logic, planning or strategies, but scads of room for bold, unhesitating, unapologetic moves. These energies are rising up within us naturally, instinctively and organically. And probably unstoppably.

The blast is volatile, liberating, paradigm=shattering, yet stabilizing. While some specifics may take unexpected forms, it’s activating energies that have been building in and around you since last December, when structure-loving Saturn began teaming with innovative, disruptive Uranus.

The New Moon, Mars and the North Node are completing the circuit, creating a grand trine in fire that’s coursing through the late-degree Aries, Leo and Sagittarius areas of your chart. Ready or not, here you come.

The eclipse is a moment (or chain reaction) of detonation. The agent of unpredictable change is in an exact and unfettered flow with the New Moon. Dynamite fuses are going off that have been burning for months.

Life force, survival instinct, deafening choruses of “I Gotta Be Me” are all surging. Support is beaming in from Jupiter in Libra, offering assistance, benefits and expansion in and through relationships.

Whatever goes is for the best. Whatever stays, whatever comes, whatever flourishes enhances who you are, and who you are becoming.

Watch for more to be revealed when Mercury stations retrograde on the eclipse degree from September 3-5. Info should be hard to miss, since combative Mars will be keeping company with the winged messenger. Watch, too, for hearts to embrace the updates when Venus forms a grand trine with Saturn and Uranus later that month.

And mostly, watch for an awakening and revitalizing beyond what you have ever experienced. Your guiding images are the last three cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot: the Sun, Judgment and the World. Tack them on a wall and contemplate them daily.

It’s time. You’re off.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” — Joseph Campbell

To learn what this means for you:

Book an Eclipse Support Session and listen to my one-hour talk “The Great American Eclipse — and You!


Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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2017 Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

August 7, 2017
11:10 AM PDT / 2:10 PM EDT / 6:10 PM GMT
15 Aquarius 25


What’s that sound? Gasps? Exploding light bulbs? Lightning strikes? Slamming doors? Sighs of recognition and relief?

How about: All of the above?

The racket — and dawning recognition — are part of this month’s Aquarius Full Moon, the first of two eclipses that are rocking and reshaping our realities. This one clears and primes us. The second, the solar eclipse of the Leo New Moon on the 21st, skyrockets us along our way.

Full Moons always bring emotions to a crest. Lunar eclipses take that trait to the limit, and beyond. This one, though, promises a different experience.

This most emotional event is in the most intellectual and detached of signs, Aquarius, which has the ability to view situations at a tilt, or upside down, or inside out, or from some other angle that wouldn’t have occurred to any other sign. This puts us at maximum observer mode as the usual gifts of a lunar eclipse roll out.

Emotions are hitting high tide, as they always do at the full moon, and this time they come with super-sized drama and a kick, courtesy of warrior god Mars’ standing with the fiery Leo Sun.

An uncomfortable, insistent force is staring down this Moon, like a restless kid in a car kicking the driver’s seat and taunting the adult to react. Inner children are running amuck. The masculine archetype is in overdrive, promoting, pushing, forcing, assaulting.

“Me me me me me” is the propelling force, spoken or not, conscious or not. True colors are showing. Ploys for attention are escalating. So is awareness of validation and appreciation: where you shine, who gets you, who doesn’t, who’s trying to steal your light, who’s trying to diminish it or put it out.

Action and reaction are all the rage — in many instances, literally. People are knocking over game boards, standing their ground and acting out, taking their toys and heading elsewhere.

The ego is screaming, “Look at me! Are you looking at me?” The feminine is taking it all in and replying….”Fascinating.” And coming up with a vision for the future.

Don’t run after anyone or situation that undervalues you, or fails to see you, or, most of all, leaves. A lunar eclipse closes doors and chapters that defy reopening. Bless every ending. Each does truly benefit you and your future, whether the good is immediately visible.

