Forecast for November 2017

The time for Halloween may have passed, but the vibe hangs in the air throughout November. At turns spooky, scary, secret, salacious and sexy, it’s coexisting now with eruptions of long-building passion and life force.

The mixture is paradoxical, like volcanoes arising from ocean depths. It’s also energizing, activating and unstoppable. Things that go bump in the night — or the psyche — are still on the prowl, but they’re not knocking us off course. Instead, signs and sensations of progress are accelerating, with milestones falling into place as we blaze on.

Read the full forecast.  And PLEASE redirect your bookmarks/feeds to my main site, EmpowermentUnlimited.

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Forecast for September 11-17, 2017

The fires of August reach our hearts. Desires, relationships, creativity ignite. Heads and hands figure out the how-to while we burn, baby, burn.

Astro-Insight for Sept. 11 – 17, 2017. 6:44 minutes.

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2017 Pisces Full Moon

Just when the gumption’s arriving to settle down and work, the Pisces Full Moon says, “Maybe not.”

It’s luring us into a time out fit for the past three calendar months, as opposed to what we actually experienced during them. Our rational side is ready to tackle the details and practicalities of life, but our emotions are coming unmoored from them.

It’s a long overdue moment of quiet, giving in and floating on not knowing. That latitude has been absent in the last three months, which brought turbo-charged lunations with the kick and power of warrior god Mars traveling with the Sun. Each moon phase began and ended with a dance of masculine and feminine energies fusing and then opposing each other.

Read more


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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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September 2017

September promises more of the same, then a shift to something closer to sanity. And then a huge, long-awaited snap …. and sigh of relief. August’s total solar eclipse isn’t through with us yet.

Read more.

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© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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August 2017

Volatile, catalyzing, head-spinning, game-changing: August is a month (or is that: minefield?) of milestones.

They come with revelations, departures, confusion, high-octane passions and a faster than fast pace. Fuel accelerant is pouring into impulses that have been building since December. (Self-actualization is one of them. Specific situations should be easy to spot.)

A drive is blazing that defies extinguishing or containment. Directing it may be possible, though. So is riding it. And it might actually be fun. (At times.)

The influence that kicks off the month builds more slowly and probably with less fanfare than what follows. It will pervade the headlines all the same, if you look for it, and run like a background program whether anyone is paying attention or not.

Foundation Work Continues

Seismic shifts and super-sized evolutionary surges hit foundations, infrastructures and institutions as the month begins and Jupiter squares Pluto. The pressure will mount with the subtlety of a lobster pot for nearly two months, not finding release till Jupiter completes his opposition to norm-shattering Uranus at the end of September.

More immediately noticeable in the first three weeks: Dramatic action and reaction are the general order of things, with warrior god Mars accompanying the Sun till he enters Virgo on the 22nd. This traveling pair is a double-dose of the masculine archetype, firing up courage, assertiveness, aggression, combativeness and anger. Everyone’s got a fix-it gene. No waiting to be asked; everyone’s going after what they want.

Aquarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The month’s first eclipse, a lunar, brings a paradox: simultaneously experiencing defcon 2 level emotions and observing them with the intellectual curiosity of Mr. Spock. Watch for spiked understanding of your own inner workings, particularly in response to developments since February’s lunar eclipse in Leo. Much will take on a different light — a lunar eclipse always brings revelations — amid the clatter of doors slamming and chapters closing.

It’s Time For Another … Mercury Retrograde!

A cosmic invitation to think things over continues throughout the month. We won’t always welcome the suggestion, but declining isn’t much of an option. Communication, technology and travel are a patience-testing ground of snarls, complications, malfunctions and delays once Mercury stations retrograde on the 12th.

The implications may sneak up on us, since the two love and creativity planets, Venus and Neptune, are making beautiful music that day and lulling us all into reverie. We have weeks to wise up to the retrograde, which lasts till September 5.

