Gay Marriages Under The Libra Full Moon

Astrology is in action all over the Web: Today’s Full Moon is in Libra, the sign of balance, relationships and social contracts, with the Sun in red-hot-Aries, accompanied by the archetypes of the lovers, Venus and Mars,and paradigm-breaking Uranus…and Facebook is awash in images of red equals signs, as the Supreme Court considers cases involving marriage equality, a graceful way of saying gay marriage rights.

The Aries pile-up is militant, insistent and gaining momentum, if the proliferation of red equal images is any indication. (They’ve evolved from two thick rectangles against red, to the floating pillows of Mark Rothko canvases, to stacked wedding rings against red, a red equal sign against the Constitution or a face (even Grumpy Cat’s), to flaming superhero arms flying across red — or stacked plastic ketchup squeeze bottles — forming the now-emblematic equals sign.) This spontaneous, snowballing of images is beautifully expressing the string-of-firecrackers energies in the skies. (Read more about them in my mooncast.)

It’s also giving me far more optimism than my legal background has about the Supreme Court just now. This may not be the moment when the halls of power give in to the groundswell. I will be flabbergasted, actually, if this particular line-up of judges comes down in favor of equality in marriage, and expect intellectual acrobatics that are infuriating and unapologetic. But this is the moment when society tips. This is the moment of no return on the issue. The Full Moon — with the goddess of love, the god of war and the agent of radical change united in rampage — is bearing down with a vengeance on Pluto, the agent of deep and unavoidable change, in Capricorn, which represents the structures that underlie our existence.

Structures must change, because the pressure to evolve is so great. All that pressure onto Pluto is dumping out across from him into Cancer, the sign of nurturing, of home life, of families. Society is changing. Family structures are changing. All this is happening no matter what the arbiters of law say right now. It simply is, independent of any formal or official sanction.

That will come, sooner or later. Whatever the Supreme Court’s decision is — and it may not be announced till late May, when the next square of Uranus and Pluto takes place — the metamorphosis is underway. The issue will return for revisiting and restructuring and refocusing time and again over the next two years, possibly in the form of more and more states passing marriage equality laws.

This week’s key events are occurring at the beginning of a cycle: in an early degree of the first sign of the zodiac. We are in the beginning times of this issue, not the end. A potent seed with radioactive strength has been planted. It will defy attempts to kill it. It will survive.

Hearts on Fire: The 2013 Libra Full Moon

March 27, 2013
2:28 AM PDT / 5:28 AM EDT / 9:28 AM GMT
6 Aries 32 / 6 Libra 32

“Love is the infinite, placed within the reach of poodles.” — Celine.

This month’s Libra Full Moon reminds me of the end of a spectacular fireworks show, when rockets shoot up faster and faster and erupt into overlapping sparkling patterns of stars and circles and swirls and wiggly bits that glisten and linger and slowly dissipate and fall.

The explosions create one continuously morphing image, taking shape so quickly and simultaneously that onlookers are transfixed, immersed (and overwhelmed) in the totality of the display and unable to focus, fixate or hang on to any one moment in it.

That’s the case with Wednesday’s Full Moon in Libra. Relationships, alliances are agreements are coming to the fore, but not in the lyrical, graceful, pretty wrapping that Libra prefers. The Full Moon pits the Moon in peace and harmony-loving Libra against a band of provocateurs striking matches (and more) in Aries — while depth charges are blasting celestial titans into shifting their weight.

It’s a gloriously messy, exciting, volatile, game-changing extravaganza, forever altering the landscapes of our hearts, connections and world. Passion fuels all of it, with the Moon’s ruler Venus not merely in fiery, fearless Aries but holding hands with the Sun, change agent Uranus and her archetypal partner Mars. She’s so close to the Sun, in fact, that they are indistinguishable, a proximity called in combust.

In combust: Remember that concept. The label fits us all now.

We’re all on fire. We’re all hot heads, impulsive, daring in ways our brains have been braking. But no longer. We’re burning bridges and, in some cases, dynamiting them. We’re throwing memories, heartache and hesitations onto a bonfire — and maybe ourselves, too — and emerging with hearts purified and blazing with desire. We’re simultaneously nuking the past and zapping the future into being, in a baptism of orgiastic fire.