Find an elevated perch, assume Mr. Spock mode and watch the spectacle unfold. The vantage point will position you not only for unparalleled entertainment, but also for the revelations that come with a lunar eclipse: About what has been going on in the corners, behind your back and even right in front of you. About other people. (For some, “Bye bye!” For others, “Well, hello there…”)

Most importantly, about how you feel about all this, and particularly about developments that have been brewing since February, when the first eclipse occurred in the current Leo/Aquarius eclipse cycle. (Yes, some of that acting out might well be by you. Observers aren’t always immune to emotions and primal instincts. Remember what happened to Spock when the Vulcan mating imperative overtook him?)

Some revelations will be shocking or jolting. All will be freeing. The Uranus-ruled lunar eclipse puts many of the givens of your life in a different light. We’re in for an epidemic of changes of heart, abrupt and in some cases cold. We’re making changes in the line-up of our teams, based on who plays well with us and who does not. And that boils down to who enjoys and appreciates us and inspires the best, fullest expression of our selves.

All of this is occurring in cartoonishly large format. There’s more reason for that than a lunar eclipse’s fundamental nature of a full moon on steroids. Credit the direct participation of bigger-is-better Jupiter, in Libra, sign of relationships and social contracts.

He’s in the easy flow of a trine to the Aquarius Moon, mushrooming the detached, intellectual potential, as well as the role of relationships in this event. He’s making the opportunity aspect of a sextile to the Leo Sun and Mars, which opens the door to both self-aggrandizement and standing up for one’s self.

Jupiter also brings optimism, expansiveness and silver linings. He’s leading a singalong of “Always Look On the Bright Side of Life,” the ending song from Life of Brian. Sing or whistle along from your Spock-like perch. Look for evidence of beneficial changes in relationship ground rules. It exists. Look, too, for the good in every relationship shape-shift, the departures as well as the new forms or stages.

There’s more to come, of course, as there always is with the playing out of an eclipse. Keep an eye out for planets changing signs, because they will touch this eclipse’s ruler Uranus on the way out the door. At 28 Aries 39, Uranus is currently the planet of latest degree, the one closest to the end of a sign. As planets aspect that degree, they won’t so much turn out the light as trigger his lightning.

Upcoming times to watch: Venus, ruler of love, money and beauty, will team with Uranus mid-September as she leaves Leo, unlocking hearts and desires. In the last week of that month, Jupiter will oppose Uranus and ramp up the drive for self-determination at any cost.

For now, just observe. And feel. And observe some more.

August 2017

Volatile, catalyzing, head-spinning, game-changing: August is a month (or is that: minefield?) of milestones.

They come with revelations, departures, confusion, high-octane passions and a faster than fast pace. Fuel accelerant is pouring into impulses that have been building since December. (Self-actualization is one of them. Specific situations should be easy to spot.)

A drive is blazing that defies extinguishing or containment. Directing it may be possible, though. So is riding it. And it might actually be fun. (At times.)

The influence that kicks off the month builds more slowly and probably with less fanfare than what follows. It will pervade the headlines all the same, if you look for it, and run like a background program whether anyone is paying attention or not.

Foundation Work Continues

Seismic shifts and super-sized evolutionary surges hit foundations, infrastructures and institutions as the month begins and Jupiter squares Pluto. The pressure will mount with the subtlety of a lobster pot for nearly two months, not finding release till Jupiter completes his opposition to norm-shattering Uranus at the end of September.

More immediately noticeable in the first three weeks: Dramatic action and reaction are the general order of things, with warrior god Mars accompanying the Sun till he enters Virgo on the 22nd. This traveling pair is a double-dose of the masculine archetype, firing up courage, assertiveness, aggression, combativeness and anger. Everyone’s got a fix-it gene. No waiting to be asked; everyone’s going after what they want.

Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The month’s first eclipse, a lunar, brings a paradox: simultaneously experiencing defcon 2 level emotions and observing them with the intellectual curiosity of Mr. Spock. Watch for spiked understanding of your own inner workings, particularly in response to developments since February’s lunar eclipse in Leo. Much will take on a different light — a lunar eclipse always brings revelations — amid the clatter of doors slamming and chapters closing.

It’s Time For Another … Mercury Retrograde!

A cosmic invitation to think things over continues throughout the month. We won’t always welcome the suggestion, but declining isn’t much of an option. Communication, technology and travel are a patience-testing ground of snarls, complications, malfunctions and delays once Mercury stations retrograde on the 12th.