He’s in one of his home signs, Virgo, which puts a practical spin on everything that unfolds – or misfires. Details are more than the usual tripwire. Annoyances may be … annoyingly … concrete.

On the plus side: the sign of the messenger’s retreat fits in with a retrograde’s potential for reorganizing and tidying matters up. Not to mention that tripping over words and our metaphoric shoe laces may keep us down here on earth while other influences threaten to blast us off it. And we may welcome a breather, even if it comes in the form of a retrograde snafu.

Read more in my guide How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017.

Can’t Stop The Grand Fire Trine

Those other influences come from the fire that dominates the middle of the month, with the Sun, the New Moon (solar eclipse) and Mars running a circuit with Saturn and Uranus. Saturn and Uranus, lords of order and disruption, have been teaming since December. Their unlikely collaboration has been simultaneously bringing form to new growth and shattering structures and conventions. Now ego, heart and will get into the loop, forming the free flow of energy of a grand trine in fire.

Total Eclipse of the Sun

These linkages would be incendiary on their own. They take on super nova impact from coinciding with a total solar eclipse at the end of Leo, on August 21. A solar eclipse blots out people and situations, never to return, and hits the reset button. This time, with the added kick from Mars, our systems come back on line with a breathtaking, propulsive force, shooting us forward as if we’ve hit a power up in a racing game.

The Mars-powered solar eclipse is igniting the self-actualization imperative of the Saturn/Uranus trine. The explosion is blowing up conventions, norms, beliefs. shoulds, and situations built on them — commitments and teachings that have restrained you from living your own life and expressing your own being.

It won’t be all fun and games. At all. Some people will not accurately recognize these rumblings and will respond by acting out. With retrograde Mercury spawning misunderstandings and misstatements (and, alright, lies), it’ll be easy to react without confronting peaceably and unraveling the snarl.

Patience will be in short supply. Tempers will flare. Anger will have the effect of eating cases of Popeye’s spinach. Be mindful of who and what are in your line of fire.

Venus in Fur (Leo)

The rebooting plays out long beyond August. It may be easier to chew on what is transpiring after the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd. A wave of noticeable shake-ups, break-ups and breakthroughs follows when Venus, ruler of our desires, approaches maximum nesting mode and slams the agent of unpredictable change, Uranus, on August 24.

She makes a quick change herself, taking on the flair and drama and grandeur of Leo on the 25th. It’s out of the kitchen (except, perhaps, for showy parties) and into the world, in search of attention, sun and fun. However the eclipses and grand trine are playing out, our hearts are beginning to get on board.

The month ends with potential for optimism and locking in some benefits from the hubbub. The 27th brings an opportunity to stabilize, via a cooperative link between beneficent Jupiter and structure-loving Saturn.

Messenger god Mercury jumps back into the fire of Leo on the 30th and criss-crosses the solar eclipse degree until mid-September. High-energy exchanges are a given. Ideas may move from intriguing concept to burning personal quest. The combustible atmosphere continues. These fires aren’t going out any time soon.

Learn what this means for you (and the United States) in my talk The Great American Eclipse — and You! Live at 4 PM EDT, Friday, Aug. 4 and afterwards on demand.

Harness the eclipses energies in Embracing the Eclipse: A Meditation for Personal Growth, live at 4 PH EDT, Friday, Aug. 19 and afterwards on demand.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2017. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2016 Gemini New Moon

2016 Gemini New Moon
June 4-5, 2016
14 Gemini 53
7:59 PM PDT / 10:59 PM EDT / 2:59 AM GMT

Strap on your bungee cord and hang on tight. And keep breathing. The Gemini New Moon is treating us to a glorious, bewildering, quick-changing kaleidoscope of emotions, challenges and gifts.

This is not easy energy. It may be the most difficult of the year, to be honest. Gut level discomfort is off the charts. At times it will feel like labor pains, or an alien exploding out of your chest. There’s no way out except through. Try to escape and a screaming crisis will plunge you back into the mess — or an unexpected boon will wet your eyes and renew faith and joy at simply being alive.

