Forecast for September 11-17, 2017

The fires of August reach our hearts. Desires, relationships, creativity ignite. Heads and hands figure out the how-to while we burn, baby, burn.

Astro-Insight for Sept. 11 – 17, 2017. 6:44 minutes.

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Forecast for the 2016 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

September 1, 2016

2:03 AM PDT / 5:03 AM EDT / 9:03 AM GMT

9 Virgo 21

This year’s Virgo New Moon targets the uncertainty, tentativeness and just plain weirdness that have characterized so much of the year.

None are a match for the wallop of a reset this Moon is activating. It’s bringing clarity, stabilizing and a greater awareness of where exactly this year has been leading.

They come with an air of purifying and simplifying, of inevitability bordering on fatedness, and also a touch of relief. No more floating, wondering and feeling unable to get off center. We’re starting to get somewhere, at last.

The playing out will continue for months, not just weeks. What happens in September alone, though, is enough to take our breath away, not to mention specific people and situations to boot.

Appropriately for Virgo, work is a package deal with these gifts. This New Moon comes with a massive clean-up campaign, mentally, physically and energetically.  The coinciding has a pronounced whiplash effect, jerking attention to various points in the past (from last month to 1997) at the same time it yanks us decidedly forward.

This Moon is a solar eclipse, the characteristic responsible for the massive reset, reboot and power-up we’re undergoing. It’s launching the next to last round of the current eclipse cycle, which began at spring 2015 and continues into March of 2017.  (They hearken back to 1997-98, so themes from that time may be spiraling back for examination and reworking as well.)

This cycle is on the Virgo/Pisces axis, which spans the extremes of worldly existence and unhooking from the physical:  logic vs. faith, intactness vs. immersion, service vs. martyrdom, health vs. addiction, practicality vs. transcendence.

Since September of last year, the first of each of those pairs has called for greater attention, with Jupiter bringing his powers of optimism and expansion to them as he’s traveled through Virgo. He finishes this current tour of duty on the 8th, which makes this New Moon part of the wrap-up and ending of the process of the last 12 months.

Jupiter’s imminent departure is one cause behind the look back, work and clean-up vibe of this New Moon. Another comes from Virgo’s ruler Mercury, god of gab, gadgets and getting around.

Mercury is exactly conjunct with Jupiter, acting in complete unity, at this New Moon. The cosmic messenger has just begun a three-week retrograde through Virgo. His contact with Jupiter — the guy who ups any action he’s around — makes the impulses of the retrograde bigger, bigger, bigger as the two planets move apart.

Their teamwork means that we’ve been through some of this territory before and likely had hints then of what is transpiring now. (Particularly where unhealthy boundaries, habits and situations  are concerned. You already know what they are.)

The double action also adds to the drama and magnitude of what’s unfolding.  And dramatic it is.

Even with the beginnings and cycle-start inherent in a New Moon, any eclipse, even a solar, always entails a blackout and departures. It’s akin to a scene change in a play:  The stage goes dark, the crew moves props and set pieces in and out, and players exit, enter and take new places.

The twist this time is that when the lights go back on, cleaning tools and supplies are on the stage. We’ll be tidying up after the previous act(s) while saying our lines and moving the current action forward.

Despite the clarity and precision of Virgo, we do not know exactly what we’re dealing with, as this New Moon begins. Cracker smoke is filling the stage. Some people are wearing masks. The set is in disarray and confusion.

Go with your instincts. The New Moon is traveling with the North Node of destiny, which is working like a tractor beam guiding us forward, whether we consciously know it or not. Its presence adds to the pervasive irreversible, life-changing, fated quality of all the comings,  goings and developments under this eclipse.

Your instincts are also more reliable than surface evidence just now. Not only are Neptune and his cosmic fog machine opposing the New Moon, but they are also gearing up for the last of three exact squares to Saturn, coming September 10.

The lord of formlessness has been butting heads with the lord of form all year, and their clash has spun off clouds of lies, confusion and weirdness in general that’s put sanity in widespread question. Some of that is infusing the New Moon, and will stay with us (sigh) as the eclipse’s effect stretches into next year.