The implications may sneak up on us, since the two love and creativity planets, Venus and Neptune, are making beautiful music that day and lulling us all into reverie. We have weeks to wise up to the retrograde, which lasts till September 5.

He’s in one of his home signs, Virgo, which puts a practical spin on everything that unfolds – or misfires. Details are more than the usual tripwire. Annoyances may be … annoyingly … concrete.

On the plus side: the sign of the messenger’s retreat fits in with a retrograde’s potential for reorganizing and tidying matters up. Not to mention that tripping over words and our metaphoric shoe laces may keep us down here on earth while other influences threaten to blast us off it. And we may welcome a breather, even if it comes in the form of a retrograde snafu.

Read more in my guide How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017.

Can’t Stop The Grand Fire Trine

Those other influences come from the fire that dominates the middle of the month, with the Sun, the New Moon (solar eclipse) and Mars running a circuit with Saturn and Uranus. Saturn and Uranus, lords of order and disruption, have been teaming since December. Their unlikely collaboration has been simultaneously bringing form to new growth and shattering structures and conventions. Now ego, heart and will get into the loop, forming the free flow of energy of a grand trine in fire.

Total Eclipse of the Sun

These linkages would be incendiary on their own. They take on super nova impact from coinciding with a total solar eclipse at the end of Leo, on August 21. A solar eclipse blots out people and situations, never to return, and hits the reset button. This time, with the added kick from Mars, our systems come back on line with a breathtaking, propulsive force, shooting us forward as if we’ve hit a power up in a racing game.

The Mars-powered solar eclipse is igniting the self-actualization imperative of the Saturn/Uranus trine. The explosion is blowing up conventions, norms, beliefs. shoulds, and situations built on them — commitments and teachings that have restrained you from living your own life and expressing your own being.

It won’t be all fun and games. At all. Some people will not accurately recognize these rumblings and will respond by acting out. With retrograde Mercury spawning misunderstandings and misstatements (and, alright, lies), it’ll be easy to react without confronting peaceably and unraveling the snarl.

Patience will be in short supply. Tempers will flare. Anger will have the effect of eating cases of Popeye’s spinach. Be mindful of who and what are in your line of fire.

Venus in Fur (Leo)

The rebooting plays out long beyond August. It may be easier to chew on what is transpiring after the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd. A wave of noticeable shake-ups, break-ups and breakthroughs follows when Venus, ruler of our desires, approaches maximum nesting mode and slams the agent of unpredictable change, Uranus, on August 24.

She makes a quick change herself, taking on the flair and drama and grandeur of Leo on the 25th. It’s out of the kitchen (except, perhaps, for showy parties) and into the world, in search of attention, sun and fun. However the eclipses and grand trine are playing out, our hearts are beginning to get on board.

The month ends with potential for optimism and locking in some benefits from the hubbub. The 27th brings an opportunity to stabilize, via a cooperative link between beneficent Jupiter and structure-loving Saturn.

Messenger god Mercury jumps back into the fire of Leo on the 30th and criss-crosses the solar eclipse degree until mid-September. High-energy exchanges are a given. Ideas may move from intriguing concept to burning personal quest. The combustible atmosphere continues. These fires aren’t going out any time soon.

Learn what this means for you (and the United States) in my talk The Great American Eclipse — and You! Live at 4 PM EDT, Friday, Aug. 4 and afterwards on demand.

Harness the eclipses energies in Embracing the Eclipse: A Meditation for Personal Growth, live at 4 PH EDT, Friday, Aug. 19 and afterwards on demand.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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July 2017 Leo New Moon

July 23, 2017
2:40 AM PDT / 5:40 AM EDT / 10:40 AM GMT
0 Leo 44

Turn the ignition. Tap the gas pedal. Oh, why not: mash it to the floor. You know you want to. Besides, these days the slightest touch is going to put the pedal to the metal, so why not do it with gusto.