Experiences are peak in every extreme, cycling in and out and often piling on each other in one discomfiting mess: Bliss and incredulity at dreams taking physical shape. Moments of connection so sweet they strain the heart’s ability to embrace them. Misunderstandings, panic, and specters of soul-crushing loss and calamity, heavy on finances and security.

Two monumental, interlocking configurations are responsible for the peculiar nature of this Moon. One is a grand cross, a combination face-off and shoving match in the middle degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). The changeable, flexible nature of these signs is behind the every which way character of events, impulses and life in general right now.

All year, three titans have been whipping up pressures, confusion and the need to go on instruments:  Jupiter in Virgo (turbo-charged analyzing and clean up), Saturn in Sagittarius (rigidity vs. wisdom in life philosophy, issues of law and authority, plus invitations to act with integrity and accountability) and Neptune in Pisces (illusion, delusion, confusion, transcendence and connection with all that is). This New Moon fills the empty leg in the configuration and splays the pressure of a three-way shoving match to the four winds.

The cross simultaneously speeds up and stops time. It has us running in a zillion directions, or in place, and yet immobilized. Circumstances change like sand dunes shifting in the wind. Emotions — this is a Moon event, remember? — are especially all over the map. It’s as if the entire human race has gone hormonal.

No easy or lasting resolution is possible with this, just yet. The challenge is to deal with each moment as it hits, and then confront the next on its own terms.

Ground yourself firmly and deeply and you can exist the grace and suppleness of a reed through this Moon and the weeks growing out of it. Fortunately, the skies are giving us an assist for exactly this, via the other monumental configuration. It connects to the grand cross at Jupiter in Virgo, the point that favors optimistic, expansive thinking and healthy boundaries. Jupiter is part of the free-flowing energy of a grand trine to Pluto in Capricorn (agent of unavoidable change transforming structures and foundations) and Mercury in Taurus (bringing communications down to terra firma and their most concrete, and the ruler of the Gemini Moon).

This unimpeded current in earth roots the every-which-way energies in stabilizing, tangible and practical considerations. Uproar and delights alike are directly linked to real life and the real world. Just as much as disruptions and unwelcome developments have concrete ramifications and likely cost, so are dreams, artistry and relationships coming out of stardust and into physical form. Think: Star Trek characters materializing in the transporter in slo-mo.

Some of the transmissions may come in spurts, jerks and clouds of static. They are coming, however. Your mind’s eye is clouded. When it freaks out, sputters, panics, give it a task. (Cleaning is ideal. Seriously.) When you feel underlying calm in the face of a panic, trust your feelings. We’re flying on instruments. Foremost, with the heart.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. “ — Antoine du Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

How does this apply to you? Learn more in a 30-minute Why Is Life So Weird? reading. Available through June 30, 2016.

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe something stronger? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Astrology Forecast for June 2015

June sends us forward and backward with a force fit for New Year’s Eve.  Just as the signal approaches to gun our engines, at last, unfinished business comes calling with dollar signs and repercussions. Which way to go? There’s the paradox. Progress will occur, but with the weight of the past dogging us – until we turn and deal with it, once and for all.

The month begins with high energy and, likely, some of the brightest spirits we’ve enjoyed all year. Those levels promise to stay up all month.  From the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 2nd on, fire is running throughout the sky, stoking life force and enthusiasm, fueling showmanship and playfulness, and causing sparks of emotion (anger, maybe?) to flare into into acts of passion, rebellion and liberation.

The vibe amps up when Venus moves into Leo on the 5th, bringing relationships center stage.  Think glitter, champagne, gold jewelry at the beach and a willingness, nay, demand for attention.  The shift bodes well for fun in the sun and a general desire to socialize — and to go for what you want, without apology. Our interactions — and our divine right to be paid — will take on playfulness, showiness, grandeur, generosity and sometimes a bit of brattiness.