As unexpected as specific events will be — the triggers could catch you completely unawares — whatever blows up or open now has been long brewing. The line-up is pressuring points that have been tenderized since June, September and December of last year.

This Moon’s complex configuration is lobbing grenades and pouring flame accelerant into the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square, the conflict that is forcing so much restructuring in our lives. This week’s events will tie directly to their next clash, coming up later in May. The line-up is also firing up the cosmic red arrow (finger of God) that has been coming into sharper and more insistent focus since the winter solstice. It’s combining celestial players into two additional interlocking fingers as well. We’re being hammered, prodded, taunted, enraged, inflamed, engulfed and energized from all sides, in all ways.

There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nothing to do but stand in the middle of the fireworks until your mission kicks in. You’ll know what it is — maybe not until you’re well into it, but you’ll know.

One caution: This may not be comfortable. Strong emotions are coursing, and you may feel physically strange, uneasy, even at times like scorched earth. Take time periodically, at least each morning, to regroup and ground. If you’re inclined to ask that your actions be guided by a higher wisdom, that would be one prudent approach for navigating this initiation. Remind yourself not to take anyone’s behavior personally. Primal impulses are on the loose and otherwise sober-thinking, mature individuals will be throwing tantrums that would land a toddler in a time out.

Make use of all this fire. May it embolden you to burn away what no longer serves and to leap into situations that keep your flame blazing bright.

Want a road map for 2013? Get my 2013 astro-overview mp3 and/or book a reading with me.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

March 25, 2013

HOT STUFF: Forecast for March 25 – 31, 2013

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” — Goethe

One of the most exciting and transforming seasons of our lives has begun! The next few weeks promise to be energizing and, let’s be honest here, volatile in ways we’ve rarely experienced.

This week, big action ignites. The skies are firing up new identities, boldness and directions, not merely in our concepts of ourselves, but also in our hearts, relationships, desires and basic hunter instincts.

Been stuck? Quiet? Unfocused? Uncertain? Hesitant? Not any longer. Motivation, gumption and derring-do are going off like a string of firecrackers. We’re all in first-responder mode, jumping and pouncing fearlessly, recklessly, before the gun, even.

The detonations will be sudden and explosive, with a timing that defies advance notice. The areas going off, however, are not out of the blue. They have been rocking, rolling and showing signs of significant stress fractures (less dramatically: evolution) since last June.

This week, it’s as if someone is tossing sticks of dynamite into the fissures, or molten lava is erupting through them and reshaping the surrounding terrain, or life force is roaring out of our root chakras up our spines. Yep, spring is really here at last, and with a vengeance.

The energies build to intensity Wednesday, which really deserves the label hump day this time around. All the triggering influences — and there’s a cluster of them — will be at their peak. Some aren’t technically exact until Thursday, and when that happens it will bring relief that takes off some of the pressure.

Desires, relationships and me-first, “I want” issues are all over this cluster — and the week’s developments. Wednesday’s Full Moon in Libra highlights, as always, how we’re balancing the competing needs of the self and the other (or a union). This year’s edition makes no pretense of the sweetness so often associated with Libra. Its powerhouse configuration says enough already and knocks dominos over, all across the playing field.

The Moon’s ruler Venus isn’t in playing coy or helpless, waiting for a big stwong man to do her bidding. She’s in Aries, at her most self-starting, aggressive and hunter-goddessy — not to mention that both she and the Sun are on the brink of lighting firecrackers (or Molotov cocktails) with each other and with Uranus, a three-way that combusts on Thursday.

That’s not all the incentive, though. This Full Moon locks into the Uranus/Pluto square, the ongoing revolutionary dynamic that has been destabilizing and restructuring the real and metaphoric foundations of our existence. The configuration ups the pressure on Pluto, the agent of unavoidable and deep level change.

As the Johnny Mercer song says, “Something’s gotta give.” Cracks that have been forming since last June deepen. Desires that have been taking shape since then spring from the subconscious and into being.

Scared? Don’t be. Nervous? Well, anyone who’s sensitive to energy is. Thank goodness for the frequent and long void of course moons this week, times of enforced quiet or inactivity that will help us accustom to so much fire.

What’s occurring is primal. It’s spring, awakening. It’s you awakening into the next, exciting phase of your life. More in my mooncast, which will be on my site by Tuesday.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

Oooooh — Fire! Forecast for March 18 – 24, 2013

My 2013 astro-outlook is now available on mp3. 90 minutes, $40.