July’s Leo New Moon has us slipping behind the metaphoric wheel and letting our engines roar. Hitting the road, too, if you want — and again, the slightest touch…. Just know the big leg of the journey is yet to come.

This New Moon is the first of two we have this year in Leo. It is at the very beginning, in the first degree, unleashing the rawest, purest, most childlike expression of the sign of the self. It’s sparking energies that will propel us dramatically forward at the second Leo New Moon, which is the total solar eclipse, at the very end of the sign, on August 21.

Think of this month’s as priming a pump, or striking flint, or lighting kindling in a bonfire. Yes, those metaphors will play out in situations and events, but the more important location of their influence is inside you. This New Moon is stoking your inner light, and good luck holding back. Why would you want to, anyway?

The North Node in Leo has been inviting, encouraging, yea verily exhorting you to take the spotlight and express the urgings of your soul, boldly, fearlessly, exuberantly to all who can appreciate it. This Leo New Moon says come out and play already!

It’s not taking no for an answer, either. Mars, planet of push, is fused with the Sun and the Moon and kicking you (and everyone in creation) into action. Whether that’s a playful nudge or a boot in the backside remains to be seen. And could be both.

The effect could be as basic as rekindling the joy of being alive. This New Moon is an opening to fall back in love with life, and with yourself. (Guiding image: the child in the Sun card of the Tarot, naked, happy, guileless, basking in the warmth of the rays.)

Delight in being you. It’s fun, and after this year, who couldn’t use that? Plus it’ll lure curiosity seekers, who’ll check out the action — and playmates who share your delight. And probably add to it. (Cue the Sesame Street theme, “Somebody Come and Play.”)

This isn’t a formula for lazing about in the sun, though. The Mars-powered New Moon delivers the juices to push yourself forward, and how. Watch for power surges that arise organically, naturally and instinctively — you set out in a direction and whoooosh! Passions overtake and consume and set you on fire.

Excitement, playfulness, grand gestures and dramatics will abound. Leo is the sign of the showman, after all, as well as all forms of royalty — beneficent ruler, drama queen, queen bee, energetic imprint of past lives.

There are other potentials, of course. Less evolved Leo energy can present as the ambulatory center of the universe, with a self-regard or absorption that blinds a person to the existence of others (except as subjects or courtiers). If one enters your ambit, you don’t have to buy into the definition. Be amused. Laugh at it. Take advantage of the opening to be as outrageous as you please. This audience won’t notice.

And if it outrages or angers you, you won’t be the only person channeling those emotions. With Mars on the trigger, anger and aggression are givens. (Human steamrollers and bulldozers on the rise!)

Don’t fight; redirect. The power surges, the good ones, too, are rolling out motivation that’s impossible to ignore. If you’ve been looking for the rocket fuel to get something (perhaps your body?) off the ground, ready or not, here it comes.

So welcome the surges, the emotions, the impulses, the instincts. Have fun. Play with them. Let them flare. Ride them.

Don’t worry about the destination just yet. (If ever.) We’re all powering up for next month’s milestone solar eclipse. For now, surge and soar and roar.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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July 2017

July has all the subtlety of contractions pushing new life down a birth canal — and the being that emerges grabbing center stage.

“Oh, goodie,” you say. Remind yourself that there is a relief that comes from building pressure finally pushing out. Bemoaning the pressure will not make it lessen, stop or go away. Breathe. Make allowances to ride this out. (First on list: taking care of basic physical needs like rest and nutrition.) And breathe some more.

A cosmic timer is going off as Mars, planet of push and ruler of drive, motivation and the masculine, moves through a sequence of harsh, challenging encounters through the 20th, pounding on areas of life that have been in upheaval and fundamental restructuring since 2012.

Read more…

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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2017 Scorpio Full Moon

May 10, 2017
2:24 PM PDT / 5:24 PM EDT / 10:24 PM GMT
20 Taurus 24 / 20 Scorpio 24

The spring’s plot twists and epiphanies are delivering us to the emotional culmination and release valve of the Scorpio Full Moon. This one has the power to send us deeper than deep into some matters — and dispatch others with the clean swiftness of a scalpel.