We won’t see much of that last side at first. With Venus in a free flow to Saturn (June 6), a responsible, regal, even grown-up approach will prevail, encouraging many a developing relationship and financial deal to find solid, reliable parameters.  Folly comes later, when Venus goes retrograde near the end of July.

The fire impulses converge in a forceful, cathartic forward push acting on — or leaping from  — the turmoil of March through May. The shockwaves are over, mostly, and we’re taking crazy bold action. This flavor of frustration, motivation and zeal has banked and subsided twice before, late last September and early in March. Third time’s a charm, the saying goes, and this blast has a streak of “and I really mean it!” that’s bound to propel us finally, dramatically forward.

Jupiter is blessing the dice as he moves into a third, life-changing trine to Uranus, the agent of unpredictable change (exact on June 22). Minds unlock. Shackles fall from ankles. Fuses ignite, and we’re all human cannonballs hurtling forward. Relationships rock and roll, too, when Venus plugs into the Uranian circuit on the 29th. Resistance is futile. We’re been waiting for this. It builds all month, and where it takes you is downright exciting — probably in a good way, too.

While fire burns away the past and propels us forward, other influences complicate the picture.  The second week of the month brings a peculiar push-pull. Mercury goes direct on June 11, ending a retrograde cycle that began May 19. Before he gets going and communication has a chance to return to something resembling normalcy (as if such exists), Neptune stations retrograde, the following day. With the clouds of confusion coming off this, we could all feel unmoored and woozy for a few days.

Cold hard reality starts to intervene after the 14th, when Saturn returns to Scorpio for the summer. He’s the source of the backward pull, urging — pushing — okay, requiring — us to address loose ends from 2013-2014. Issues are still on the table concerning matters we don’t talk about openly or comfortably:  joint money, what we get out of every investment of time/money/emotion/energy, trust, intimacy, sex, death, debt and taxes. Clean them up or there will be consequences, though those may not be clear right now.  (That haze coming off Neptune.)

Those undercurrents pervade the Gemini New Moon on the 16th. It subtly refreshes mental energy and encourages chasing bright shiny objects, but with notes of seriousness, caution and awareness of the cost. Taking responsibility for what goes in and out of our heads is one theme. People who’ve been acting like adolescents may realize they’d rather make like adults now.

Summer officially begins on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer. The day’s chart sets the tone for the season. It’s complicated, requiring choices involving maturity and responsibility, and others pitting garden-variety desire against primal, sublingual gotta-have-it impulses. Fortunately minds and hearts are fused, and we’re all emboldened by the self-actualizing, “I gotta be me” imperative of the Jupiter/Uranus trine, which peaks the following day.

Mars enters Cancer three days later, on the 24th, and brings a nesting, nurturing, emotional quality to our actions. That could cushion the impact of our actions. It could also make some people sensitive and crabby. Act as kindly as you can. Set your sights to the future and wish for the best.


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© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for April 13-19, 2015

Time to reach out and touch someone. You’ve got lots to discuss. Maybe over lunch? Go ahead; risk it.

Learn more in my podcast for the week of April 13-19, forecast for April (extended and flash) and astro-overview mp3 set.

Keep this podcast going! Donate a cup of coffee via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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2014 Gemini Full Moon

December 6, 2014
4:26 AM PST / 7:26 AM EST / 12:26 PM GMT
14 Gemini 17 / 14 Sagittarius 17

This month’s Gemini Full Moon spotlights the quality and power of our thoughts. Forget the old saying that ends “words will never hurt me.” This Moon reminds us that they are not theoretical concepts, but forces that touch us deeply and shape our experience of reality.

Full Moons always culminate a cycle and bring emotions and story lines to a head. This one is particularly high-energy, catalyzing and clearing.