Lock in your grounding cord and fasten your seat belt. Spring isn’t merely erupting this year. It’s exploding.

Everything’s heating up: the pace, enthusiasm, tempers, ambition, desires, agendas and breakthroughs. No more wallowing, swirling or drowning in water, clouds, fog and/or confusion. We’re climbing out and blasting off. Okay, so at times that’ll be more like being blasted out, by a depth charge that some hand, seen or unseen, has lobbed into the water. Either way, we’re moving,

Most of the pool party is clearing out of Pisces and warming themselves in the fires of Aries. The ruler of communication and transportation, Mercury, is still all wet but at least he’s ended his retrograde and will finally move noticeably forward by Thursday. These changes affect all of us. Our will, drive, gumption and hearts are all heading right for the flames — and for the come-what-may, unlocking, radical embrace of Uranus. The first clinch comes Friday, and the anticipation will be building all week.

But first, a look at what’s taking us into that embrace. Last week action hero Mars led the way into his home, where he encourages impulsive, fearless-to-reckless leading the charge, leaping first and looking, maybe, long afterward. This week the Sun and Venus follows, on Tuesday and Thursday.

The Sun’s move into Aries is the spring equinox, when the wheel of the year turns to birth and growth, the annual return of life force surging through seedlings and our beings. It’s natural to go outside and feel the hint of warmth in the air, and shake off the dust and doldrums of winter (and, this year, the unprecedented waters of the past six weeks). The gear shift stokes our internal engines and orients us to new and exciting possibilities.

When Venus joins the fire Thursday, say goodbye to quiet, contemplative, dare I say boring stretches. She’s entering huntress mode in Aries, not willing to wait for anyone to do her bidding but boldly targeting and pouncing on her prey. She is not subtle, reticent, sweet, sympathetic or patient, but unapologetic about what she wants and going after it.

Hmmm….Mars is in action mode….Venus is in action mode….are you getting a picture yet? The fact that the love goddess and her consort are both in the most primal expression of fire — and both heading for Uranus — spells an end to inaction, particularly where relationships are involved.

Desire trumps fear (or logic) and crazy action ensues. Moths flock to flames. The gun-shy step into the fray. Anything can happen, at any moment — especially once Mars meets up with Uranus.

That happens on Friday, in a super-conjunction, with the two hot heads lining up by declination and zodiacal degree. Let me get the one warning out of the way: Mars + Uranus can bring accidents. Take special care while driving or in motion. Watch where you’re going. Watch your temper. Don’t project worries onto that day. Ask instead for protection and guidance.

That duo can blast you out of all kinds of stuck places. The pair can motivate you and everyone around you to get moving quickly — so quickly that deep into the change you and the others look around, recognize where you are and what’s happened and marvel together. (This will be particularly true in relationships.)

Don’t be scared. Don’t worry. There’s no point in worry — or time for it. You’ve been waiting for this. It’s exciting. It’s life-affirming and enhancing. And it’s fun. Face the direction of your dreams. Your rockets are firing, and you’re blasting off.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

2013 Pisces New Moon

March 11, 2013

3:52 PM PDT / 12:52 PM EDT / 7:52 PM GMT
21 Pisces 24

My 2013 astro-outlook is now available on mp3. 90 minutes, $40.

This month’s New Moon immerses us all in the boundary-dissolving, reality-blurring waters of of Pisces. Sure, we’ve been in and on the waters, but the full-body baptism comes now. The New Moon takes all that gentle, confusing, emotional-laden, extra-sensory energy of the past few weeks, dunks us completely in it and splashes it across the next month.

We are human sponges in a divine soup of magic, healing, insanity, love, compassion and emotions and vibrations from all over creation. No way our rational minds can navigate this passage. Guidance is critical to discern what’s what: what is ours and what is someone else’s, what is a blessing, a lie, shucksterism, craziness, ravings from the bottle, or guidance from the depths of our beings or angelic heights.

There are seven bodies in Pisces right now and all of them are connected, as if they were holding hands in a chain. They are infusing the waters with magic, mystery and all forms of escapism, from the unhinged and unsavory to the most artistic and spiritual; communication and transportation issues; the possibility of healing and resolution; the merging of our emotional and logical sides; and our will, drive and actions.