You have been spending more mindful time in your garden lately, since last month’s Taurus New Moon drove attention to the physicality of existence. It’s been quite the lightning field, with some strikes throwing a stark and sudden light on one sector or another, and others hitting you smack in the head.

The excitement’s come from Mercury and Uranus, the cosmic messenger and the cosmic iconoclast, playing Humpty Dumpty with practicalities, resources and supply lines, and our very concepts of our own worth. The Scorpio Full Moon marks the beginning of the end of their trickster teamwork. They’ve been tight since the end of April, and make the second of two conjunctions on the morning of the Full Moon.

As a result, this year’s review of what we’ve been tending is not exercise is not the usual immersion in intensity and the primordial. We’re going in with massively altered perspectives, which affect the emotional score cards we’re ticking off now.

Watch for some combination of the following questions to surface. Responses will be radically different from what they would have been even two weeks ago.

What’s the condition of your resources? (A shortlist for starters:  cash, technology, marketable skills.) Are they supporting and nurturing you? Are you enjoying them, or the effort you put into them? Is the return worth the effort?  Do you possess them, or do they possess you?

What’s the role of other people? Who’s on your share list? Who’s returning the favor?  Contributing to your garden? Valuing it? And maybe: do you possess them? Do they possess you?

Questions like these color the emotions coming to a head now. They may not all be pretty — some nasty, scary beasts lurk in the waters of Scorpio — but they don’t have to stick around long, at least not in the form of their surfacing.

The potential for release comes from a supportive link from this Full Moon to its ruler, Pluto, ruler of the beasts and treasures alike that lurk within the deep. He’s also the lord of death and  rebirth, and his participation enables swift and clean response:  clarifying, simplifying, prioritizing and, where necessary, cutting away.

He’s escalating the sense of quickening, adding an air of facing the unavoidable and inevitable, and arming us with fearlessness and ruthlessness (which does not have to be cruel).  The tools will come in handy no matter what is coming up. When Scorpio is involved, even developments you rationally see as positive have a way of inspiring you to take a deep breath before tackling them.

Much of what transpires now will be natural, organic or unforced, like the cycles of nature that Pluto rules. You know on some level — cellular or subconscious, if not rational — what is ready to die, to leave, to be transformed, to be embraced and allowed to grow deeper and more intense.

Thanks to Mercury and Uranus, you’re more ready for any of these eventualities. The lightning strikes have already shattered your attachment to certain values, points of view and mundane situations. So you may find yourself approaching the Scorpio cauldron with more relief and anticipation than dread, and excitedly tossing in this and that as it churns and bubbles and transmutes.

You can spot decay with an objective eye and address, attack and clear it, so work that ability. Look around to see what isn’t thriving, then deal with it. Prune the dead and dying. Unplug unsalvageable situations from life support. Clean out debris and clutter.

Get rid of anything that doesn’t suit, support or nourish you anymore, or that no longer interests you. You’re freeing  space and resources (time, money, emotion, energy) that could go to what you do want to flourish.

And as you pare down your shortlist, one or two items may make the cut that gives you pause and stir a mix of excitement, anticipation and terror.  That’s your signal:  Trust. Dive in. Merge.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for the 2017 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse

February 26, 2017
6:58 AM PST / 9:58 AM EST / 2:48 PM GMT
8 Pisces 12

Time for another growth spurt! This one’s been building for a couple of years, but it might still take you by surprise.

How are you at surfing? Or riding a wave? Not that you have much choice. And not that effort is required. A surge is coming, no matter what you do, with the force to carry you into the next 19 years.

The excitement is coming off the Pisces New Moon, which combines the cosmic whammy of a solar eclipse with an undercurrent of fire power. Even if it’s not hitting a point in your chart, it’s bound to be a watershed moment, pun fully intended.

The eclipse is finishing a cycle that’s been with us for two years, on the Virgo/Pisces axis. This cycle has had us revisiting, reevaluating and rebooting issues of boundaries vs. interconnectedness, logic vs. faith,  rationalization vs. compassion, and service vs. martyrdom.