Its scope is enormous:  It’s inspiring awareness of the chatter in our heads, along with clarity about who we are.  It’s inflaming situations, beliefs and prejudices past the point of toleration, inflaming vocal reactions and demanding that we see and respect our interconnectedness. (Hence protests in the streets nationwide in solidarity with geographically distant grand jury decisions.) It’s burning off repetitive thinking, parroting and default patterns, or at least giving our chains a good hard yank that forces a good hard look and rethinking. It’s igniting optimism and a hunger for more positive, expansive outlook. And it’s sparking relationship issues, particularly arising from longstanding wounds or involving notions of commitment and equal partnership.

The highly personal, self-reflective aspect comes from the Moon’s ruler, Mercury, standing at the center of the activity. (He’s only a degree away from the Sun and off an opposition with the Moon.)  We’re not merely in our heads, though; his position adds a lovely harmony between mind and emotion, thanks to his easy flow with the Sun’s ruler, Jupiter.

The flow from bigger-is-better Jupiter is also mushrooming this Moon’s effects into cartoonish territory. His influence encourages good humor, grandiosity, and going for more, more, more. That’s a raging, energy-amping, life-awakening blaze right now. As happened in October with the Aries lunar eclipse, this Full Moon locks into another grand trine in fire, blazing from Uranus  (epiphanies & breaks) and the south side (what we’re moving away from) in Aries, to Juno (archetype of the spouse) and Jupiter in Leo, to the Sun (our masculine side) and Mercury (how we communicate and get around) in Sagittarius.

This round robin of energy feeds fieriness in thoughts and emotions — from frustration, self-righteous anger, prejudice and political outrage to lust for life and adventure, high spirits and passion of any kind.  It’s motivating, activating, energizing and warming, causing impulses to spark and flare and rush out without premeditation, delivering the courage and firepower to think and speak boldly.

The fire trine is pumping up the individuating, liberating, rebellious impulses we’ve all been feeling. They’re one end of the tectonic plate-shifting building from the Uranus/Pluto square, which will be exact for the 6th out of 7 times on the 15th. The imperative to change has been hammering our foundations since the squares began in 2012. By this point the process has morphed from disruption and turmoil to our coming to grips with what has changed and taking action to deal with it. As the cosmic conveyor belt takes us to this next stage of remodeling and restructuring, the grand fire trine is inciting us to pick up our tools, knock down teetering walls and crumbling plates and commandeer the next construction phase.

There’s a significant therapeutic element, too. That comes from the tight, dynamic link between the Moon’s ruler Mercury and Chiron, which represents our abiding wound and the challenge of mastering it to become fully human. The time is ripe for moving past isolationist thinking and realizing (a) you are not alone and (b) we are all in this life together. Rewriting your scripts and backstory is also timely. The Mercury/Chiron push encourages neutralizing wounded thought patterns and hitting a point of peace and resolution.

Dump your mental trash. Be mindful of what you are exposed to in your information flow. Ditch avenues of communication that are punching your wounds, or reinforcing limiting thoughts, or fouling your mood, outlook or experience of life. Stop engaging with people who make you feel bad or throw negativity around like monkeys flinging you-know-what in a cage.

Pay attention to where your thoughts gravitate, to the words you routinely use, and to the beliefs you speak and live. If you find negativity, intervene. Reframe and rephrase like a demon.  Do a burning ritual in a fire pit or tall, safe bowl. Burn away the bad things you say about yourself, your life, your prospects, other people. Factor in forgiveness, too. Don’t worry about going overboard. That vibe is in the air. Work it to your advantage.

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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Forecast for December 2014

Reviewing and wrapping up are part of every December. This year’s process is more far-reaching than the norm. Instead of looking back at just the year, we’re looking at several multi-year cycles that are hitting significant measuring points at once.

We’re nearly done with the intense change imperative that has been disrupting and morphing the status quo since the summer of 2012. And we’re finishing up two years of lessons in how we share, trust and reciprocate (or not).