The last of these bodies, Mars, is in the final degree of Pisces, which is the zodiacal point of ultimate sorrow and sacrifice. (The first Bush-era war — Afghanistan, I believe — began with this degree on the chart ascendant, a marker for a conflict with losses and little resolution.) There may well be an element of putting the individual aside for the greater good. Leaps of faith, or acts based on faith, will also be in high supply.

Mars’ placement also adds some firepower potential to this line-up. For one reason, he is the ultimate god of fire, so his presence (a) in Pisces and (b) in the highest degree of that sign heat the waters to a rolling boil. For another, he is close enough to Uranus in Aries that he is energetically reaching across the border between signs and pulling into the Pisces blend all that volatile, genius, impulsive, unpredictable, fearless, reckless Uranian energy. So, yes, we’re in a water atmosphere, but it’s shot through with electricity, lightning, energy and unquenchable fire. No sweet tropical lagoon, this environment. It is more like the cauldron of creation.

Anything can happen in the next month. Anything. No matter how stuck you have felt, no matter how often you have experienced life as floating aimlessly or circling on the top of the water, everything is heating up.

Trust your gut. Trust your instincts. Trust your feelings. They are more accurate — and will, to be honest, make more sense — than a lot of the empirical evidence that’s on the way. Developments are coming that are directly related to the ongoing rumblings, fractures and reshaping of our internal and external structures (which got depth charges last June and September, and are due for another detonation in May). Information is flowing in and action is amping up related to the cosmic red arrow that’s been pointing in an increasingly specific direction. That arrow is also an increasingly firm, reliable and sturdy foundation, while somehow bringing balm to ancient injuries.

The landscape remains chaotic, but you are getting the hang of where to plant your feet — or, better, how to ride the currents. Your hunch is sharpening about where you’re heading, even though you still can’t see how the dots are going to connect to get you there. Your sense is good of what you truly want and who’s coming along with you, and you’re letting what no longer fits wash away. Strap yourself in: The adventure of a lifetime is beginning.

Want a road map for 2013? Get my 2013 astro-overview mp3 and/or book a reading with me.

© Kathy Biehl 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

Forecast for March 11 – 17, 2013

My 2013 astro-outlook is now available on mp3. 90 minutes, $40.

I hope you’ve been taking advantage of and enjoying floating in the water, because that gentle pace is not long for this world. Boy, howdy, is movement on the way.

But first, where are you now? Your current coordinates, inside and out, are key to the next moon phase. Monday’s New Moon in Pisces takes all that gentle, confusing, emotional-laden, extra-sensory energy of the past few weeks and splashes it across the next month.

The spray is infused with desires and our willingness and ability to go after them. Leading the way: inner guidance, divine intervention and mind-blowing synchronicities. That’s right; more magic and mystery are in store for us. (My Words With Friends game has been generating cosmic commentary; what’s been happening with you?) Read more in my mooncast.

And then, blam! We move from floating to hopping on a jet ski and zooming across the water when action god Mars moves into his fiery home sign of Aries on Tuesday. Say goodbye to wallowing, circling, sleepwalking and staring off into the clouds. Mars is in his element in Aries – impulsive, impatient, assertive, antagonistic, fearless, independent and leaping before looking or aiming. After idling in the water for weeks, he’s raring to go — and could go way overboard when the ability to move kicks in.

Tuesday could be quite volatile, explosive and exciting, with the Moon also entering “where’s the fire?” Aries and quickly meeting up with Mars and Uranus. Some people will be toddlers in tantrums, others making like Capt. Kirk, while most of us are simply pouncing on an opening we’ve been anticipating for some time. Mind the direction of your thoughts, emotions and intentions at the beginning of the week. You’ll be charging ahead without double-checking them, so make sure you’re happy with their orientation before the games begin.

As much as you may feel you have to go after everything at once, you don’t — and can’t. You can tackle one moment, one lily pad, one battle, one stage at a time. Mars remains in Aries through April 20, and skirmishes, thrusts, passions and forays will be ongoing through then.