Take heart, though:  Some of those clouds will in fact clear, or at least begin to die back, this month. Mercury’s retrograde is taking him within spitting distance of the mutable grand cross that suspended us in mid-air in June. His journey is made for big reveals, along the lines of Toto pulling a curtain back and exposing a little man working the controls behind the booming voice and floating head of Oz.

The revelations will take care of themselves. So will the reboots, resets, and refreshings. Resistance is futile. This Virgo eclipse is wielding an insistent cosmic broom that sweeps very clean indeed.

Work with it. God is in the details, and you may be surprised at how a seemingly insignificant one turns out to be a turning point. You’re cleaning, improving and protecting the boundaries for more than you may realize. Including a launch pad that will prove pivotal at the end of the year.


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Forecast for March 21 -27, 2016

This week’s plot twists drive the next three months…the next six months…and the next 19 years. No wonder everything feels so monumental.  Be honest; you’re relieved. And ready to turn your back on staleness. Too many satisfying delights await. Brush off those cobwebs and leap onward.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for March 21 – 27, 2016  (6:06 minutes). And in my astro-overview for 2016.

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for the 2016 Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse

March 8-9, 2016
18 Pisces 55
5:54 PM PST / 8:54 PM EST / 1:54 AM GMT

This year’s Pisces New Moon is a game changing pivot point. No one is merely turning on the ball of the foot and moving ahead in any kind of neat and orderly fashion, though. We are being engulfed by a tidal wave. It’s carrying us to shores we can’t make out clearly and bringing certain people and situations along for the journey while washing others out to sea.

The monumental impact comes from this being the year’s first eclipse. It’s a solar, on the Virgo/Pisces axis, which brings issues of habits, health, service, boundaries and interconnectedness up for revisiting and rebooting. The current cycle is our first recurrence of eclipses from March 1997 through September 1998. Looking back to that time is useful, because themes and issues you are encountering now build on the experiences you had during those years.

We have reached the middle of the current cycle, which began with the Pisces New Moon solar eclipse on the first day of spring 2015 and continues until February 2017. Though solar eclipses always launch — or at least, facilitate — forward motion, they always come with endings and departures, as certain givens and factors leave the scene that don’t jibe with the forward thrust.

Think of it as a set change during a play:  The lights go out, the crew moves scenery in and out, cast members exit and enter, and the lights come up to reveal the next scene’s set up and characters.  In this scenario, though, the lights aren’t coming up to full with any speed. The playing out will occur over months. It’s possible the new parameters may not be entirely clear until fall.

Part of that comes from the potential this event has for overwhelm, particularly for people with the Sun or other major placements in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). With bigger-is-better Jupiter challenging the New Moon and amplifying the North Node (the path of the future), tiny currents quickly escalate into tsunamis. This results in conversations going from present circumstances to platforms for all manner of ghosts and stories and memories and bubblings up from psyches and weird dreams. (Speaking of which, dreams are off the charts because of this. Write them down. A pattern could emerge that cracks a problem for you. Or provides the basis for a screenplay.)

Other people’s problems could also trigger tidal waves. Be on the lookout for energy vampires — or emotional Ninjas, as a friend delightfully put it — who suck you in, usually with how much they need you, then flood your borders and overwhelm your schedule, energy and sanity with their crises. You can’t fix an emotional black hole. You can either tumble into it and lose control of yourself, or reinforce your boundaries, or steer clear altogether. If you find yourself being consumed by someone else’s drama, pain, unsolvable problems, whatever, please hit the pause button. Remind yourself how many times you’ve heard/witnessed/tried to help all this before. Draw a magic circle around yourself and your precious, surprisingly finite energy. Banish anything that’s not yours from the circle. Then reinforce and safeguard it.

The water’s churning, the rolling waves, the pressures and the overwhelm are forcing awareness of and commitment to what is truly yours, especially in terms of what you believe. The New Moon and Jupiter are forming a t-square to Saturn in Sagittarius, a dynamic configuration with multiple effects just now. It’s accelerating and amplifying thoughts, talk and the noise level in general. It’s bombarding us with and drowning us in other people’s opinions, perspectives, prejudices, issues and agendas. (Take periodic breathers from the news and social media. Please.)