A lot that happens this December is going to feel era-ending, larger-than-life, profoundly important, maybe fated, and high stakes to an extreme. These characteristics color the entire holiday season, not so much disrupting it as giving it rich, deep textures. Warm and fuzzy moments will still abound, but with a calculating awareness of change and sometimes loss, of what matters most and of how very different life is becoming.

The utter restructuring of our lives is one pervasive issue. By now, you should be acutely aware of what’s at stake for you. Likely you have moved from having it happen to you to actively grappling with it (especially since December, April and this fall). The month brings the next-to-last clash between the two bodies that have been forcing profound structural change since 2012.

Don’t be surprised if your thoughts go back two to three years (and if they don’t, send them there) by the 15th, when Uranus and Pluto, agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, form the sixth of their seven action-demanding aspects. The lightning strikes and seismic shifts coming off this should not be bringing huge new elements into the picture, but pushing into being the revised approaches, structures, goals and relationships that have been stirring below the surface.

Our hearts, values, relationships and above all bank balances factor in. Their ruler Venus is returning to the cold reality of Capricorn on Dec. 11, bringing us full circle from her retrograde that started the year. What we’re seeing, experiencing and birthing now grows out of the the reevaluation and sorting that we all did from last December through January. (Mars in Aquarius, starting on the 4th, adds to our generally detached, matter-of-fact stance.)

All these issues, people and situations get worked over by the change agents as they move toward their clash the 20th, which blasts us with epiphanies and jailbreaks, while inflaming desires that can not be denied. (So much for detachment.) We’re going to want what we want with startling, breath-taking passion, consequences be damned (although in many cases they will actually be allied with higher forces).

Minds, conversations and all manner of vehicles quickly respond. They get a workover early in the month courtesy of the Gemini full moon on the 6th, which spotlights which of them have value and which have run their course (and sets fire to the more expansive and fun ones). Those break apart, shift, evolve and lock in tightly when Mercury, ruler of our information and travel flow, runs the gauntlet of the change agents on Christmas Eve and Day. No “Silent Night” this year; those two days promise important, forceful and ultimately profound communication. Again, don’t be surprised if thoughts and conversations wander back to last year, as well as to two summers ago and earlier.

The remaining wrap-up involves Saturn ending his two-year stay in Scorpio and moving into Sagittarius on Dec. 23. The taskmaster has been in Pluto’s sign for much of the Uranus/Pluto clashing. This has factored issues of shared resources, power, trust, reciprocity and responsibility into the ongoing evolution of our personal and collective infrastructure. With the shift to Sagittarius, we will experience the ramifications of beliefs, laws, broadcast information, and attitudes toward all things foreign. The immediate impact will be heightened awareness of systems of thought, and taking (or experiencing) responsibility for what we believe.

Be forewarned: With that switch happening immediately before Mercury’s scuffle with the change agents on the 24th and 25th, karma will be instant, and there will be no take backs. Your beliefs about certain people and situations (family, probably) are up for utter destruction. Everyone stands to benefit. You don’t want to be thought of as a child, and it may well be time to let your relatives be who they are now, instead of the rigidly constructed characters in your memory.


2012-12-23 12.16.56

Keep focus on the present as the cycles come back around for review. Actively acknowledge them when they pop up, and make a point to acknowledge your growth as well. So much of your inner and outer landscapes has altered over the past three years. An appropriate way to usher this one out would be a burning bowl. Write down what you are bidding adieu, what you are keeping and embracing, and what you are welcoming in. Burn the paper(s) in a large bowl, ceremonially, around midnight as the year shifts.

Whether you do that or not, next year will be different. Easier. More expansive. Possibly even happier. Bless everything in this crazy-making year that played a role.

Learn more in my weekly podcast, full and new moon forecasts (posted a day before) and guide for Fall 2014. In honor of the month’s first weekend, read my St. Nicholas Day memories (including the year he showed up at my door. Seriously. Really.).

I have now been making my forecasts freely available for six years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

© Kathy Biehl 2014. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

About Astro-Insight and Kathy Biehl

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