After igniting us, the skies give us a few days to accustom to the blaze. The suspended-in-time sensation returns with the void of course Moon that consumes all of Wednesday and most of Thursday, and with a complete absence of celestial activity on Friday afternoon and evening. Stoke your internal fire. Let it build. Daydream about where you’d like it to take you. Ask for guidance on expending it, too.

Enjoy it, because life starts hopping again on Sunday. Mercury stations direct, ending the retrograde motion he’s been in since Feb. 23. He won’t be making forward progress for a few days, but we won’t care. It won’t be a quiet day, and not just because of St. Paddy’s inspiring all manner of carrying on. Thoughts and communications will be energized, profound and unstoppable, no holding back. No telling what you’ll hear, or what’ll fly out of your mouth.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.

Forecast for March 4 – 10, 2013

My 2013 astro-outlook is now available on mp3. 90 minutes, $40.

The foggy, watery atmosphere is with us still. The difference this week: Our marching orders are coming into focus, and so are the past two months. We have one more week of lolling and floating and dog paddling before the revving up the jet ski and zooming across the water.

Focus amid the fog? Yes, it’s paradoxical, but watch for it. It’s coming in several forms, rolling out in an intertwined and organic sequence:

(1) Clarity about yourself and your own mind, likely to bubble up as you start Monday and again on Friday.

(2) Alignment of your thoughts and drive, aka walking your talk, shown by what you gravitate toward on Monday.

(3) Sharpened, primal, magnetic desire (is that a Bat signal in the sky?), along with with (a) a matter of great personal value taking real, tangible form, (b) coming into consciousness about this development and (c) knowing and possibly speaking your heart, midweek.

(4) A heightened drive to push against of off from obstacles, push for stability and yet allow the deep level restructuring that is occurring outside our conscious efforts, all of which both parallel and lead to…

(5) The cosmic red arrow that has been flashing since December finally making sense.

The last action item underlies the week, and may unspool beyond that artificial time frame. It’s coming from an aspect tightening back up that was exact around Christmas and has been reverberating since then. It involves a direct link-up between Saturn, the ruler of structure, and Pluto, the lord of metamorphosis (aka restructuring), which have been traveling in a loose aspect called a Finger of God, pointing right at expansive Jupiter in the communication sign of Gemini. It’s the direction of your future; it’s the foundation of your future; and you’re becoming aware that it is also exactly where you want to go and be.

This week’s tightening up brings a revised structure into being that has a direct connection to December. Something you had an inkling of in December suddenly becomes crystal clear and and real, and a radically different yet supportive platform takes shape. The structure may be conceptual, involving your thinking or beliefs. The structure may be coming into its new form because of a change in thinking or beliefs.

The mind is involved, but it’s not steering this event. It is acting as transmitter and receiver, and a lot of the transmissions are unspoken, telepathic and psychic, or coming through music, movie and TV dialogue and casual conversation. The Finger of God is unleashing a flurry of messages and communications and just plain knowings. Jupiter, at the end of the flashing arrow, is under the rulership of Mercury, which is both in Pisces and retrograde. This combination is stirring behind the scenes, indirect, dream-driven or dream-like information. It’s also moving us around in the water in ways we may not suspect — wrong turns that land us in absolutely the right place, missteps that throw us into the path (or arms) of exactly whom we need to see, technology break downs that prompt new ways of connecting or throw us into information that we needed.

No way human intelligence can game the magic that’s unfolding. Hand over the controls. Follow your hunches, intuition, dreams, gut, inner voice, higher guidance. When in doubt, ask to be guided into the direction and activities that are most beneficial. If something appears to go flooey, ask how it benefits you. Ask for clarity about the cosmic red light. Ask to see clearly where it is pointing. Ask to see what is right under your nose (the answer has been there, likely; you just haven’t been able or yet willing to recognize it.)

This is by no means the end of the story. It’s not the beginning, either; that has already taken place. It is a major plot point, revealing the foundation of your foundation, and your heart has been building it.

More’s in my extended weekly forecast, which includes day to day analyses. For another take on this week’s events, listen to my quickie podcast. Please give it five stars on iTunes! You can also get my podcast as an app for Android and Kindle Fire at Amazon and as an app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod! Apple product info under this week’s podcast.

I have now been making this weekly forecast freely available for four and a half years. Please support it by booking a reading or making a donation via PayPal to Thank you! And thank you to those who have donated — I truly appreciate your gesture.