And when push comes to shove, when some huge force slams you against the clock and the limits of your energy, you will instinctively know, in an instant, what is most important to you and where you have to claim dominion. (Your inspirational image for this portion of the eclipse energies is the Emperor in the Tarot.) With your own emotional issues cresting and flowing out, your own journey surging into rough magic, you do not have the luxury of wasting time or resources. You are being called upon to take responsibility for what you believe, to bring your beliefs and how you live your life into alignment and to — get ready for a notion that is in alarming short practice — be one of the adults in the room. (Since order-loving Saturn in Sagittarius also represents the legal system, this dynamic is also forcing our political system to move from past ways into a new paradigm. Seen any of that in the news?)

Some of this will come easily; some will encourage thrashing and flailing and indulging in victimhood or martyrdom. Yawn. You’ve grown too much in recent years to allow yourself to regress for long. And fighting the waters only leads to futile grasping, gasping for breath and going under. Trying to make sense of them is about as pointless. A lot of what is surfacing or steering is anything but rational and explicable these days. A lot is just plain bonkers, actually. (Use the Moon card from the Tarot as a guiding image.) Ride the waves as much as you can. Or dive through them, like kids do at the shore.

Some of the departures will be surprising (and the goings, too), some emotional and some bittersweet. All bring, ultimately, relief, balm and healing. This effect is particularly great on pain that has been with you for so long that it is part of the fabric of your being. That comes from the New Moon’s honor guard: Chiron, bringer of healing and mastery of physical existence, and the South Node of the Moon, a mathematical point that represents the behavior we came in with or resort to under stress.

They are drenching us in awareness of our ancient and abiding wounds, as well as the pain of all humanity. The potential is here to soothe and even heal wounds of crippling enmeshment, taking the fall for others, abandonment and the illusion of isolation. (Soundtrack for this portion of the influences:  “You Are Not Alone” from the Stephen Sondheim musical “Into The Woods.”) The way of the future, and the wake of this eclipse, involves healthier, more intact boundaries, attitudes and habits

Embrace and work with this wild process. Actively toss items overboard, fearlessly and lovingly. Communication is already in a gentle, telepathic mode, with Mercury in Pisces and heading for a meeting with Neptune later this week. Venus, ruler of our sociability, will soon be in Pisces herself, making compassionate, tender, downplayed, if sometimes backhanded approaches absolutely organic. Endings don’t have to be nasty; they can be kind and sweet. And endings are all around, thanks to the Libra lunar eclipse coming in two weeks to slam many a relationship chapter shut.

As varied as the activity is now and will be through the fall, one constant runs through it all. Everything points to the way out of the turmoil of the past four years. Replacement foundations, supports and structures have been increasingly coming into view and taking shape. With exact links to the culprits, cosmic change agents Uranus and Pluto, this New Moon has the power to wash away more of the rubble and facilitate the new.

As befits a Moon ruled by the lord of illusion, pertinent navigational advice comes from a movie, “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.” As arecent widow named Evelyn Greenslade (played by Judi Dench) observes a few weeks into her first visit to India, “Initially you’re overwhelmed. But gradually you realize it’s like a wave. Resist, and you’ll be knocked over. Dive into it, and you’ll swim out the other side.”

Learn how this fits into the rest of the year in my astro-overview for 2016.

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© Kathy Biehl 2016. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for 2015 Aries Lunar Eclipse

2015 Aries Lunar Eclipse
September 27-28, 2015
7:50 PM PDT /10:50 PM  EDT / 2:50 AM GMT
4 Aries 40  / 4 Libra 40

That boom you hear? It’s the sound of doors, chapters and entire books slamming shut. A major cycle is ending and it’s not going quietly. The slams aren’t merely expressions of fiery emotion (though those are in the mix). They signal permanent closures, with no reversals, no do-overs and no take-backs.

With this month’s Aries Lunar Eclipse, we are nearing the end of the line in I-vs-You matters that have been churning since late 2013. Whether the flash point is a specific relationship, specific relationship dynamics or patterns, an agreement or the collective social contract (just look at the news lately), what’s igniting now grows out of a lengthy, often heated process that has forced fundamental changes in how we approach relating.