We’re wrapping up and moving on from this process just as the next one is beginning, courtesy of the Leo/Aquarius eclipses, which began with the Leo Full Moon of February 10. The gear shift moves us from learning to remain intact while soaking in the sea of humanity, to the next challenge of shining brightly in the midst of a group.

The shift comes with shocks, jolts and goodbyes. A solar eclipse always closes something out and leaves something behind. This one stands to wash away situations, patterns and likely specific people.

Some departures could go unnoticed, or come with camouflage, unclear motive or subterfuge that takes months to be fully detected or appreciated. (Be on the lookout for sacrificial lambs.)

A sense of unreality is probable. (No! Not these days!) This could be gentle and lovely, as if the divine is at work, or maybe raw magic. It could also be disorienting, to the point of putting someone’s sanity in question.

Thank the New Moon’s host, Neptune, ruler of illusion, escapism, and transcendence. He’s not only in the thick of this party, but he’s also the first planet the Sun and the Moon will meet after they separate (the Moon six hours later, the Sun three days later, on March 1).

His close involvement amplifies the otherworldly, unhinged-from-normal-reality character of a Pisces eclipse. Surface appearances may have nothing to do with what is really happening.

Take heart, though. Since the event is a graduation exercise, we don’t have to fall prey to lower, delusional potentials. We’ve been dealing with and working on this area of life, and we can apply what we’ve learned to this final burst.

That means:  Know where the borders are between you and others. Safeguard your boundaries.(No codependency! Got that?) Use a connection to a higher force — faith, divine guidance, love — as the navigational tool for the waters, and for the likely fog (more likely, steam) that blankets them.

Trust is essential. There’s not much time to think. Likely you’re not going to see the biggest developments coming. Even if you do catch a glimpse, good luck doing anything about it.

We’re about to be transported by a massive energy surge (or several). Every solar eclipse brings an effect like hitting a power up in the old Nintendo Mario Cart game. In this instance, though, it’s more like you’re on a jet ski or powerboat. You’ll be traveling along and blam! The pace will quicken like crazy, and it’ll be all you can do to hang on for the ride.

You may feel as if a huge force is rising up within or under you and sweeping you along. This eclipse is turbo-charged with urgency, unpredictability, volatility, aggression, and passionate, nonrational impulses. With Neptune in the mix, you may not appreciate the power of those waters (or what’s in them with you) until you’re well underway.

That’s because this eclipse is powered by an intense and dynamic evolutionary surge (that word again!): a loose cardinal t-square linking the god of war and the cosmic rebel (Mars and Uranus), the lord of death and the underworld (Pluto) and the most expansive influence in the sky (Jupiter). This configuration plays out from February 22-27, as Mars squares Pluto, teams with Uranus, and then opposes Jupiter.

The configuration is raucous and energizing to the max. The combination promises to affect and reshape issues of home, family, tradition, nurturing and security, as the pressure rushes to find expression in the sign opposite Pluto, Cancer. (Political alert: Think immigration and borders have been hot issues? Just wait.)

The intensity peaks on the day of the New Moon, when Mars and Uranus meet. They’re unleashing the energetic equivalent of dynamite detonating, or a geyser erupting — sudden, explosive, violent, and propulsive; shattering and destroying as they shoot events forward and color the next six months as the eclipse plays out.

Resistance is futile. Situations will be changing in an instant, and time may feel like it’s speeding up like crazy. There’s no point in hanging on to any person or situation that slips away. Clutching may lead to something blowing up in your hand.

All you can do is ride with it — whether that means acting on motivation that’s igniting within you, or climbing on your surfboard and hollering, “Cowabunga!”

You’re up to this. You’ve been in training for the past two years, as the Virgo/Pisces eclipses have pushed you to simplify and reset your life, habits, and personal boundaries.  You are as prepared as is humanly possible.

There will be moments that take you by surprise. That take your breath away, that make your heart race, that make your head spin. That stun and probably sting. You may cry. You may swear angels are at work.

And you may feel exhilarated, lighter and freer than ever, and jubilantly, utterly alive.

You can do this.

When you land on stable ground a few months from now, look to see who’s made it to the same destination. And celebrate what you’ve done.



Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2017 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

2017 Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
February 10 – 11, 2017
4:32 PM PST / 7:32 PM EST / 12:32 AM GMT
22 Leo 28 / 22 Aquarius 28

This year’s Leo Full Moon has the subtlety of a powder keg igniting. It’s a pile-up of combustible influences that stoke the year’s theme of self-actualization. And like a powder keg’s igniting, it’s blowing some situations to smithereens — and blasting us further into this wild new phase.

Like any full moon, it’s bringing emotional outpourings to a head. They’re especially larger than life now, for multiple reasons.

One is the moon’s sign, Leo, which has a bent for drama and grabbing the spotlight. Feeling sufficiently seen, acknowledged and validated is a hot topic now. Some people are going to attack any perceived shortfall with attention-grabbing antics. Others, channeling the proud and regal possibilities of Leo, will respond by walking away from devaluing situations, with head held high.

Another reason for the larger than life emotions is this full moon’s nature as lunar eclipse, which escalates the looney factor exponentially. Lunar eclipse emotions aren’t merely aggrandized; they’re forceful, overwhelming and enormously informative (and so are the revelations that accompany them). What is seen cannot be unseen. Life will never be quite the same again.

This month’s full moon launches a two-year cycle of eclipses on the Leo/Aquarius axis, which has us revisiting and resetting the challenge of shining as individuals while coexisting within a group. A defining question is:  Who is your tribe? Here’s another: Where is your stage?

Watch for related themes, situations and even people to come back (perhaps only in your thoughts) from the summers of 1998 through 2000, the last time we underwent this eclipse cycle.
We are profoundly different now, though, so our responses to this cycle’s issues and triggers will be markedly different than they were some 19 years ago. Since then we’ve refocused our priorities, gained acute self-awareness and shed most inclination to contort ourselves to make a relationship “work.”

The first returns are coming this week, and continue as the eclipse unrolls over the next six months. Who sees your light? Who fuels it? Who doesn’t? There’s no point in running after anyone who leaves, or who fails to see you. Nor in continuing if you’re dancing your heart out in front of people who aren’t aware you’re in the room. Realizations are flipping internal switches in an instant, and permanently.

But wait!  There’s still more reason for the extraordinary uproar:  The Sun and the Moon are locking into the controlled firepower of the Saturn/Uranus trine, which ignited in December and fuels us for most of this year. Even if that trine did not activate anything in your chart (and in your heart), this Full Moon makes the potential immediate and personal.

Impulses are erupting from within, maybe from anger, maybe from passion, maybe from a raw life force that you can’t entirely define. You have got to have freedom to express yourself. Whether you’re seeing yet where you’re going, you are seeing what you’re leaving.

You have every incentive to get a move on. Action hero Mars, ruler of our drive and ambition, is ultimately in charge of this eclipse. (Here’s how:  the Moon in Leo answers to the Sun, which is in Aquarius and answers to Uranus, which is in Aries and therefore answers to Mars, which is in his home base of Aries.)

Mars doesn’t wait for permission, or for premeditated thought. A hot head and a risk taker, he simply acts. And that’s what we’re all doing.

The leaps and lunges, comings and goings, switches flipping and all the rest of the commotion stand to benefit us greatly. Bountiful Jupiter, bestower of optimism and expansiveness, is making helpful links to both the Sun and the Moon. Those contacts could further balloon some of this eclipse’s dramas to cartoonish proportions, but they could just as easily cushion the impact, or help us see why they’re ultimately good for us.

Many of them are. Revelations, partings of the way and split-second emotional decisions all carry profound healing potential. The Moon and Jupiter are making a yod, or Finger of God, that points directly to Chiron in Pisces, embodiment of our abiding, collective wound.  We are being called to address, even immerse ourselves into, interconnectedness.

The concept is seemingly incompatible with this moon mission. Tap into the elevated perspective of the Aquarius Sun and think of it this way:  On a micro level, it’s time to separate from the herd and venture forth in mutually appreciative networks. On a macro level, though, we’re in this together, various herds and all.


Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to kbiehlATempowermentunlimited.net (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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