No doom and gloom, please! The eclipse’s location directly on the North Node in Libra — pointing to the future path in how we relate — marks it as a profound turning point for all of us, even if the eclipse touches nothing directly in our personal charts. This eclipse is a companion to the boundary-resetting mandate of the Virgo New Moon of September 12-13. The two together, against the rest of September’s complex energies, mark the gateway into new arrangements with the potential to be more healthy and personally appropriate. (On the collective level, well, we’re in for a long haul of grappling with what we want to be.)

We are ready. We have passed the point of putting up with, making allowances for, discussing, requesting, pleading or negotiating. We’ve even, many of us, moved past fearing what might happen if we speak up. The prospect of not speaking up and staying put is far scarier.

This Moon encourages and in fact requires action. One reason: it’s ruled by Mars, god of war and planet of push, who is brave and self-starting to the point of reckless impulsiveness. Too, the fact that the moon is full is fanning emotional sparks and flames to wildfire levels. The emotional energies roaring through us now — good, bad, anything but indifferent — are motivating to the point of being irresistible.

Adding to the excitement is the high-drama, impassioned, wildcard element of Venus, the ruler of all we value and desire (love, money, beauty, creativity) in a direct current with utterly unpredictable, paradigm-shattering Uranus. This team is delivering surprises and breakthroughs in perspective, opportunity and situations. Some are payoff from or a continuation of late August (around the 20th) when retrograde Venus and Uranus made the same connection.

The sparks flying off this pair scream: “Go, go, go!” Another influence says: “Not so fast.” Mars, the party host, is tangling with Saturn, lord of order and responsibility. Their clash operates as a governor, requiring slow and steady follow-throw on whatever the lightning strikes open. Our attitude shifts in an instant. Moving forward happens incrementally, perhaps even agonizingly so.

As it should be. Rolling out step by step is consistent with the serious, lasting implications of everything that shifts gear now. Even when our lives turn on a dime — when someone leaves, when you snap and boot someone out, when you say, “Enough is enough!” and draw a line in indelible ink, when a door slams shut that you didn’t realize existed, when a friend falls into your arms and you both gasp in realization  — the new conditions and situations will take some time settling in. Letting them develop encourages them to develop solidly and firmly. Many of them will be with us for years to come. Better that the foundations be good and deep, than that we jump on them with an impetuousness that crashes them.

Our emotional readiness for this shift certainly helps. So does our fully reaching a point of neither tolerating any further nor of turning back. The context of this eclipse explains this part of its nature. This weekend’s event is the fifth of six in the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, which began in October 2013 and winds up next March. This cycle has brought back relationship themes from 1995-1997, the last time it was with us. In both the late 90s and the last three years, these themes involved a question of settling.

The last cycle saw people entering into relationships, marriages and agreements thinking they were the best they could do. (Survey your friends; it’s stunning how many marriages from those years no longer exist.) The cycle is playing out differently now. Very differently. That’s because the Aries/Libra eclipses have coincided with the relentless change imperative that has rocked and restructured the very foundations of our lives. These astrological influences have essentially double-teamed us in yanking us out of a lifetime of codependence, projecting all manner of expectation that other people may or may not be able to meet (or even recognize) and expecting other people to complete us.

One of the outgrowths of the cosmic change imperative has been to redirect our attention to our side of each relationship equation. The Aries eclipse especially fires up own end of the experience — acting for and out of our own interests.  It also sees the Sun standing right by Juno in Libra, embodying our new paradigm for committed partnerships (and, for some, the emergence of a committed partner.) We are evolving into standing side by side as mutually supportive companions, rather than leaning on and holding each other back. Keep that in mind as you experience and observe the endings and shifts coming off this eclipse. They will not only occur this weekend, or this month, but roll out into next spring.

If you’d like to watch the eclipse, head to Slooh for live feeds from observatories all over the world, starting at 8 PM on September 27.


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© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for Sept. 14-20, 2015

Weird advisory: Communication and getting around are turning serious, fast, in a dream, a fog or a cloud of bliss. IF that sounds like Mercury going retrograde, you’re right. But that’s not half of it.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Sept. 14-20, 2015 (10:55 minutes).


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© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for 2015 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

September 12-13, 2015
11:41 PM PDT / 2:41 AM EDT / 6:41 AM GMT
20 Virgo 10

The fall’s eclipses bookend the equinox with a massive rebooting of all of our relationship equations. The first blast comes from the Virgo New Moon, a solar eclipse that resets boundaries and habits and impels us toward sane, healthy choices. It points us to the future, while the Aries lunar eclipse to follow slams the door on the past.

Expect this New Moon to pack a wallop. It is escalating impulses to clean house, to reorganize, to redraw borders and to get sober. More than the eclipse status is behind those drives. This is the first time in 12 years that the Moon has been new in Virgo with Jupiter in the sign as well. Jupiter increases everything he touches, and while he is not technically close enough to the New Moon to count, his recent shift in mode is already having an impact that will carry over into the Moon’s influence.

Only a month in the sign of Virgo, Jupiter has already switched the vibe from long, hot summer to back-to-work. Improvement projects are everywhere we look: in the mirror, in our homes and offices, in our schedules and, most importantly, in all our dealings. We’re newly aware of our proximity to other people, and especially their dramas — and we are losing both patience with and willingness to go anywhere near them. (That Facebook meme “Not my monkeys; not my circus” has only begun its invasion of social media. Just watch.)

(Read my article about what Jupiter in Virgo holds for all of us; order my talk and guides for each sign here.)

As a result, we’re already inclined toward this solar eclipse’s mission as it kicks in. We are beyond willing to let go, to ditch behaviors and regimens and to eject anything that no longer feels healthy or safe. With the subtlety of a guillotine if need be. Review work we did this summer has brought us to this point, as taskmaster Saturn allowed one last look at issues of joint resources, reciprocity, return on investment, trust and intimacy that were not adequately dispatched during his time in Scorpio in 2013-2014. As this eclipse takes place, he’s sitting in the last minutes of the final degree of that most extreme sign, a zodiacal location so finely honed it can split a hair simply by moving toward it.

The combined impact is epic in scale and absolutely final. Anything and anyone that leaves now — and there will be departures — is not coming back. Not no way, not no how. Boundaries are moving in tighter and closer; anything that ends up on the far side of the fence is likely to stay there, at a safer, observable distance. As we tidy up our side of the fence, anything and everything is up for cleaning, reorganizing and improvement.

Much of what occurs will involve adjustments growing out of the long term change imperative that has been rocking our world for the past three years or more. This fall we are moving from constant upheaval into a clean-up and reconstruction phase (which will, alas, still come with a component of turmoil). This New Moon flips switches in response to the liberating, individuating Uranian end of the change imperative. (Action on the deep level transformative, Plutonian end comes in October.) Constraining situations that have blown apart, Lone Ranger impulses that have ignited, impulses to be more boldly true to the self — all of these now require some sweeping up, rearranging and, again, redrawing of patterns and boundaries.

With this eclipse closely opposing Chiron, the reboot will also have a decided therapeutic and protective element, breaking tendencies toward enmeshment and distancing us from other people’s wounds, problems and issues. Burden bundles are being restored to their rightful owners. It’s not healthy for you to carry anyone else’s, and it’s not healthy for the bundle owner, either.

As with any solar eclipse, this will play out over months, likely into next spring. Think of it as a set change between acts in a play. The stage goes dark. The crew moves scenery and set pieces off and on. Some characters exit; others appear or are in the wings waiting for their cue. The lights fade up and gradually reveal the set and characters for the next scene.

When you see evidence of a cosmic stage crew at work, don’t expect to be able to undo it. Save your energy for what you can do:  Assess. Clean. Rethink. Reorganize. Make choices to support your health and sanity, in how you treat your body, how you run your schedule, and how you share space with others.


Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe a new broom? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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Forecast for Sept. 7-13, 2015

Moving on! Summer’s wonderings and wanderings are vanishing in a flurry of pounces, tackles and tactical strikes. Blunt truths (not all unwelcome!)  lead up to the weekend’s solar eclipse in Virgo. Fences make good neighbors. Still, you find yourself handing out a few keys to the gate.

Learn more in the Astro-Insight podcast for Sept. 7-13, 2015 (5:49 minutes).

Keep Astro-Insight going. Please contribute a cup of coffee, or maybe a new broom? Make a donation via PayPal to (and replace “AT” with @). Thank you!

© Kathy Biehl 2015. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this article as long as the copyright notice is intact. No part may be used or reprinted without my prior written permission. Karma, ya know.

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